
Konya Travel Guide

Those who are curious about Konya, the biggest city of our country, should come like this.. I have prepared a Konya travel guide for you to hit the road immediately!

Konya is a very beautiful and sightseeing city with its history and nature.. Once the place where Mevlana Celaleddin Rum-i completed his life. Even this is enough to make Konya very valuable.. But of course I wasn’t satisfied with that.. I have attempted to tell you what’s wrong with Konya.. Because Konya is a city that deserves many praises.. Here you go, Konya with every detail, for those who will prepare a Konya itinerary!

Where is Konya?

They stay in the south-west of the Central Anatolia Region.. Below Ankara and above Mersin and Antalya. It’s pretty big anyway, you can’t miss it.

You can find the map here: https://goo.gl/maps/QCe6Gtz6wXvLE3Gi9

A Brief History of Konya

First let me tell you where its name comes from. According to various myths, a dragon lived here and haunted the city.. Finally, a valiant warrior killed the dragon that haunted the city.. No it’s not Oedipus, it’s someone else. Then, as a product of this story, they carved a depiction on the rocks and named this depiction Ikonion.. Later, the states that took over this place in time somehow started out with this name.. Even the Arabs called it Kuniya.. As a result, it was named Konya during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods.

Sille Village

Let’s go to Konya’s past.. In fact, Konya history goes back quite a bit.. It is known how important Turkey is in terms of human history.. Here is Konya, one of the oldest settlements in Turkey. Its history goes back to prehistoric times.. So much so that tens of thousands of years ago, someone had already walked on the land you stepped on and looked at the same sky as you.. Later, Romans, Hittites, Phrygians, Seljuks and Ottomans pass through here.. It’s obvious how important it is!

How Big is Konya and How Many People Live?

The area of ​​Konya is almost one-fifth of Turkey’s. You can put 10 Istanbuls in it.. It is approximately 41 thousand square kilometers and the population of Konya consists of only 2 million.

What’s the Weather Like in Konya?

The frost of Konya is dirty they say that it really is. If you’re not well prepared, you might be surprised at what happens.. Since the continental climate is dominant here, the temperature differences between night and day can reach 16 to 22 degrees.. Likewise, summers are hot and dry, and winters are cold and snowy.. Due to the Konya climate, we recommend you to travel here in the spring months.. You can escape the heat of summer and the cold of winter and walk around comfortably.

How Do Konyaians Earn Money?

Konya was once the granary of Turkey. Even though it partially retained this title, its agricultural power has decreased considerably due to bad agricultural policies and unplanned industrialization.. On the other hand, industry is an important economic resource in the city.. Konya stands out with its industry in many fields from chemistry to textile, from automotive to food.. In addition, since they are considered the middle point of Turkey, they are also the commercial center of the country.. Many domestic commercial events take place here.

How to Get to Konya?

Did you find the train, you won’t miss it. Konya is one of our cities that you can reach by train.. Of course, it doesn’t matter which city you are in.. If you come across it, I suggest you go by train.. It is a little slow, but you can relax and enjoy the scenery.

It is actually quite easy to reach because it is in the middle of Turkey.. Even if you go out with your private vehicle, your journey will not exceed a few hours.

You can also choose the airline. It looks like Konya Airport is right there, you can find flights to Konya every day, especially from Istanbul.

Inner City Transportation in Konya

Konya is a highly developed city in terms of public transportation. It has a wide network from tram to bus.. You will not have any difficulties. Moreover, there is a system called ATUS, prepared by the municipality, which provides you with all the information about public transportation: where and how to get there, which vehicle arrives at what time.

If you get Konya’s travel card Elkart, you can travel for 2.50 TL and a discounted 1.55 TL.

Where to Stay in Konya?

Konya hotel prices don’t change much. They roam somewhere between 150 – 400 TL. Of course, these are all good hotels.. Prices vary due to proximity to the center and the services they offer.. But since you will not have any transportation problem anyway, you can easily choose a hotel according to your pocket and your pleasure.

Tourists generally gather in Karatay district.. Even the tomb of Mevlana is here.. A hotel you will find here will get you close to many places.. It also has very authentic and cool hotels.

What to Eat and Drink in Konya

We have come to the most loved part. This place will not disappoint food tourism lovers, it may also fall in love with it.. Mevlana pastry, water pastry, okra soup, meat bread, tirit served with meat and yoghurt, dip, soup and main course buckthorn, höşmerim, sacarası dessert, which is cooked between two sheets and named after it, and kaygana dessert are indispensable dishes of Konya.. I gave the complete list in order. Greetings to those who ask what to eat in Konya!

Shopping in Konya

Konya is a city famous for its markets.. For example, the Women’s Market. They are also very close to the Mevlana Tomb.. If you want to shop, you should definitely stop by the Women’s Market.. Konya is a nice place where you can find many local products among cheap shopping places. Carpets, rugs, handicrafts, various statues and even loads of food. You can also find Konya flakes, Mevlana candy, the famous moldy cheese and many other local delicacies.

There are also many shopping malls in Konya.. If you wish, you can visit these malls and shop from the stores of many famous brands.

Konya Festivals

  • Salt, Hunting, Culture and Art Festival: An interesting mix, isn’t it? When it comes to Konya, we should not be surprised by anything.. Everything is possible here. You can find conscious hunting techniques and conversations about hunting in this festival, which is held every year in the second week of July.. On the other hand, you can get the opportunity to get to know the nature of Konya.
  • Bir Nefes Bir Ses International Theater: This theater festival may be the most important among Konya festivals and festivities.. A very prestigious festival both in Turkey and in the world. It is held in April and hosts important theater teams from both Turkey and the world.. Announced to art-loving travelers.
  • Şeb-i Arus Mevlana Commemoration Events: Many events are organized between December 7th and 17th in order to commemorate, understand and meet with Mevlana.. With sema shows, ney performances, talks and readings, the city also welcomes many visitors.

Konya Nightlife

Since Konya is a conservative city, its nightlife is also modest. Instead of looking for bars or nightclubs here, you can go out to eat in the evening or sit in their cafe and chat.. In addition, long walks in the evenings in Konya are also very enjoyable.. I invite you to Alaeddin Hill, Zafer Street and the neighborhood of Bosnia and Herzegovina.. These are the meeting places of university students.. You can find many places to have fun here.

Places to Visit in Konya

1- Mevlana Museum and Tomb

One of the most famous and immediately remembered places in Konya Konya Mevlana Tomb. They give bad looks to those who come to Konya and do not visit here, because one of the most important cultural heritages of Konya is Mevlana.. You can find out more about Mevlana by going to the museum and visiting the tomb.

2- Selimiye Mosque

Another place in Konya Its famous place is Selimiye Mosque.. The mosque is thought to be the work of Mimar Sinan, and in fact, it is already a mosque of the caliber that could be his work.. Moreover, it is very well preserved.. You can visit this place either for worship or for sightseeing.. It is also very close to Mevlana Museum in terms of location.

3- Sille Village

Konya Sille Village, I can say that it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.. A very important place historically. Its history dates back to the Great Seljuks.. The village, which has been restored in recent years. That’s why its value is just now understood. There is also a 1500-year-old church in the village.. If you are interested in such historical places, I would say go and see it.. It has a majesty that will make your lips go crazy.

4- The Ancient City of Kilistra

This is one of the important places of unknown value and one of the most important historical places in Konya. grain of. Hatunsaray is located in Gökyurt Village and its history is approximately BC.. one. going back to the century. A place very similar to Cappadocia. You can see many areas from the chapel to the church in this city.

5- Alaaddin Hill

There are many rumors about this hill, and as a matter of fact, It is not clear which one is real.. The hill is named after Sultan Alaaddin and the Keykubat Mosque is on this hill.. Besides historical artifacts, it is also a nice resting place between stops: there are also tea gardens, cafes and parks on it.

6- Yerköprü Cave


If you want to go to Konya and see a natural wonder, let me take you here. This cave is easy to speak, almost 5 thousand meters long.. Go go it’s not over. It is also on the Göksu River and contains various waterfalls.. You can go and look at these waterfalls and you can pass out.. The region can be dangerous as it is a bit hilly and mixed.

7- Salt Lake

The legend of Salt Lake A legend is told, let me tell you right away: What, once the people of the region met their salt needs from a small lake, and when the salt in this lake ran out, they poured salt into the Salt Lake and met it from here.. One of the myths about Salt Lake, although an inconsistent legend. Make sure to drop your way here. It has a very interesting view.. In addition, they are one of the most important salt sources of our country.

8- Çatalhöyük

This place, together with Göbeklitepe, is indisputably one of the most important places in the world.. It is considered to be the place where the settlement first started.. Moreover, it has been well preserved and excavations continue.. You can see the artifacts extracted from here and you can examine them here. It will be a very interesting experience.

9- Beyşehir Lake

When Konya is big, it contains many beautiful places and lakes mathematically.. Beyşehir Lake is among the most beautiful and largest lakes in Turkey.. It will offer you a good view, relax and rest you, and you can enjoy the water of Beyşehir Lake by using the beaches here.. My advice is to do all of these and watch the sunset.. Watching the sunset from Beyşehir Lake gives people a different pleasure!

Now you know everything about Konya! I hope you’ll find your way there, have a nice trip!

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