
A City Hidden on the Outskirts of Bozdag: Birgi

The Aegean, as a region with uniquely beautiful coves and beaches; it is always referred to with the sea, sand and sun trio. We set out to visit a small but important city that has remained in the background in the Aegean, which hosts slogans such as raki, fish and Ayvalık. Birgi..

Birgi, which attracts attention with its closeness and nature as well as with its history, resembles Şirince, the most famous village of the Aegean at first sight, but is much more attractive than Şirince. It is a developed, large and beautiful city. There are picnic and resting areas around the stream that runs through it. As soon as you step in, one feels warm in this cute city. Tourists have not taken much action yet. There is no parking problem, there is no parking. We leave our car at the entrance of the city and go for a walk with the map in hand. Well that’s what we do.

This charming city, which is preparing to be a candidate for the UNESCO world history list, is trying to regain the historical identity of the city by starting a major restoration work with the support of the Izmir Development Agency. Birgi, which was an important city during the Lydian, Persian, Byzantine and Pergamon Kingdoms, became an important center of Turkish history after it became the capital city with the conquest of Aydınoğulları Principality. Since it is the capital city, dozens of baths, madrasas, inns, etc. were built and some of them have survived to the present day.

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