
10 Reasons to Visit Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia, neighboring Kazakhstan in the north, Tajikistan in the south, Uzbekistan in the west, and China in the east, is perhaps the Turkic Republic, which is geographically the furthest away from Turkey.. However, even if we do not go or not, there is a village far away, as in the song “This village is our village, Kyrgyzstan, as a Turkish state, invites us, its brothers.” Before , I had the opportunity to obtain various information about Kyrgyzstan tourism.. Frankly, I did not know that there were so many reasons to go to the ancestral land of Kyrgyzstan.. Kyrgyzstan’s places to visit and see, food, mountains and history offer you Kyrgyzstan vacation offers numerous reasons for. Here I will only list 10 reasons to go to Kyrgyzstan with you.. Now it’s up to you to find the rest.

Visa-Free Travel Opportunity

First of all, we Turks don’t like dealing with visa issues.. When it comes to brother Kyrgyzstan, they tell us that this is your home too, you don’t need a visa.. A Turkish tourist can spend 30 days in Kyrgyzstan without a visa.. You only need to register with the government office within the first 5 days of entering the country.. The country applies visa exemption to only 44 countries in the world.

The Temple of Mountaineers

Tanyan Mountains They make up 65 percent of Kyrgyzstan. That’s why the country is called “Switzerland of Central Asia“. In addition, in the Soviet era, the person who climbed 5 hills was given the title of Snow Leopard.. Three of these 5 summits are located in Kyrgyzstan. These are the Ceniş, Lenin and Khan Tengri Summits.. All of these peaks are over 7,000 meters.. At an altitude of 7010 meters, Khan Tengri is the third highest point in Kyrgyzstan.. One of the most popular mountaineering spots in the world offers you 25 different climbing routes.

After the Tian Shan, another important mountain of the country is the Pamir Mountains.. Kyrgyzstan is one of the most important centers in the world, especially for professional mountaineers.

The Virgin Nature of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is like a country of untouched nature.. It is possible to come across many mountain lakes, streams originating from glaciers, and rare plants and animals in the country.. 2 of the world’s largest. Işık Lake, which is a mountain lake, is also known as the “Eye of the World”.. Kökemeran river is an ideal address for adrenaline lovers. The Edelweiss flower, which is under protection in Europe, is abundant here.. Aslanbob natural walnut forests are the largest in the world. It is said that Alexander the Great took walnuts to Greece while passing here.

When there are plenty of mountains in the country, naturally there are many valleys.. The most famous of these valleys is the Ala Archa Valley.. You can walk from one end to the other in 15 days.. Another famous valley is Karakol Valley, located in the Işık Lake region.

Seeing the Places Where Turks Meet with Islam

The meeting of Turks with Islam begins in the territory of Kyrgyzstan.. In 751, the Loot and Karluk Turks fought against the Chinese in Talas (today’s Kyrgyzstan) by uniting with the Arabs.. This war prevents the Chineseization of Central Asia and ensures the spread of Islam in the region.. Again, the capital of the Karakhanids, the First Turkish Islamic State, Balasagun is located on the territory of Kyrgyzstan.. Again, many Turkish-Islamic scholars were trained and produced in this region.. Among these, the first thing that comes to mind is Yusuf Has Hacib. Kutadgu Bilig policy written by him is one of the most important sources of Turkish language and literature today.. Again, Burana Minaret is the first Turkish-Islamic minaret.

Reasonable Prices

The recent depreciation of the Turkish Lira against many foreign currencies has prompted us to seek more economical places. stings. Kyrgyzstan is a very suitable country in this respect.. The currency of the country is Kyrgyzstan som. 1 TL makes 18.9 Som. 1 Dollar is 69.4 Som.. For example, a portion of shashlik can come to ridiculous prices such as 4 TL with Turkish money.. The only problem here is plane tickets.. The rest is really cheaper than water.

Shaman Traditions

Turkish tourists have been showing a lot of interest in old shaman traditions lately.. A Shaman Village in Kaz Mountains: Tahtakuşlar Village, which I wrote about on this subject before, attracted a lot of attention.. It is believed that shamans are spiritual people who communicate with spirits.

As in many Turkic Republics, it is possible to experience shamanic culture in Kyrgyzstan.. The magicians, who fortune-telling with stones and bones in the country, can be the focus of attention, especially for female tourists.. Again, Atalar Culture and Manas Ata’s visit draw attention as things to do in Kyrgyzstan in this context.. Snow leopard, mountain goat and marco polo sheep are seen as totem animals in the country.

Experience of Nomadic Culture in Kyrgyzstan

Even though we Turks define ourselves as nomads, we live in Kyrgyzstan. you have the opportunity to see this nomadism much more closely.. Because the Kyrgyz still try to preserve their nomadic traditions.. During the summer, many families take their flocks and migrate to the meadows in the mountains.

The second World Nomad Games, which was held for the first time in 2014, was also held in Kyrgyzstan in 2016.. Even the famous actor Steven Seagal watched the games, which were attended by many countries of the world.. These games mostly take place on horseback.. Riding a horse in Kyrgyzstan is like riding a bicycle. They integrate with the horse so much that the horse becomes a part of their body.. I’m talking about a people who can ride horses at the level of using horses as a stepping stone to watch something they cannot see.

The Epic of Manas

The Epic of Manas we read in schools is actually the National Epic of the Kyrgyz. is epic. Subject BC. Set in 995 and chronicles Manas’ struggle for independence against the Chinese. The epic has been carried to this day by bards called manasci for years.. It is said that some of these poets were able to go into a trance and sing manas for days.. The life of Sayakbay Karalayev, who lived in the 1900s, one of these manasists, will soon be brought to the big screen.. It is said that he was able to read manas for 4 days. It continues to be remembered in Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyz Cuisine

Meat plays the leading role in Kyrgyz cuisine with the influence of nomadic culture. If you are a carnivore like me, Kyrgyzstan is for you.. In addition, Kyrgyz cuisine is ideal for Turks abroad who are sensitive to halal meat.. The most famous dish of the country’s cuisine is Beşparmak (fivefinger). This dish, which is prepared with mutton, wheat and noodles, is named five fingers because it is eaten by hand. Horses have a very important place in the country.. In Kyrgyzstan, horse milk (kumis) is the national drink.

Ancient History and Cultural Heritage

The Saymalu Taş area, which contains around 9 thousand rock paintings, is the largest open space in Central Asia. aerial petroglyph gallery. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage tentative list. Mount Suleiman, visited by 336 out of 124,000 prophets, and the first Turkish Islamic Minaret Burana are also among the country’s important historical heritage sites that are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Dungan Mosque with its interesting architecture, the famous Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 15. Taş Rabat Caravanserai, 12th century. The Üzgen Minaret, dating from the 16th century, is one of the first places to see in Kyrgyzstan.

Note: The photos are taken from the official tourism promotion pages of Kyrgyzstan.

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