
10 LEGENDARY REASONS TO Take Antakya Hatay Trip

Antakya I can count more than 10 reasons for you to go on a trip to Hatay.. But in this article, I wanted to bring together the best reasons for the Hatay Antakya tour.. Because getting lost in the old Antakya streets made me love the town of Antakya more. When I toured the Hatay Archeology Museum, the world’s largest mosaic museum, I realized how special Antakya is.. Because in this region, there are many firsts and greats about the world and our country.. I’ll list them all below, don’t worry. I will also talk about Saint Pierre Church, Antakya Uzun Çarşı and the famous Haytali, which I was very impressed with.. Suggestions for Hatay places to visit will also be helpful.. Let’s get started right away :

Hatay Why to go to Antakya & Places to Visit in Antakya

First of all, I would like to start by making the following statement in order not to confuse Antakya with Hatay:

Friends Antakya, one of the 15 districts of Hatay. Many in Turkey call the province of Hatay Antakya.

In fact, Antakya is the most important district of Hatay in terms of history and cultural richness.. That’s why I’m gathering together dozens of reasons to go to Antakya.

You will understand this better when you take the Antakya tour.. Because you are witnessing many principles here.. Let me list these firsts below:

The peaceful courtyard of Habibi Neccar Mosque, the first mosque built in Anatolia


  • The first mosque built in Anatolia : Habib-i Neccar
  • The world’s largest mosaic museum : Hatay Archeology Museum
  • The world’s first cave church : Saint Pierre Church
  • The world’s first street illuminated by torches : Kurtuluş Caddesi
  • The first and only plant museum in Turkey : Museum of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  • The world’s first 6 fruit trees : The Tree of Friendship, Brotherhood Tolerance

Other than that, of course, there are many firsts in Hatay.. I want to write them down right below:

  • The world’s largest hand-made tunnel : Titus Tunnel
  • The world’s longest tunnel one of the beaches : Samandag Cevlik Beach
  • Turkey’s only Armenian Village : Vakıflı Village

After these beautiful times, Hatay Antakya Let’s talk about the best reasons to go to the district of Antalya :

Be sure to read all my Hatay articles before you go to Antakya: HATAY

one. Getting Lost in the Streets of Old Antakya

Old Antakya streets are one of the places I love to visit in Hatay.

It is incredibly enjoyable to tour these beautiful streets both day and night.

But now, “where did you go, how did you go?” If you ask, believe me, I can not tell. Because the part where the Old Antakya Houses are located is like a labyrinth.

In fact, only one person can pass through some of its streets.. Do you know what the most beautiful part of these narrow and old streets is?

It offers a cultural accumulation where you can see all the characteristic features of the city together and witness the customs and traditions of the people…

Getting lost in the streets of old Antakya is different both day and night

For this reason, this area is considered a protected area and it is forbidden to make renovations. I mean, these streets are very precious.

I want to tell you about a feature that makes the streets valuable.. Because it caught my attention. Namely:

Normally, you will encounter people living in narrow streets when you leave the house.. But in the streets of Antakya, the doors of the houses do not open directly to the street.

The reason is hidden in a very fine detail: Since home life is a private space, the outer doors are either closed to a dead end street or to a dead end. Connecting to the street by passing through a narrow passage…

So there are not only streets connected to each other here.. There is a story of keeping the culture alive by designing everything in fine detail.

And the most beautiful part; Being able to sit and chat in the authentic designed old Antakya houses cafes, not only during the day but also at night…

I want to be closer to the streets of Antakya at night at Çankaya Mansions. I also recommend you. You can reach many places on foot.

2. Witnessing the Cultural Past of Antakya Uzun Çarşı

After the streets of Antakya, Uzun Çarşı is one of the places where you will spend the most time.

Because as I said in the title, this is one of the places where you can witness the cultural past of Hatay. .

The reason why I said “cultural background”; The fact that different professions have been handed down from generation to generation and brought the bazaar to life so far…

Another element is to be able to see inns, baths and many historical mosques together…


Also, many tradesmen from different religions work in harmony in this bazaar. Some give life to the bazaar with their copper work, some with künefe, and some with the making of laurel soap.

This is why I say don’t go back to the bazaar before you eat künefe, buy laurel soap, and leave yourself to the bazaar if you feel like it.

It feels very good to wander through the cultural history of Antakya Uzun Çarşı

In fact, for your convenience, let me write what you can do in the bazaar:

  • Eating kunefe from the Asi Kunefes inside Kursunlu Han (1 whole, 9 TL)
  • Or eating künefe at the centuries-old Çınaraltı Yusuf Usta (half pistachio 7 TL, half ice cream) 10 TL, full 13 TL.)
  • Tape Kebab special to Hatay at Aydın Butcher (200 grams 18 TL)
  • Or Hatay Paper at Pöç Butcher Eating Kebab (200 grams 18 TL)
  • Buying Hatay’s famous products such as surk, zahter, pomegranate syrup, bay soap
  • Antakya Simidi, which is cooked in big ovens and eaten dipped in thyme and salt’ get it from mak (1,25 TL)
  • Watching the künefe making live, which you can see step by step

Antakya dishes that I wrote above, Hatay Dishes: What to Eat in Hatay I explained much more in my article. Make sure to read it.

By the way, since I went in February, the bazaar was quiet, but the shopkeepers say that it is incredibly crowded in the summer months, so keep in mind.

3. Tasting Hatay Tray Kebab and Kagit Kebab

I can say that I went to Hatay with excitement for the food as well as the places to visit.. Why?

Because in 2017, it was named 26 by UNESCO. This is a city that has opened its flavors to the world by taking the title of Gastronomy City.

In 2016, our Gaziantep city was declared a gastronomy city. I think both of them deserve this title with their hundreds of different dishes.

One of these delicious delicacies is the tray and paper kebab, which you can taste while walking around Uzun Çarşı…

The good thing is that you are going to the town, not to the restaurant, to eat these kebabs. Yes, there is a wonderful tradition in Hatay called the butcher culture.. It’s like :

You go to the town and order what you want to eat.. The masters prepare your order right there, send it to the oven and have it cooked.

Paper Kebab and appetizers of Pöç Butcher and Kebab Shop

Of course, don’t think of the environment as just a tiny butcher.. Since this tradition is very common in Hatay, the butchers have expanded their places and turned them into shabby places.

As a lover of shabby places, I loved this situation.. While you are eating your meal, the sounds coming from Uzun Çarşı, the butcher’s preparation of your meat and sending the tray to the oven are very traditional.

By the way, tray kebabs and paper kebabs are the most common in such places. preferred. The difference between them is that the tray kebab is with sauce and the paper kebab is without sauce.

I suggest that those who say “I just want to taste the meat” should prefer paper kebab, and those who say “no sauce” should prefer tray kebab.. But both are light and delicious.

Let’s see where you can eat these delicious delicacies.. Since I ate both flavors in Antakya Uzun Çarşı, I will only make 2 suggestions:

  • Aydin Butcher : Tray Kebab (200 grams 18 TL)
  • Pöç Butcher: Paper Kebab (200 grams 18 TL, appetizers individually 10 TL)

Aside from the paper kebab and tray kebab, another legendary taste is available in the following items: i will tell. But first, let’s talk about Hatay’s religious brotherhood :

4. Fitting the Bell and the Minaret in the Same Square in Hatay

One of the things I was most impressed with in Hatay was the fraternal coexistence of all religions for years.

And I encountered many situations that set an example for this.. For example, let me talk about a beauty that I came across in Antakya:

While walking on Kurtulus Avenue, I saw Sarimiye Mosque and the Turkish Catholic Church at the bottom of a street that leads down to the bazaar.

A shopkeeper who saw that I was trying to photograph this image said that I could take a better photo from the terrace of the church and directed me to the church.

The magnificent photograph of the Antakya Turkish Catholic Church and Sarımiye Mosque in a single frame

When I went to the terrace of the church, I encountered a truly magnificent view.. Habib-i Neccar Mountain at the back and the view of the bell and minaret adorning its front…

This is officially a summary of Hatay culture… And this religious brotherhood that fits in one frame, I think it should be an example not only to Turkey but to the world.

By the way, if you were to visit the church and photograph this beautiful view from its terrace, I will write the hours of the church below:

Antakya Turkish Catholic Church Opening-Closing Hours :

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