
Answers to 4 Questions About Off-Grid Living with Tiny House

Recently, awareness of the Tiny house movement has started to increase in our country. One of the most important details to be decided before owning a tiny house is whether your house will be connected to the grid or not.

Since I have one-on-one conversations with many people in our country who are living in tiny houses, I can say that most people want their small houses to be independent of the network and they are doing research on this.. You can move freely with a tiny house that doesn’t need to be tied anywhere..

Small house enthusiasts have some important questions about not being connected to the grid. I have compiled 4 of them for you.. Here are the answers to the top four questions about living off-grid with a small house.

Question 1: Solar Energy Can I Power My Whole House With?

Yes, you can! The solar industry is making new advances in solar technology every year, making it easier to power your home from solar energy. Today, there are highly efficient solar panels, there is no reason why you can’t power your home from solar energy with the right panels and the right installation.

There can be many factors that negatively affect the energy coming from your panels.. The location of the solar panels, the position and movement of the sun in your area, cloud density, dirty solar panels are notable effects for energy loss.. Some of these are things that may be under your control, but unfortunately some details such as cloud density or the movement of the sun will not be under your control.. But don’t let them scare you. I’m telling you in detail so that you know the positive and negative aspects beforehand.

For example, if you plan to blow-dry your hair for 3 hours a day, solar energy may not be suitable for you! But you can use the electricity modestly and make a backup for use when needed.. Remember, electrical appliances used for heating are great power absorbers. Toasters, warmers, curlers, mixers, etc.

The biggest advantage of living off the grid is to include non-electric devices in your life. You can choose from a propane gas powered oven, stovetop, kettle or even a fridge! This way you reduce the stress on the panels and you can use your electricity to run the things you love to use instead of the essentials.

Question 2: Can I Be Mobile with a Solar Energy System?

If you plan to move your small house or caravan frequently, you should consider whether you can get the most out of solar energy when you are mobile.. You may need to design your panel system and make your travel plans based on mobility.

Solar is the primary and most reliable source of energy for your tiny home.. That’s why it’s so important to focus on solar system installation.. Besides solar energy, I always recommend having an alternative option to power your home. This could be a wind turbine or a small generator. A quiet, small and efficient generator will come to your rescue in your sudden electricity needs.

To sum up, with solar panels mounted on the ceiling of the house, an efficient wind turbine and a small generator, it’s easy to be off-grid on the go. will be. Taking additional precautions always makes you feel safe.

Question 3: A Solar System in a Small House What Does It Cost?

Solar energies are actually not very affordable things.. However, when you calculate the savings you will make when you use it, you will see, it will probably pay for itself in a few years. Along with purchasing a product, you are also buying freedom and making a conscious choice to be more ecological.

Not having to depend on anything shows that you can go anywhere, whether it’s Tiny House or caravan. I think this sense of freedom is definitely worth spending money on the panels.

You can get an average solar panel made for around 12 thousand and 15 thousand TL.

Question 4: Do Composting Toilets Smell?

No one dreams of a tiny house that can’t be rinsed out of toilet odor. If you use your compost toilet properly, the odor will be almost non-existent. Here are some tips to keep your composite toilet from smelling bad.

Make sure to discuss this with your toilet manufacturer first.. I don’t think you will have any problems with odor if you follow the maintenance specifications. Now I’ll give you a few simple steps, by following them you can have an odor-free environment in your toilet!

  • Keep well ventilated
  • Put bathroom candles
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Clean regularly

The compost toilet is a great option if you are off-grid or want a more ecological toilet in any home.



Network-independent tiny house living is successfully practiced all over the world. Why not more in our country?. It’s a great affordable option that gives more freedom to your lifestyle. Understanding the logic of the system will help you be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Traveling in the comfort of home without being tied to anywhere is very nice on your lap, isn’t it? I am truly proud to be the pioneer of this trend, which is spreading rapidly in our country day by day.. Thank you for following my content with interest.. Don’t forget to watch the videos I prepared with tiny house producers and families living in tiny house life on my youtube channel..

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