
What should we pay attention to when getting a visa?

The visa phase is the most unpleasant item of international travels.. Unfortunately, most of the countries we want to go to require visas, and I suffer from it too! Maybe I can’t remove these visas, but I can make you get a visa easily

Those who follow me will know the logic of exiting visas. In short, the method of countries isolating themselves from potential immigrants and people they see as useless.. Once we know this, we will get along better about obtaining a practical visa.

I have a long article to write, but I will not bore you, this time I will teach you the intricacies of getting an easy visa in a few steps in a list !

In One of the Countries You Need to Get a Schengen Visa / Malmö, Sweden

Choose Your Reason for Visiting Well

For example, most people around me want to go to Europe, but in the same sentence, they can both travel and visit relatives and if there is an opportunity, they talk about getting an education. You have a high chance of getting a negative response in a visa application that proceeds with this logic!. If you are undecided or have multiple plans go for a quick tour. Do not just mention that you are a tourist and do not interfere with the rest.

Basel’s Pleasant Train Station / Switzerland

Make Sure You Meet the Qualifications

When it is so difficult to make a living even in our country, what is the idea of ​​traveling to other countries without making any savings? logical ? Maybe you’ll find a way, but visa officer won’t like it !

You don’t need billions like that It’s important that you can document a modest amount only for the time you visit, they want it or not. Qualification is not only about money.

For example, the main concern of countries such as America, Canada and New Zealand is potential immigration.. When applying for a visa to these countries, you need to present some documents to represent your commitment to our country, your marriage status, your job, the projects or trainings you carry out in the country.. If you lack these and similar qualifications, you don’t need to be a wisher on purpose, you must first prepare for a visa.

Russian State History Museum Building and Me / Red Square, Moscow, Russia

Make Your Travel Plan Well

On Gorkemliyollar, I told you the first planned travel. Planning your trips is very important.. Countries like the people they issue visas to have a self-conscious attitude.

When you go to a country where you are going to get a visa, you should have your travel planning ready. The dates you will go, the activities you will do and the cities you will be in should be clarified.. For example, I think I made a good impression by being able to present them directly at my visa interview to the USA.

Batam Island, Indonesia / My Trip to Southeast Asia 2017

Don’t Heed the Legends

“Canada does not give a visa to anyone, Schengen is easiest to get from the following country… “Isn’t it ridiculous to think about these? You have your own arguments, ideas and plans in front of you, do not listen to these feelings!

Getting a visa is not a generalization, someone can get a visa without any effort, which may be impossible for someone who cannot meet the conditions.. don’t let your enthusiasm get discouraged by this.

From Monte Carlo, Monaco / My Interrail 2013 Trip

Follow the World Agenda

Sometimes there are problems that are not caused by us. For example, there is now a visa to Russia, which we could visit without a visa a few years ago, or it may be difficult to obtain a visa at that time with various political crises.

If you know about the world, visa You will not experience surprises before applying. The closest example of this is the visa crisis we had with the USA.. Dozens of people, unaware of this situation, had to cancel their travel plans, and as victims.

Angkor Temple, Siem Reap, Cambodia / Southeast Asia My Trip 2017

Do Not Apply to Intermediary Firms Whenever Possible

There is an understanding that no visa can be obtained without an intermediary company. However, no one can make your own application more meticulous than you.. If you say that you will be interested in this job, research and get the result, the best thing is to handle it yourself.

Those who say I don’t have time, are working or can’t trust myself can use an intermediary company.. But those who choose this path should be prepared for extra costs and extra risks in obtaining a visa. Companies that I describe as extra risk here, that do not do their job well. If you go to reliable visa agencies, you can overcome this problem !

Sunset in Florence / From My Tuscany Trip / Italy

Be Open During the Visa Interview

Not every country asks for a visa interview, but there are some who do, usually most rigorous countries. There is nothing to be afraid of, even this can turn into an advantage.. Because maybe wrongly explained on the document you can resolutely tell the reason for the visit and the plan in your own mouth.

The most important point to be considered in the visa interview is to be clear and not to give unnecessary information.. Just answer the questions asked of you and smile !

America / Brooklyn Bridge I Visited with a Visa, New York

Go To A Few Visa Free Countries Before

First of all It’s not a requirement, I don’t want it to be misunderstood. However, it will be a good reference for the country you are applying for a visa to know that you have been abroad before.. In this way, they will have a basis that you can be self-sufficient in your travel.

As a matter of fact, visa-free countries usually offer a more suitable alternative, if you have the opportunity, first visit a few of the visa-free countries and then get a visa easier. !

This is what I’m going to talk about getting a visa for now.. Along with this article, I recommend you to review the countries I recommend to those who will go abroad for the first time, you may not even need a visa, have a lot of travel days.

Continuation of the article: How to Pass the Passport Control Easily?


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