
A Day in Sheki, the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2016

With the depreciation of the Turkish lira, many places in Europe have become a very expensive alternative for those who want to explore new places during the holidays.. On top of that, considering the visa problem, it’s time to think about new alternatives.. Within the scope of visa-free countries, my suggestion to you is sister country Azerbaijan. There are many places to visit and see in Azerbaijan, where you can get a visa in a few minutes (with a visa in theory, practically without a visa) by paying 10 dollars at the door.. One of them is the city of Sheki, the 2016 Turkish Capital of Culture.

I spent a day in Sheki, Azerbaijan, in 2016.. Here are the Shaki travel notes that I got in one day. I tried to inform you on many topics such as Places to visit and see in Sheki, where to eat in Sheki and famous Sheki dishes. Hope it helps you.

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Information About Azerbaijan

In Turkey, when Azerbaijan is mentioned, perhaps the only city that comes to mind is Baku.. However, many cities of Azerbaijan, which we call two states one nation, are waiting for Turkish holiday lovers.. Ganja, the city of Leyla and Majnun, Neftalan, a health tourism center, and of course which was declared the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World in 2016. Shaki.

When You Search for Shaki, Deniz Seki Comes Out

Unfortunately, Turkey is so unaware of the cities of its sister country that when you search for Şeki on Google, Google says you probably made a wrong search and usually shows you the search results about Deniz Seki.

Cities of Azerbaijan: Where is Sheki?

The city is located in the north of Azerbaijan, approximately 370 km from Baku. The city, which is also the center of Sheki Rayon, was actually called Nuxa until 1968.. It is among the oldest and most touristic regions of the country.

Throughout history, the city’s Arabs, Shirvanshahs, Ildenizler, Georgian Kingdom, Safavids to Ottomans. Many different states ruled until. When Nadir Shah was killed in 1745, the Sheki Khanate was established by Haji Celebi, but his life did not last long.. The khanate, which came under Russian rule in 1805, was dissolved in 1819.. Today, it reveals its historical past as one of the most important touristic centers of Azerbaijan.

2016 Turkic World Capital of Culture

Looking at the historical background of the city, it was declared the 2016 Turkic World Capital of Culture by the International Turkish Cultural Organization (TÜRKSOY) not so surprising. An organization hosted by a city determined by TURKSOY since 2012 as the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World.. The organization, which was held for the first time in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, was held in the cities of Eskişehir in Turkey, Kazan in Tatarstan, and Merv in Turkmenistan, respectively. Since 2013, the Eurovision-like Turkvision Song Contest has been held.. Artists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan won these competitions, respectively.

A culture and art event is held in the host cities as part of the Turkish World Capital of Culture, artists and academics from many parts of the world. and intellectuals flock to these cities. Also, cultural integration among Turkish republics is gaining momentum.

How to go to Sheki? Azerbaijan Flights

Well, if you want to visit here this year, how would you come here? The closest airport to the city is located in Gabala.. The distance between the two cities is approximately 95 km and only Pegasus Airlines has direct flights to Gabala from Istanbul.. A second alternative is Ganja Airport.. THY has direct flights from Istanbul to Ganja.. This is a little further away from Gabala.. The distance between the two cities is approximately 168 km.. However, first visiting Ganja, the city of the great poet Nizami Ganjavi, who is also the author of Leyla and Majnun, can be a good holiday route.. Another alternative is to come here from Baku.. In fact, there is a serious distance of 322 km between the two cities.. However, the fact that there are many more flights to Baku than Turkey does not make this alternative unreasonable.. Moreover, for those who want to start from Baku and take a long tour of Azerbaijan, I definitely recommend that they stop by the historical Gobustan on the way.

Before Going to Azerbaijan Things to Know First

Azerbaijan Visa

Know before you go to the city there is some practical information needed. First of all, Azerbaijan requires a visa from Turkey, but there is no need to worry about it.. Because visa is bought at the airport for 10 dollars. This process doesn’t take too long.. Just fill out a small 1-page form.. A photo is also requested.. Obviously I didn’t have it with me and it was fine.

Is Azerbaijan Currency and Azerbaijan Expensive?

The country’s currency is the manat.. 1 manat is about 2.2 TL. Although Baku is not cheap, I cannot say the same for this place.. Especially the food is quite cheap. This is one of the places where you ask if there is a mistake when the account comes in.

Azerbaijan Turkish

In the country Azerbaijani Turkish is spoken. In general, everyone understands Turkey Turkish because of Turkish TV series.. When they speak fast, it is not easy for you to understand them.. But communication is definitely not a problem.. Azerbaijan is a very good alternative, especially for those who do not speak a foreign language.

Places to Visit in Sheki, Azerbaijan

After taking note of all this information, we can start sightseeing in the city.. This is a very compact city. It is possible to finish the must-see places of the city in one day.. When talking about places to visit here, the first thing that comes to mind is Sheki Khan (Xan) Palace. The palace, located in the historical area inside the castle on the top of the city, architecturally resembles the palaces in Iran.. No nails or metal connectors were used in the building where two giant plane trees greet you on the front.. The interior of the palace is decorated with embroideries and glasswork so beautiful that it almost blinds those who see it.. The stained glass windows used here were brought from Venice at the time.

The motifs of the carpets on the ceiling of the palace are exactly depicted.. Of course, these carpets are not currently laid in the palace.. Each of these motifs has important meanings.. I recommend that you listen to the meanings of these motifs from the guide who tours the palace.. After listening to all these meanings, you feel as if you have painted a book on the ceilings you know.

Another must-see place in the inner castle area of ​​the city is the Museum of Folk and Applied Arts. The museum building is a history in itself as much as the artifacts inside the museum.

The city, which is famous for trade, once had many caravanserais.. Only 18 of them. The Up and Down Caravanserais, built in the 19th century, managed to survive until today.

Azerbaijan Sheki Dishes

Another subject that comes to mind as much as the date here is Sheki dishes. The city’s cuisine is as strong as its history.. Its most famous dish is Piti. The cooking process of Piti, a meat dish cooked in a casserole with vegetables and chickpeas, takes at least 7-8 hours.. The presentation of the food is as interesting as it is. You can taste this legendary flavor at the restaurant located in Sheki Caravanserai.

Another famous dish of the city is Sheki halva. The taste of halva, which also resembles kadayif in appearance, is slightly spicy.. The most famous halvah restaurant of the city is Aliahmed Şirniyyat Evi.

On the other hand, it is impossible not to come to Azerbaijan and drink tea.. When you go anywhere and ask for tea, don’t be surprised when you are asked what you take with you as mud (jam).. This is an Azerbaijani tradition. Along with the tea, jams such as blackberry, eggplant, tomato, watermelon and walnut are served.. I would definitely recommend you to try the white cherry mug.

Azerbaijan Sheki Hotels

After you’ve had your fill in the city If you want to stay here for one more day, hotel prices are not that expensive. It is possible to find a place in a 5-star hotel for 190 TL. As you know, after eating these delicious meals, you may not want to leave the city immediately.

Don’t Return To Turkey Without Doing These

  • Visit Sheki Khan Palace
  • Taste the famous pit
  • Get the city’s famous halvah from Aliahmed Shirniyyat Evi

Azerbaijan to Sheki Things to Know Before You Go

  • The closest airports to the city are located in Gabala and Ganja
  • Azerbaijan asks for a visa from Turks, but a visa can be obtained at the airport for 10 dollars in a short time
  • Azerbaijan currency is manat. 1 manat costs 1.9 TL
  • Shaki hosts many events as the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World in 2016
  • The most famous dishes are piti and halva
  • The most important historical building is Sheki Khan Palace

What time is it in Azerbaijan?

Times in Azerbaijan are 1 hour ahead of Turkey. In other words, while it is 10:00 in Turkey, it is 11:00 in Azerbaijan.

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