
Kazdagi Legends: Mythology and Turkish Myths


Izdağı has attracted the attention of many states in history due to its fertile lands and natural beauty.. Due to this richness, it has migrated throughout history and has been invaded many times.. This situation has also caused the social and cultural diversity of the Troia region, that is, the whole of Çanakkale, in other words, the Biga Peninsula.

When we say the legend of Kazdağı, we now have to talk about it with its name in mythology: Mount Ida.. Homer speaks of Ida as “the mother of wild animals with abundant springs” in his world-famous work, the Iliad.. There are many myths about gods and goddesses, people and gods and goddesses.. The fall of Troi is almost like a fall in their myths.. With the arrival of the Turks in Anatolia, the legends change, just as Mount Ida became Kazdağı.

And yet another love story.. The story of Emine from Beyoba Village and Hasan from Ova Village at the summit of Kazdagi.. Let’s talk briefly.. According to rumors, Emine and Hasan, who open stalls in the market that is established every Wednesday (the market is still being established), fall in love with each other and want to get married.. But Emine’s family does not want Hasan and they want him to carry 40 kilos of salt to show their love.. At the beginning of the road, Hasan collapses to the ground.. When Emine reaches the village, she realizes that Hasan is not following her (I wish she had turned to look). He returns and sees the writing (some sources say shirt) he gave to Hasan in the pond.. Thinking that he is dead, he commits suicide by hanging himself on the plane tree next to the pond.. Hasanboğuldu pond and Emine plane tree meet in the water.. In another narration, when Hasan could not carry salt, Emine thought that the gentleman Hasan would not be able to live his life as a nomad, but then she regretted it.. When he returns, there is no Hasan..


The legend of Sarıkız, which gives its name to Sarıkız Hill, the southernmost peak of Kaz Mountains, is as follows; In short, slandering an honest and beautiful girl. As for the details; Upon the death of Sarıkız’s mother, who lived with her family in Çanakkale Ayvacık village, her father immigrated to Kavurmacılar Village because she did not want to live with her husband’s memories.. They work as shepherds in this village and Sarıkız’s father is loved and respected by the villagers.. He even acts as a mentor.. Villagers think he is a saint. Her father wants to go on pilgrimage but cannot leave his daughter. His daughter somehow encourages him and he goes on pilgrimage, entrusting his daughter to his neighbors.. It takes a long time to go on pilgrimage in the past…. Her father comes from the pilgrimage and hears the slanders of the villagers against his daughter because she did not give up on the suitors.. Villagers turn their backs on their father. And he thinks he should clean his honor. The father cannot kill his daughter and takes a few digs with him on the summit of Kaz Mountain and leaves his daughter to die.. Years later, his father is told that his daughter has been seen on the mountain.. A traveler from Bayramiç says a girl helped him when he lost his way.. He says that Sarıkız’s geese descended into the plain and damaged the crops of the farmers and complained, that Sarıkız made a stone courtyard so that the geese would not go down, and that the geese did not come down anymore.. This place still has ruins as a goose yard today.. In other words, the hill where Sarıkız is..

His father goes to Mount Ida, he finds his daughter on today’s Sarıkız Hill. He asks his daughter for water to make ablution.. Girl takes water from the sea with one hand and the river with the other. Another rumor is that he reached out to the sea with his hand from the top of the mountain and stretched out water.. Another rumor has it that he hastily gave his father salty water from the sea.. When his father says that the water is salty, he pours fresh water from the valley.. So the girl has reached. As her father realizes that his daughter has reached the end, dark clouds cover the sky so that her secret will not be revealed and the girl disappears.. He curses the villagers who slandered his daughter.

The village of Kavurmacılar, which is around Güre, has been deleted from the log by the district governor’s office because there is no one left. It is possible.. Villagers make their graves for both of them.

For Turkmen who come from shamanic culture (female energy is dominant in shamanism), it turns into a sacred place that they visit every year in August.

Now, Kazdağı is named after its mythological name. Let’s go back to the legends on Mount Ida. It is so much that we thought it would be easier to itemize and follow.. We may have told you a bit as if you don’t know mythology.. Those who are interested in mythology, please excuse me. We are not very dominant either, we are detailing it so that it is easy to understand.. Here are the legends of the Troas Region, where Mount Ida is located, and the mythological Mount Ida legends, where mythical heroes roam; They have houses.

  • Among those who are said to have taken the name Ida because of Mount Ida in Crete
  • Zeus, the god of the gods, was born on Mount Ida. Another rumor is that he was born in a cave on Mount Ida in Crete.
  • It is the place where Zeus fell in love with Hera, the strongest of the Olympian goddesses.. In Homer’s Iliad; ‘Hera walked straight to the peak of Gargaran, it was the highest peak of Ida. Gathering the clouds, Zeus saw her. As soon as he saw, love swept his thoughtful head. And Hera became the first of Zeus’ nine wives.
  • Zeus and Hera get married in a ceremony on the top of Mount Ida.
  • King Priam’s son Paris died on Mount Ida. leaves. She is nursed by a mother bear on Mount Ida in Paris.
  • There is no one who does not know that the first beauty contest in history was held on Mount Ida.. When Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite, the world’s first beauty pageant would be held.. Its story is; Zeus does not invite the goddess Eris to a meeting he organizes.. Thereupon, Eris sends a golden apple to that meeting and asks that the apple be given to the most beautiful goddess.. To get out of this situation, Zeus sends Athena, Hera and Aphrodite to the handsome young man Paris and asks him to choose.. While Paris is contemplating which of these beautiful women to choose, the women each come up with an offer.. Thus, the first bribery incident in history takes place. Hera promises the kingdom of Asia and Europe, Athena promises to be the world’s greatest valiant in battle and superhuman intellect. Aphrodite proposes the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.. Paris chooses love. Thus, the world’s first beauty queen becomes Aphrodite. Paris falls in love with Helen during a visit to Sparta. Aphrodite makes Helen fall in love with Paris as promised.. Things get complicated when married Helen returns to Troy with Paris and the famous Trojan War or Trojan War breaks out.. So this love starts a war.
  • Zeus watched the Trojan War from the Altar of Zeus (altar) at the foot of Mount Ida.. (It is also said to watch from the top of Mount Ida.)
  • The ancient Greeks believed in protection from various disasters by sacrificing to the gods.. On the top of Mount Ida (also known as Gargaran Hill) is the Zeus altar or Zeus Altar, built to offer sacrifices to the gods.. (Gargargle = Küçükkuyu)
  • Hera and Zeus take different sides in the Trojan War. In one source, there is information that Zeus made love to Aphrodite while leading the Trojan War.. So Hera might be jealous of this situation.. Anyway, Hera deceives Zeus and makes the top of the mountain cover with clouds.. Thus, Zeus cannot lead the war.
  • The gods watched the Trojan War from the top of Mount Ida.
  • The water of Skamandros, or Black Menderes, coming out of Mount Ida, shines on the feathers of animals such as sheep and goats. he gave. In fact, the Trojan virgins used to go into the water shouting “O Skamandros, my maiden be yours” during the marriage phase.. In addition, the three beautiful women in the beauty pageant entered the Black Menderes water to shine. There are those who believe that Mount Ida is on Mount Ida.
  • Tross, the king of Troia, was born from Erikhthonius.. Three sons of Tros, the king of the city of Troy, Ilos, Assarakos and Ganymede, who is considered the most beautiful of mortals in the status of god. While Ganymede was waiting for his father’s ship to return at the foot of Mount Ida, Zeus fell in love with her and turned into an eagle and kidnapped her to Mount Olympus. Ganymede presented the cup full of holy nectar to keep her forever young at a celebration meeting of the ancient Greek gods of Olympia.. Zeus gave immortal horses to his father in return for the kidnapping of Ganymede, which means luminous.. Anchises, who came from the area of ​​​​Dardania (the name changed after the Dardanus period) near Troia, was doing animal husbandry on Mount Ida at that time.. When Aphrodite saw him, she fell in love for the first time, left Cyprus and came to Mount Ida.. Aphrodite said that she was mortal and was sent to Troy to be his wife, and after they were together, she became immortal again by putting him to sleep.. When Anchises woke up, he realized that he was with a goddess and was worried.. Aphrodite, on the other hand, gave the good news that they would have a son named Aeneas. Aeneas is the person who founded the Roman Empire.
  • As it is a compilation information, please leave a comment for the information you think is missing or needs to be corrected.

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