
A Beach Town in Greece – Xylokastro

Xylokastro is a small seaside town in Corinth, Greece. Xylokastro, which can be reached by a 2-hour journey from Athens, draws attention with its proximity to many ancient cities, its beach, small forest and most importantly, the friendliness of the people. While wandering its streets, you feel as if you are wandering in a coastal town in the Aegean, rather than a foreign country. During the one-month time I spent here, I once again understood the similarities between Greek and Turkish cultures.


It is possible to find shops in the city center that can meet all your needs. Shops are closed only during siesta hours, and they generally do not open after siesta ends. For this reason, it is beneficial to finish your work by 2 pm. (I stayed during April, maybe the hours can be more flexible during the season) A market is set up on Fridays. You can find products a little cheaper in the markets.

Old houses in the back streets

The sea is very clear and has a beautiful color. I guess there are boat tours in the summer months. The forest stretching along the coastline offers a beautiful hiking trail.

While the region was covered with pine forest in the 18th century, it now has a 2.5 km long forest, which we can only call pine. The employees of this forest are volunteers coming from different corners of Europe, especially Turkey. In return for services such as the protection of the forest and coastline and the care of trees, the volunteers who come with the European Voluntary Service; Accommodation, pocket money, travel and visa expenses are covered.

The Beach House, Coral Coast

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