
12 Golden Tips for First-Time Campers

You who want to camp but can’t find the courage, yes yes I sat down and prepared golden advice for you to get this courage. How about you have a look.
Camping has become very popular lately.. There is a phrase called camp culture.. Do you have a camping culture? Your family, friends or even you may not have a camping culture or experience.. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Do not give up even if no one around you is warm to this idea and you can’t find someone to go to.. Those who want to spend time in nature, do sports or seek peace, let’s take you to our article..

Don’t Go Alone;

Okay, I know nothing will happen to you, even bears are afraid of you, but you still don’t go to your first camp alone.. Look, I don’t insist that you go with someone who has camping experience.. Maybe you are too enthusiastic and there are no people camping around you.. What will you do, will you be deprived of this pleasure until you find someone camping?. Of course not, you will read this article I prepared for you and enter the mind of a friend and have your first camping experience.. I will offer another alternative suggestion, you can also participate in camping activities.. You will even expand your camp circle by making new friends at the events.. Who knows, maybe you will do your next camps with the friends you met at the camp event.

Make a Good Decision Where to Camp;

Choose your camping site according to what you want to do at the camp and the time you will spend in the camp.. If you say you will spend a night and come back, it will not make much sense to go to distant places.. Most of your time will be wasted on the way.. However, you were going to get away from your stress in nature, right, what is the need to take long roads for two days now?. Also, be careful not to choose very deserted places.. Knowing that you are not alone will increase your courage. Then don’t say it’s too deserted and try to get up at night..

Make sure to check the weather;

Don’t forget the possibility of rain, even in summer. Start checking the weather a few days in advance and set off accordingly.. Likewise, consider windy weather, ie rule out any weather conditions that may cause you difficulties.. Go in a beautiful and clear weather so that weather conditions such as rain, mud and wind do not spoil your taste.. Do not forget the possibility of watching the stars even if the weather is cloudless.

Prefer Hot Summer Months or Spring Months;

Camping in winter will be very difficult for a first-time camper.. You need to minimize the questions that will arise in your mind, such as which tent to take, which sleeping bag will warm better, will I be cold, will it rain?. The more these questions pile up, the stronger your chance of withdrawal will be.. That’s why I suggest you have your first camping experience in warm weather.

Don’t Leave Food Around the Tent Before Bedtime;

You’ve had your dinner, now you’re going to pack up the leftovers and go to bed. Do not put leftover food or garbage around the tent.. Scents from leftovers can whet the appetite of nature’s original owners. Therefore, put it in a bag and hang it on the branch of a tree, not next to the tent.

Keep your tent’s zipper closed;

Take care to keep the zipper closed from the moment you set up your tent.. Don’t leave it open unless you need it, will you buy stuff from inside and close it again?. Otherwise, insects and flies may enter your tent to be guests without you seeing them.. Take your timely precautions so that you don’t witness this situation at night.. After all, we are in nature, we are at their home, these are of course possible situations.

Clean the Tent Place;

Clean the place where you will set up your tent thoroughly. If you do not clean the stones or branches, it will sink into your back when you lie down.. Before you set up the tent, it is best to clean the ground and set up your tent in daylight if possible.

Get First Aid Supplies;

You are not at home, after all, you are in nature, you may not be able to find first aid supplies when something happens to you.. It is also useful to prepare a small set for this.. All of them are materials that will take up little space anyway, zip them to one side of your bag.. See how materials such as Band-Aids, tinctures, pain relievers, gauze will save lives.

Take Your Essential Needs with You;

If you have medicines that you use regularly, do not forget to take them with you.. In short, don’t forget your essentials.

Do not leave without shopping;

Be sure to consider the possibility that there is no market in the place you go to, and do your shopping and go.. But don’t overdo it just because we’ll eat this and that too.. You took more food than your load.. Yes, people’s appetite in nature increases, you are right, but still calculate your meals correctly and take them accordingly.. Don’t be a porter for nothing, right?

Have Insecticide;

Those who are sensitive to flies can consider this option more.. Some people are very impressed, and some do not bother much.. That’s why we wanted to consider this suggestion as well.. The smell of food can attract flies. They will inconvenience you either by being placed on your food or by being placed on you.. A small bottle of insecticide with which you can give a trigger or two will eliminate this problem.. We don’t want your first camp to be poisoned by mosquito bites.

Get Spare and Thick Clothes;

We recommended you to camp in hot weather, but we still recommend taking precautions.. Consider the possibility of cool air in the evenings in the natural environment. Make sure you have a cardigan, jacket, shawl or a small blanket with you..

advice for first time campers camping advice camping
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