
Taj Mahal Travel Guide


Edward Lear people what a beautiful separation; Those who see the Taj Mahal and those who do not!

To be one of those who see We stood at the door of the Taj Mahal early in the morning for the purpose of. If you want to take the same famous photo that you have seen in magazines, internet or elsewhere, we recommend that you enter the complex very early in the morning.. Although the complex has more than one entrance gate, if you do not have a ticket, you must only enter through the main gate.. Our cigars, cigarettes, notebooks, pens and tripods were not accepted during the security search. We were able to leave it all behind and enter like that.

The most beautiful architectural heritage of the world, built for love, which is the symbol of India, on the banks of the Yamuna river, which inspired poets, painters, musicians and architects. an example is “Taj Mahal“.

6 of the Mughal Empire. While the ruler of Shah Cihan was on the road with his army and his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, to suppress the uprising in South India, his wife Mumtaz Mahal was on the way.. She died giving birth to her child in 1631.. This unique shrine came into being when Shah Cihan, after mourning the death of his beloved wife, decided to have a building built in his memory.

The construction of the Taj Mahal started in 1632 and was completed in 1652. The architects of the construction are Mimar Sinan’s students Mehmet İsmail Efendi and Mehmet İsa Efendi.. Calligrapher Serdar Efendi wrote the verses of the Qur’an seen on the marbles of the building with black marble.. There are 4 minarets around the Taj Mahal, which is located in a wide courtyard.. Each of them has been burned in an outward tilt against the possibility of collapse in a possible earthquake.. The purpose is to prevent damage to the structure in case of collapse in case of earthquake.. There is a mosque on one side of the building and a guest house on the other.

An estimated 22,000 workers worked in this huge building, which was built by Shah Cihan for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, and it was completed in about 20 years.. The marble walls of the building, where traces of Ottoman, Iranian, Indian and Islamic architecture are seen, are carved and decorated with 12 types of semi-precious stones such as agate, mother-of-pearl, emerald and turquoise.. The stones in some parts of the marbles are not in place.. These were dismantled and stolen by the British in the Indian uprising of 1857. Taj Mahal inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. When you enter the building, there are sarcophagi of Shah Cihan and Mumtaz Mahal under the dome.. The main sarcophagi are under the building and there is no entry permit.. Water for the pools in the complex comes from the Yamuna river.. All of the pools and minerals were built with attention to symmetry.. Today, the white walls of the Taj Mahal have started to turn yellow due to air pollution.

The Beauty of the Taj Mahal reflected in the water


Shah Cihan was not content with the Taj Mahal  he wanted the black one to be built on the other bank of the Yamuna river to be buried when he died. However, since 32 million rupees were spent for the Taj Mahal at that time, almost all the money of the imperial treasury was consumed, his son Aurangzib took the throne and imprisoned his father Shah Jahan in the Agra fortress.. After that, Shah Cihan spent 8 years watching the Taj Mahal here until the end of his life.. After his death, he was buried next to his wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

But this pose not without it

Do You Know About Taj Mahal?
  • India’s most famous icon is the Taj Mahal. It is a structure that fascinates those who see it with its delicate minarets, finely curved arches and magnificent dome.. Apart from its architectural features, the most important aspect of the building is that it has a rich history.
  • Essentially stonemasons, workers, embroidery workers and other kinds of workers in the construction of the building. 22.000 people worked, including workers.
  • The Taj Mahal takes on different colors at different times of the day.. It arouses admiration with its pinkish color in the morning, milky white color in the evening, and golden color in the moonlight at night.
  • Shah Cihan’s 3. and it took 17 years to complete the structure he had built for Mumtaz Mahal, his favorite wife.
  • The most extreme point of the Taj Mahal is 171 meters long. .
  • More than 1,000 elephants have seen this transportation process for the transportation of construction materials in the construction of the Taj Mahal.
    • Some of the motifs on the walls of the Taj Mahal were stolen by the British during the Indian uprising in 1857.
    • Construction brings together Iranian, Indian and Islamic architecture.
    • Marbles used in the construction of the Taj Mahal from Rajasthan , China, Afghanistan and Tibet.

    Visit Hours and Days : Every day from sunrise to sunset for a night visit from 20:30 to Between 00:30.

    Entry Fee: 750 rs during the day, 750 rs at night. Unfortunately, 1 ticket cannot be used twice, even on the same day.

    Best Period to Visit: October – November

    SummaryArticle NameTaj Mahal Travel GuideDescriptionWe stood at the door of the Taj Mahal early in the morning to be among those who saw it. As soon as you pass through the main gate of the Taj Mahal, Darwaza-i Rauza, the building that has entered the list of 7 wonders of the world appears right in front of you..

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