
15 Interesting Facts About South Korea

Before I went to South Korea, I had incredible questions.. I spent months researching South Korea. I have read hundreds of pages by scrutinizing both Turkish blogs and foreign sources.. I followed the routes of Seoul (Seoul Travel Guide), Gyeongju (Gyeonju Travel Guide) and Busan (Busan Travel Guide) during my 10-day South Korea tour. I was very happy to see how much South Koreans love us, how respectful and warm-blooded people they are.. That’s why, according to my own experiences and my eyes, I start to tell what I know about South Korea…

With its society and the country’s unique characteristics, South Korea is much more than expected as our stop before Japan. gave more. But South Korea had such interesting and impressive features that I said, “When I come back, I will explain them all, maybe it will help those who will go.”. So now I’m going to be telling you 15 different and interesting facts about South Korea that I think are different.. Why is South Korea different?

But if you want, first of all, I would say watch the clip that we compiled from the videos we shot in South Korea and Japan.. Sometimes watching can be more impressive than reading.. I wish you to be deeply impressed and delusional.. For all the videos, you can check my account on Youtube/dream.

15 Interesting Facts About South Korea

Anapji Pound-Gyeongju

1- To the fastest internet speed in the world is the country that has. 2nd. 40% faster than the next Japan’s internet speed. You realize this when you go to Seoul.. If you’re thinking of downloading stuff from the internet, save it to South Korea !

2- The buildings are numbered in order of building age. So building 1 is the oldest building on the street.. There is no rule that it will be number 2 next to it.. So finding an address can be a problem.. Just like we search for addresses for hours, you may have a hard time.. That’s why I say save the address on the GPS before you go.

I explained how I stayed abroad economically, how I rented hotels-hostels and houses cheaply, in my “Economic hotel search engines” article, line by line.. I definitely recommend you to take a look.

3-Military service is 2 years. While studying at the university, they can freeze the university, go to the military and continue school again.. While you are visiting the cities, you will see many Korean youth in their 20s in their military uniforms on the streets.

Busan-United Nations Memorial Cemetery

4-They are crazy about aesthetics. Especially there are a lot of Koreans who make their eyes bigger. Women love to have double eyelids done. It is quite popular. Anyway, the most well-groomed and well-dressed women I’ve ever seen were in South Korea.. I learned later. Fashion is a must for them !

5- A newborn baby is considered 1 year old. So they are born like 1 year older than us. So never get into arguments or persuasion about age.. You can’t get along !

Our South Korean Brothers

6-It is forbidden to find out the sex of the child before birth. Because in South Korea, when there are no boys, abortion events are common.. Actually, this was common before, but the state still continues to enforce this ban.

7- Some Koreans also have an unofficial English name.. They also love the USA very much.. And the war with North Korea and the rescue and leadership of the USA have a great share in this.. Everyone speaks English and they follow the world very closely.

A Classic South Korean Woman

8- One of the countries with the highest suicide rate. 27.3 out of every 100,000 people committed suicide in 2014. So you see, money doesn’t bring happiness !

9- They can eat anything when it comes to food. It doesn’t matter if it’s alive or dead. In fact, eating live octopus has become very popular in recent years.. The reason is that it is both healthy and increases adrenaline.. They say so. But more than 20 Koreans drown each year just by eating live octopus.

Live Octopuses : Information About South Korea

10- Respect for the elderly is eternal. No one sits in the section reserved for the elderly in the subways.. even if it’s empty. Among the countries I have seen, it is one of the countries that respect the elderly.

Seoul Subway

11- I phone is pretty common. “They just use Samsung or LG.” his word is a lie. They live intertwined with technology. They never drop their phones from their hands. I don’t know how many G internet speeds are available even in the subways of E men…

12- 90% of old aunts have very short hair. even blunt hair. You will see this in all subways, streets, shopping centers, in short, everywhere.. And they all look alike. I still can’t distinguish the people of these nations !

Bluff Hair Among Aunts Fashion-No One Sit In The Seats For The Elderly

13- Tattoos are prohibited in South Korea. But they still continue to get tattoos in secret.. It is especially fashionable to have a “cat” tattoo. The more forbidden, the sweeter!. I definitely recommend you to read it.

14- The number 4 is not used in most places.. Because it is believed to evoke death.. You can’t see it in apartments, elevators or even queue numbers.. Both South Koreans and Japanese are very fond of such superstitions.

Giant Crabs

15- The longest subway in the world in terms of circumferential length is the subway in Seoul. We are talking about a giant network of 520 km long with 397 stations.. Let’s say millet to ourselves !!!

Seoul Subway

Different South Korea. Neither China nor Japan. So far from Earth, yet so close. These societies, which we call “slanted-eyed men”, are at least 20 years ahead of us.. They are our “Teachers” who have a lot to learn in terms of education, economy and technology.. It is a clean country with very beautiful people that everyone should see once in their lifetime.

Bongeunsa-Seoul : All about South Korea


If you’re going to South Korea, I suggest you start with my “South Korea Travel Guide” first.. In this article, I first talked about both the country and the routes I followed.. Then you can read my articles about the cities of “Seoul”, “Gyeongju” and “Busan” one by one.

I wish you to reach your dreams one day in South Korea, which is far from us but also so close…

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