
A Guide to Immigration Abroad: 8 Alternative Countries for Those Who Give Up

If we made a list of the topics that we get the most questions about, “how do you travel so much?” and after the question “are you rich” (yes, we are very serious) “how can I move to x, how is the immigration issue?” we put the question. In this case, we tried to give the answer to this question as much as possible by making a list of the countries that are most wanted to migrate from Turkey without further delay.. We have compiled what you will read below from the official websites of the countries in question and from the information we collected from our spouse and friend living there.. Of course, this information can be updated, changed or more detailed depending on the situation, but this is the case in a rough draft.. We hope it will be of use to you.

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1. Canadian Immigration

Canada is indisputably one of the countries most wanted to immigrate from Turkey.. Especially with his education conditions, welfare level and calmness, it is obvious that he has a state of mind that will make the man say “everything will be fine”.. If your first choice for immigration is Canada, you must first have a good command of one of the French or English languages, do not have any criminal record, and have a command of a business area in which you can work in Canada.. If you intend to immigrate to Canada, you can first check your eligibility for Canadian immigration by answering various questions on this site. If you seem eligible, there are categories you can apply for, such as:

  • If a member of your family (such as mother, father, sibling, spouse) is a Canadian citizen over 18 years of age or has a residence permit, that person will contact you. It can be an intermediary for you to apply.
  • If you have started working for a company in Canada and have obtained a work permit in this way, you can apply for a residence permit after 2 years of full-time employment in the country.
  • If you go to Canada as an international student and want to live there after graduation, you still start one point ahead of other immigrants. Your job gets even easier if you continue to work full-time in Canada after finishing your schooling.. At this point, one of the important details that you should pay attention to is that some state governments may not officially recognize schools in other states.
  • As we mentioned briefly above, if you are skilled working you can still apply for immigration status. you can apply. For example, if you can do business in fields such as medicine, architecture, academics, engineering, law, management, science, they give priority to such fields and this application form is called “Express Entry“.. However, of course, do not think that the status of being a skilled worker is limited to the areas mentioned above, the important thing is that you can provide a workforce.. For example, state X needs workers to work in the field of livestock, and state Y requires workers in mining, and for this reason, they can support the entry of foreign workers into the country.
  • If you are confused about what it is like to live in Canada, here
  • strong> and here we have two interviews with Turks living in Canada describing the processes they went through.

*By the way, the immigration processes of the Province of Quebec are different from the others, keep it in mind.

*For those who say they want more information, click the official site here.

2. American Immigration

As you can imagine, being able to immigrate to America requires you to go through a more difficult and longer process compared to many countries.. What you need to settle in America is the “Green Card” that many of us have heard of before.. However, according to your mind, you cannot apply for a Green Card by saying that I should apply.. There are some criteria you must meet or some qualifications you must meet for the United States to qualify you as an eligible person to apply for a Green Card.. We can list them as follows:

  • If your core family(mother, father, child, sibling, spouse) is American citizen these people will give you a Green Card It can be a guarantor/intermediary for you to apply to. Of course, this is the least likely situation for most of us) Also, if you apply through your first-degree relative or spouse who is a citizen, we can say that the process is a bit faster.. (3. you can apply in your year, normally the duration is 5 years)
  • If you have found a job in the USA and you have an agreement with the company for X years, your employer in the USA can also be a guarantor/intermediary for you
  • strong>. However, with the exception of large firms, this is often a responsibility that most employers do not choose and do not want to undertake.. Likewise, although you have not found a job or are not an intermediary firm, you can still apply for immigration if you have a competence that can be considered extraordinary or special, or if you have a competence that can be considered special in areas such as sports, science, art, according to the evaluation of the United States.. No guys, doing a handstand or sprouting beans on cotton doesn’t count.. L
  • America has a list of what it calls “Special Job Categories” and the official immigration agency of the United States, USCIS, has a list on its website that is updated as needed.. If you meet the criteria for any of the jobs in this list, you can go through a separate process as a qualified employee and apply for immigration.
  • Let’s come to the category that most of us, as individuals living in Turkey, think they belong to, “Asylum Seeker Category”. In this category, if you can prove that you cannot stay in your country due to issues such as religion, race, political views, you can also make an application from this category.
  • One of the most expensive options is investing. If you have 500,000 – 1,000,000 dollars in your corner and your investment provides employment to at least 10 people, you can get the chance to be one of the 10,000 people accepted by America every year within the scope of this immigration application.
  • If you are a
  • If you marry a strong>American citizen, you have the right to apply for a Green Card.. So much so that it would not be an exaggeration to say that this situation has turned into an industry in America right now, we are talking about people who get married for some serious money or something.. I guess you won’t get into that much anymore.. If you do, the American government is doing very serious investigations because fake marriages are being made for such citizenship.. I mean, there are people you see in those movies, who come to the rooftop house and try to question how much you know each other.. For this, they also developed a system like this; If you are going to apply for a Greed Card through your spouse, who is a citizen, they first give you a 1-year temporary residence permit.. If you are still married at the end of 1 year and you meet the criteria, then you have a permanent Green Card.
  • One of the most preferred options for immigrating to America is of course the Green Card lottery system. In this way, 50,000 people a year are entitled to win a Green Card, especially from countries where they receive less immigration to the United States.. In order to make such an application and follow the dates, you can browse here. It’s better not to trust a page other than the link we gave you, because that’s how they try to defraud people, be careful.

If you go through these processes and get a Green Card, it doesn’t mean you’ve gotten away with it one hundred percent.. America does not give the Green Card as a joke, but for those who seriously think about living in the country.. Because having a Green Card is kind of like having almost all the rights of an American citizen, except to vote.. It even gives you a work permit.. If you do not have the chance to settle in the United States immediately after receiving the Green Card, but you do not want to lose this right, you must go to the United States at least once a year after receiving the Green Card.. This does not guarantee you to keep your Green Card, because if they seriously suspect that you do not intend to live in the United States, they can revoke your residence permit.. If you intend to go and settle in the United States immediately, you can apply for American citizenship after living in the United States for 5 years or having spent at least 40 months in the United States within 5 years. You deserve it.

If you have doubts about living in America, we have an interview with OitheBlog’s İdil, who has lived in America for 8 years, about the living conditions in America.


3. Australian Immigration

To be able to immigrate to Australia, the last of the big three in immigration, first requires a little extra courage, because even commuting is a separate problem due to its distance.. Of course, we will not pass without explaining the issue for those who say, “What is distance, my dear, we are already trying to escape from Turkey?”. There are many types of visas that provide temporary or permanent residence in Australia.. Some of these are;

  • If you want to go to Australia as a student, you need to apply for a student visa.. With this visa, you are entitled to stay in Australia while you are a student and to have your spouse or children under 18 live with you, if any.. If you wish to continue to live and work in Australia after graduation, you can apply for a special visa that the Australian government offers for post-study work. One of the most important criteria in this application is that you specify the field you want to study and that this field is directly related to the department you are studying.. If you get a positive result as a result of the evaluations, you can work and live in Australia for a certain period of time with this visa.
  • As in the other countries we mentioned, if you start working in a company in Australia You can apply for a work and residence permit through them.. However, in order to apply for a visa with this option, you must be under the age of 50 and have the appropriate criteria as a “sponsor” for this company to act as an intermediary for you, and your application must be accepted.. In this process, the position that the firm will give you must also be included in the list called CSOL, which you can access from here. Of course, they also evaluate other criteria such as your proficiency, experience and level of English.. If successful, you get a temporary visa that can last up to 4 years in the first place.. After working in the same position for 2 years, if you meet the criteria, your employer can be an intermediary for you to obtain permanent residence. You can also apply as a “qualified immigrant” through the SkillSelect program determined for. For this option, you must first be under the age of 50 and have a sufficient command of English.. If you meet this criterion, you must first fill out a form called EOI, which they have created to assess your competence, and which you can access here.. The applications you will make through the SkillSelect option are also evaluated according to the business branches determined in the SOL or CSOL lists, depending on the visa type.. Another option that you can consider via SkillSelect is to apply for positions that they call “regional employment”, which are determined by the needs of the state or territory in Australia.. For more information on this subject and to view current job positions, you can take a look at the link where all and state websites are listed.. Currently, Australia is applying for a visa for this area as there is a great need for doctors. If there is a doctor among you who wants to immigrate to another country, Australia may be a sensible option for you.
  • If you are over 18 years old and living in Australia If you have a child, parent or spouse with a residence permit/citizenship, your job is much easier.. Because as long as you comply with some main criteria, these people can be an intermediary for you to get a residence permit.. Likewise, if you have obtained a work and residence permit through one of the options mentioned above, you can apply for a residence permit as an intermediary for your spouse, your child under the age of 18 and, if applicable, your parents.
  • If you intend to go by >investing in the business field, different visa options are offered as temporary and permanent visas.. However, this varies according to the region you want to invest in and the sector that the country needs support in terms of the conditions at that time.. Therefore, a more serious research process is required for such an investment.. However, you can start with the following information; budgets of 1,500,000 and above are mentioned on their official site.

Let’s come to the last part of the work.. In order to be entitled to citizenship in Australia, you must first meet the following criteria; have lived in the country for at least 4 years on a valid Australian visa, have lived on a permanent residence permit in the last 12 months before applying, have not been abroad for a total of more than 1 year during this period, and have been abroad for more than 90 days in the 12 months prior to the date you apply You have to show that you have not been, have no criminal record, intend to continue living in Australia or have a close relationship. You can check out our interviews on behalf of here and here.

4. German Immigration

If you have your eye on the closer ones, you may be considering Germany as a priority, due to the Turkish population there.. (or you may not be evaluating it for exactly this reason, anyway) At this point, you need to follow a process like this:

  • The first option you can apply is residence permit. The residence permit has a limited duration and in order to apply for this permit, your reasons for immigrating to Germany must match the expectations of the German government.. So what are we talking about? You can apply for a residence permit in Germany if you are going to study in Germany, work in Germany, immigrate to Germany in connection with your family, or if you have a residence permit in another member state of the European Union.. Although the residence permit is limited in duration, it can be extended depending on the circumstances.
  • Your second option is the Blue Card application, which has been in effect recently.. This application is actually a system created to attract skilled workers to Germany.. One of the most important criteria for applying for a Blue Card is that your education level is a high school or above.. At the same time, as an additional prerequisite, you are required to pay your pension insurance contributions in accordance with the German criteria.. If you work regularly for 33 months and pay your premiums, you have the right to an indefinite residence permit.. If you can prove that you know German at B1 level, you can get your residence permit after 21 months.. If you went with your spouse, your spouse also gets a work permit from the moment you start working there.
  • After obtaining a residence permit or if you are a Blue Card holder, you can obtain a residence permit for 5 years to obtain a settlement permit you need to own. But, of course, they also want other prerequisites.. For example, being able to support yourself and your family members, not having sufficient knowledge of German or having a criminal record.. At this point, Blue Card holders are one click more advantageous compared to residence permit holders.. Because they are highly qualified immigrants, they have the chance to obtain a residence permit without the prerequisite for 5 years. , if you know enough German, have no criminal record, can make a living on your own, and declare that you believe in the German constitutional order, you are entitled to citizenship. in the list of countries that do not accept citizenship. It is useful to consider this situation before entering this process.

    5. Immigration to Spain

    You can start your immigration process to Spain through a job you find and your employer, just like in other countries.. However, the main reason why Spain comes to the fore in immigration is that it provides residence permits especially to those who invest in real estate.. But of course, we are not talking about such a random investment, you need to make a minimum investment of 500,000 Euros. If you want to go to Spain with your family, this is not an investment you have to make per person.. Spouses and children of the investor also have the opportunity to apply for a residence permit.

    If you apply to make a real estate investment in the country, you will be given 1 year to complete this purchase process. they issue an “investor visa” that will be valid. At the end of this one year, if you prove that you have bought a real estate, you are entitled to a two-year residence permit.. Once you are entitled to a residence permit, you can also apply for a residence permit for your spouse, your child under the age of 18, or your child who is financially dependent on you, even if he or she is older than 18.. At the end of these two years, if you have fulfilled all the legal obligations regarding your investment, you have the right to a residence permit for 5 years.. If you stay in Spain for 10 years, you qualify to be a Spanish citizen.

    6. Maltese Immigration

    If you are not aware of the situation we will explain below, why did they put Malta on this list among all these countries or I think I am going to Malta, I wonder what 3 things I would take with me if I landed on an island. You may be swept away, we’ll enlighten you in a moment.. As in many other countries, you can go to Malta through a work permit if you meet the criteria.. In addition, if you can prove that you have sufficient income, you can have a residence permit for a certain period of time or you can apply for a residence permit again through another family member who is a Maltese citizen.. However, if you apply for a residence permit through these options, you need to live in the country uninterruptedly for at least 5 years for a long-term residence permit.

    Now let’s come to the main reason why Malta stands out among all these countries.. Malta grants you the right to become a citizen of Malta directly in 12 months, if you do the following. You need to make a donation of 650.000 Euro to the government on your behalf. If you don’t mind this, and of course you say, “I’ll donate 650,000 euros, what’s going to happen,” we will continue to surprise you with small surprises because things don’t end like that.. If you want to take your spouse or child under the age of 18 with you, you have to pay +25,000 Euros for both, and an additional 50,000 Euros if you have a child over the age of 18 that you support financially.. On top of that, you need to buy a house in Malta worth at least 350,000 euros or pay an annual rent of 16,000 euros or more. Wait, it’s not over yet! Where are you going, we’re telling something. After doing all this, you are expected to make another contribution to the Maltese government, in which you need to make an investment of 150,000 Euros on shares and bonds.. As a result, you are entitled to become a Maltese citizen within a period of 12.

  • For those who are wondering what it is like to live in Malta, you can take a look at our life in Malta interview with birkucukulke.com. .

7. Norwegian Immigration

If you are also one of the Scandinavian countries, you may be considering immigrating to Norway.. Of course, applying to Norway through your relative (nuclear family) is the clearest method.. But of course, most of us do not have this opportunity.. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate one of the options we will present to you below.

  • Considering how successful the education system is, you may want to study at a university in Norway or do a master’s degree in Norway.. If you go to Norway in this way, you also have a student visa to live there and work 20 hours a week for the duration of your study there.. If you want your spouse or, if any, your child to be with you during this period, you can also apply for a short-term residence permit.. However, at this point, of course, you need to have proof that you and your family can make a living there.. The reason why we especially emphasize this option is that after you have been in Norway in this way, you will have both studied there and work experience, so you are much more likely to create a suitable job position for yourself and stay there in the future.
  • If you have been looking for a job in Norway from Turkey and have not found a long-term job yet, you can go to Norway as a “period worker”. For example, by finding a job position in areas such as tourism, food and beverage industry, agriculture, you also get the right to a short-term residence permit.. This period may make sense to stay in Norway legally and look for a longer term job.. By the way, if you remember Norway’s position and the jokes about Norwegian fishermen, another seasonal labor option that will not seem strange to you is to work on ships.
  • If your education level is a university graduate or above, it is “qualified employee“. >” you have the chance to obtain a residence and work permit from Norway. You have several options for this. For example, if you start working in a company there, your job becomes much easier.. Or, if you are the owner of a company in Turkey, if you can prove that your job is related to Norway, you can have a residence permit in this city as well.
  • When you live in Norway with a valid residence permit for 3 years, if you do not have a criminal record and If you have reached the point where you can speak Norwegian sufficiently, you are entitled to a longer residence permit.. If you have spent 7 years of the last 10 years in Norway, you still qualify for naturalization.

8. Uruguay Immigration

If you want to live in Uruguay, of course you need to obtain a residence permit before you can proceed to the Uruguayan citizenship process.. In the first place, some formality documents (registration registration, marriage certificate if you are married, information about where you will live in Uruguay, etc.). etc.) you have to submit. You are also required to prove that you have enough money to live on until you start working there.. You submit your application after you provide such documents that will not be too difficult for such a man, and if you do not give a paper that says “I COME HERE FOR DRUG SLAUGHTER HELLO :)))”, the process begins.. It is unclear when you will receive your residence permit, because the process varies periodically.. However, they also provide you with a temporary identity document to stay in Uruguay during this process.. Once your residence permit in Uruguay has been approved, you have the right to become a Uruguayan citizen within 3 years if you are married and within 5 years if you are single.. Moreover, this process is counted from the day you apply, not from the moment you receive your residence permit.. In other words, you don’t need to invest in the country or prove yourself in any way to become a citizen of Uruguay.

*For those of you who are seriously interested in Uruguay, we have explained our Uruguay experience, the country’s system and living conditions here.

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