
5 Places That Leave One’s Mouth Opening in Ordu

The army does not stop counting places to visit, but there are 5 places among them that are astonishing enough to leave one’s mouth open.

Places to Visit in the Army

1- Yason Its Cape

Imagine a lush green headland, with a lighthouse at its tip, waves crashing from right to left, and a historic church and sporadic tents on the nose.. The church and the cape are named after the intersection of two mythological stories.. I read it twice to understand, and I had Enis tell it once.. The thing is, there’s a king who has two daughters and these girls have a stepmother. The stepmother is always bad in the stories, she plans a prank to get rid of these girls and sends them to the mountain to be killed.. Just when he is going to be killed, his mother sends a golden ram from heaven and the girls get on it and start flying towards Asia.. One falls over Çanakkale and dies, the other arrives safely.. Because this girl was safe, she sacrificed the ram in the name of Zeus and gave her golden fleece to the king of the Laz.. The first story is over, I’m coming to the second. In the second, years after this story, the guy named Yason decides to seize the golden fleece that the dragon is protecting due to a complicated matter.. Builds a team, hits the road. It is rumored that one of the places where this Jason stayed on this road is the Cape of Yason.. That’s why the name Yason was given here.. Why I tried to understand such a complicated chain of events, believe me, I don’t know either.

2- Rusumat 4

He talks about a ship named Rüsumat 4 under a statue on the Ordu beach that you wouldn’t normally read when you pass by. I discovered this thanks to my friend from Ordu, Enis (Canavarkesifte), who loves to read and research.. According to the text, the ship named Rüsumat 4 was sunk during the War of Independence to prevent it from falling into the hands of the British, then it was pulled out of the water and refloated and used to carry ammunition.. It is astonishing that such a thing was done with the technology of that period.. Even in today’s conditions, such a process can be carried out with great difficulty, in addition to costing great expenses.. I know from close sources who are interested in maritime affairs Removing the ship in a difficult time like the War of Independence and when resources are scarce deserves appreciation.

3- Ünye Municipality Museum House

Ünye Municipality With a good leadership, he restored the mansion called Captain’s House and turned it into a living museum.. What is this living museum? When you enter this museum, a folklorist greets you by playing the games of our childhood.. Then it accompanies you as you tour the entire museum.. Explaining what it is and how it is used. Not like a classic guide, but. Tells by asking questions and making word games.. You have the opportunity to enter every room of the museum and touch everything.. No one is telling you to take care, don’t do it. Of course, you still need to be careful with antiques.

4- Taşbaşı Church

Photo: Zafer Çakırtaş


The church is closed to visitors, but the event is not in the church, but in the sculptures in its garden.. The municipality decided that these statues in the city did not comply with our moral criteria and decided to remove them.. As a statement, they said, “We show all kinds of sensitivity towards art and artists, but let us use our discretion in this way regarding these sculptures, which do not suit our national and moral feelings and do not suit the general values ​​of the society in terms of size, and do not suit our city.”. Here, instead of breaking the statues, they carried them to the churchyard.. Source : milliyet


I do not say that I have seen many plateaus, but Aybastı Plateau was the greenest among the plateaus I have seen.. This plateau, which is almost like a Windows background, gets its beauty from both its greenery and meanders.

Bonus: Its Weather

For İzmir, you can’t always trust the weather, but Ordu is such a great place, my friend.. We came from İzmir so that we would be cool. The first two days were 30 degrees, we were scorched.. We also carried long sleeves in the bag.. 3. I said the day is enough, I can’t carry something with me. The weather suddenly turned cold, I shivered as if I had entered a cold storage room..

To the Governor of Ordu for his hospitality, to Enis, who did not spare his knowledge about the Army, to Gökhan, who took care of my food problems throughout the trip, and to his friendship throughout the tour. Thanks to all the beautiful people..

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