
8 Ridiculous Situations That Make Air Travel Constricted and Their Solutions

It is obvious that long-term flight journeys are not particularly enjoyable.. It shouldn’t be considered strange that we don’t like a situation where you can’t get out for hours, most likely your butt will go numb in half an hour in every sleeping position, even going to the toilet is a problem, and your liquid consumption is directly related to someone else.. This being the case, if other problems that develop completely beyond our control are added to it, the journey can become quite unbearable.. For this reason, we have listed the situations that make air travel tight for you and the solutions that are not unreasonable but have been tested and proven to work.. Let’s get through these ridiculous situations together.

1. Talkative Aunt/Uncle Sitting Next To You

It doesn’t matter if it’s a bus, a plane, an overly talkative aunt doesn’t forgive, she talks, she talks, she talks. He can tell about his grandchild, his daughter-in-law or the garden of his summer residence in Silivri.. He may try to make you his son who lives in Germany, or he may see talking to you about the subject as an alternative solution to his rheumatism.. Ok aunty, you’re cute, you’re fine, you’re nice, but you won’t let us put on our headphones and immerse ourselves in our book during the whole trip, will you turn every attempt to sleep into a strange pang of conscience?

We know that you too have met “that aunt” at least once.. Likewise, you don’t want to offend that aunt.. Don’t worry, we are here, we will get through this process together.

Solution: Even though one of the easiest solutions to this job is to put on your earphones and sleeping glasses as you get on the plane, you can use them to resist determined aunts. you have to shoot with their own weapons; Unleash your maternal feelings! Making a few impressions to indicate that you are sick under a 3-5 minute conversation will allow your aunt to at least leave you to sleep and rest.. Tested, approved.

2nd The Talkative Foreign Passenger Problem and Our Test with the Past Perfect Tense

Here are the scary moments another type of passenger that keeps us alive. We know that planes taste like a giant Benetton set that brings us face to face with people of all nationalities, but this does not mean that we will return a German, French and Turkish conversation like the Temel joke.. Especially those of us who have trouble speaking English, those of us who turn to the conversation of the girls in This Style is Mine, or would we put “has” before “gone”? For those of us who log in to their account, this job turns into a very painful process.. Not all of us will speak English, my dear! Wow, if the other person’s native language is English, if you have come across someone whose native language is not English, like accents and accents, your chance of understanding will decrease by 20%! Okay, we’re very nervous, but we’ll get through it together.

Solution: The solution to this is clear, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Jack, John or Pierre, you won’t give any leverage.. Well? I mean, once you answer, it’s not the end of it.. What are we doing then? We smile at everything he says, we throw meaningless glances, even if we understand what he says, we reply with a few Turkish sentences if necessary.. Don’t worry, they give up easily

3. The One Who Reclines His Seat at Every Opportunity

You got on the plane, took your seat, you will either take a nap and wait for your meal; you will either read your book or get caught up in one of the movies in front of you.. But 3 minutes before you get on, the person in front of you tilts his seat back and puts it in your mouth! This issue, which can turn into a very frustrating situation especially if you are tall, can drive the man crazy because the person in front of you has the right to do this and you don’t have much to say.

Solution: This we have a two-level solution for the job and a uglier solution. Your first option is to SPIN. Namely; If the take-off has not taken place yet, the stewardess asked, “Don’t we have to have upright seats when we take off?” By making a suggestive statement, you can both make your voice heard to the person in front, draw the attention of the hostess to the subject and, if possible, question your possibility of sitting in a highland seat by the emergency exit.. Here’s our ugly solution: rocking the seat of the person in front of you with minor leg/knee blows, as if out of your control, in such a way that you can’t fit in the back. The goal is to create an image of “my legs don’t fit here”. We told you it was ugly.

4. GHS- Nervous Stewardess Syndrome

GHS, which is one of the plane problems that scares us the most, can lead you to all kinds of nervous breakdowns, especially on long journeys, and can turn into a big problem.. You must have known those nervous hostesses who make faces at you every time you ask for water, act as if you have cursed her mother because you asked for a pillow, and act as if they have come after 8 km because you called them.. Nothing to do, you have to take that flight with that stewardess. Then let’s see what ridiculous ways you can get around this.

Solution: We have two solutions for this job.. The first is to identify a more sympathetic looking stewardess to assist you and show her neediness “I’m a nice person and I just want to drink 1 glass of water” with all sorts of funny jokes.. (Sometimes, even pitying yourself by giving the impression of being sick can work) Secondly, the evil stewardess is insistent without getting bored by setting a flight challenge.. This is our recommendation, as the former is a bit safer and less frustrating.. Of course, you can also use the technique of “Throw 1-2 bottles of water in your bag and you won’t need anyone else” that we do for each flight.

5. Bad Airplane Meal and The Hunger Games

The dreaded ‘bad plane meal’ of the stomach-hungry is a problem you may encounter when using many airlines. It is very likely that it has dried up because it was heated afterwards, all the dishes are a little bit mixed together, or “Here you go, it’s a sandwich that will be finished in 2 bites, we think you will definitely be satisfied with it!” You will encounter meals of ridiculous sizes.. Well, we know you, when you are not satisfied, you will be ashamed to ask for the second one.. So let the hunger games begin. And without Jennifer Lawrence.

Solution: As you can imagine, the simplest way to solve this problem is to throw your favorite snack, sandwich-like things in your bag and consume them when you’re in trouble.. As another alternative, take a look at the “special meal” options that many airlines offer at check-in.. These are usually diet, gluten free etc.. they happen in health-related categories, but there are still many options available. We do not say that you will be treated like kings, but at least you can experience the peace of riding by knowing what to eat and choosing something you like.

6. Incessantly Crying Babies, Our Babies…

The biggest problem that turns an ordinary flight into Jack Nicholson mode in The Shining and which has no technical solution: Crying Babies. Before boarding the plane, when you see him in the waiting area, this situation, which started with the fear of “Please don’t sit near me” and then took its worst form when they ended up next to you, is literally the enemy.. If you sleep, you can’t sleep, if you shut up, you can’t shut up, if you say anything to your family, everyone will turn against you.. Even those who are dissatisfied with this situation have to throw sweet, affectionate glances that will create the feeling of “the moon is the sweetest child, oh what a little baby” every time they meet their family’s eyes.

Solution: Sorry, this is not the case. there is no way to fully terminate the job. However, an earplug you will buy before the flight or your music you will listen to the last sound will be your biggest savior here.. Get well soon.

7. Aircraft Vents That Make You Feel Like You’re Flying in the Refrigerator

It’s not strange to be on a plane with your flip-flops, shorts and tourist hat on, especially if you’re flying to a hot spot. However, there may be a small detail you forgot to consider at this point: Deadly cold air vents.. The fact that you will be frozen for 8 hours, “wouldn’t this make me sick?” panic, even if you turn off the whistling of the ventilation on you, an environment such as an icebox that does not heat up is quite enough to get on your nerves.

Solution: Of course, throw something you can wear in your bag and if possible, shorts etc.. instead of clothes, wear something that is not too thick but can prevent you from freezing. If it is too late to do these things, there is definitely something like a fleece/blanket on the plane, you can ask.

8. Passengers who think their arm rest is their father’s place

While it is not very pleasant to fly for a long time with a person you do not know, things can get ugly when they use the place where you put your arm as their father’s place and leave you no choice.. Although these brothers/sisters sprawled out like they’re sitting in the living room of their house, they’re number one in callousness and annoying, they haven’t met us yet.. THAT ARM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THERE.

Solution: If that’s the case, a little sneakiness won’t hurt.. First step, you will be awake! By waiting for the moment when the hostess is handing dinner, taking off her shoes, falling asleep, you can snatch that place never to leave again.. If you want to be a little more daring, you can express it with your body language with small elbow touches, instead of saying “pull your arm”.

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