
10 Natural Wonders Not Yet Discovered in Europe

Everyone knows that there are some pretty beautiful and natural landscapes in Europe, with everything from the Mediterranean paradise islands to fairytale forests and epic mountain scenery; but there is no doubt that there are many natural miracles in this geography that you have never heard of.. Here is a list of the best little-known natural wonders in the continent of Europe.

Bornholm, Denmark

Bornholm, a Danish island in the south of the Baltic Sea in Sweden, boasts wonderful beaches with white sand.. In addition, Napoleon’s hourglasses were made from the beach sands on this island.. If you get the chance, you should definitely see the island of Bornholm.

Las Médulas, Spain

The unusual shape of Las Médulas in Spain is the result of mining techniques used here by the Ancient Romans to get gold from the mountains.. With its interesting structure, Las Medulas deserves to be among the most beautiful natural wonders of Europe.. Again, I can’t help but say it’s not a Cappadocia.

Alentejo, Portugal

If the Algarve is Portugal’s most famous coastline, Alentejo is a wonderful place with epic beaches home to millions of cork trees.. But this beautiful place goes unnoticed by tourists despite its stunning and impressive villages. With this feature, it manages to become one of the yet undiscovered places in Europe.

Mullerthal Region, Luxembourg

The Mullerthal region of Luxembourg, called “Little Switzerland”, is surrounded by a picturesque mountainous landscape and charming villages. It is also characterized by astonishing rock formations and is one of the sights in Europe..

Lake Bled, Slovenia

Looking like fairy tales told in books, Lake Bled has become a symbol of Slovenia.. The natural scenery around is almost enchanting.. In the middle of Lake Bled there is also a small island with its Church.. Hop aboard a local gondola or pletna (they’s own small boats) and take a cruise down to the water in this fascinating place.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Approximately, brought together by waterfalls that fall just below you. An incredible network of 16 lakes, the Plitvice Lakes are one of nature’s most incredible wonders. There is also a diverse habitat here, home to many plant species and wildlife such as brown bears, wild cats and eagles.. If you’re going to Croatia, I suggest you don’t return without seeing this place.

Svalbard, Norway

The so-called Svalbard, a group of rugged islands located between Norway and the North Pole, is one of the northernmost inhabited places in the world.. Most of the islands are made up of glaciers and fjords and are home to Arctic foxes, polar bears and reindeer.. It may not be a good option if you like hot countries like me and don’t like cold..

Järvi-Suomi, Finland

Also known as “Finland Lakeland”, this region of Finland is home to 55,000 lakes, including Lake Simaa, Europe’s fifth largest lake doing. Imagine how impressive it can be.

Seven Rila Lakes, Bulgaria

The Seven Rila Lakes region, the remnants of the glaciers that once covered this region of Bulgaria, is one of the most striking natural sights in Bulgaria. is one. Each of the seven lakes is at a lower altitude than the previous one and is connected by small cascading flows, but some bad weather and storms are taking a toll on these lakes.. If you want to observe this place in bad weather, you may encounter different scene conditions.

Brimham Rocks, England

England (Not a member of the European Union does not mean that it is not in Europe). You won’t believe your eyes when you see the incredible formations in Brimham Rocks in Yorkshire. You may be astounded by the astonishing shapes that centuries of water and wind erosion have left in this National Trust site.. With this feature, this place deserves to be among the places waiting to be discovered in Europe..

Do you have any favorite places in Europe? If you have, if you write to me as a comment, we will learn together.

European natural wonders

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