
A New You in 2021


A new you in 2021. Yes, you heard right.

“Don’t cry because you came to an end, smile because you lived it” says G.G Marquez. We are about to leave another whole year behind.. This is life, it flows like water. Yes, maybe only the numbers on the calendar are changing.. But I think it is necessary to do some accounting in every ending year and every new year that will start.. Who did we upset? Who did we make happy? Who did we love? Who upset us? Who made us happy?
          How much did we cry and how sincerely did we laugh? How tired is our soul, were we running away from ourselves too much? Where did we take shelter while escaping? Was it worth the effort and struggle? How much time do we spend with our loved ones? How can we do what we want? Can we face our mistakes? Did we realize our dreams? These questions go on and on. Each of us should adapt these questions to himself and show himself that it is not only numbers that change.


A new year means new resolutions and new beginnings for all of us.. Don’t forget! A new you in 2021. Listen to the words of the ‘greats’ while making decisions.

1. Wake up! We have eternity before us to sleep.” Omar Khayyam 
Let this year be your year of awakening, evaluate the previous years and make a brand new start to 2020 in every sense…

2. “Time can relieve some of our regret for the things we did, but nothing can erase our regret for the things we didn’t do.” S.J. Harris
Do what you want to do this year, call when you want to call, say when you want to say. When you look back, you can be sure that you will say ‘oh I wish’ less.

3. “Making decisions while angry is like sailing in a storm.” Euripides
Don’t make big decisions, don’t talk big when you’re angry. When you remember later, you may have said irreversible words and taken steps.

4. “Misfortunes enter through the door left open for them.” Czech Saying
Don’t consider yourself unlucky and . Remove the word unlucky from both your dictionary and your mind. On the contrary, always think about how lucky you are and produce positive energy.

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5. Only money changers can understand jewels . What does it matter, for the blind the diamond is the same, and the glass is the same, if the person looking at you is blind, do not think that you are made of glass.” Mevlana
It is not worth feeling sorry for even a second for those who do not give you the value you deserve. Include those who can see you with all your depth, not your outside, into your life in 2020.

6. “Those who care too much about small things are the ones who can’t do big things.” Plain 
Don’t miss the big picture by getting stuck on small details. How aware are you of your abilities? Instead of wasting your talents and intelligence, do great things in 2020.

7. “Living with the one you don’t love is worse than breaking up with the one you love.” La Bruyere
Do not include the first person that comes your way in your life, just to have someone in your life. Love is not something to be searched for and found with logic.

8. “Those who want to be successful will find a way, and those who don’t will find an excuse.” Leo Aguila
You can be very successful at finding excuses.. But remember, hiding behind excuses is nothing but delaying life with joy and sadness.

9. “A beautiful appearance is a silent letter of recommendation.” Publius Syrus
Make it a habit to always be well-groomed in the new year. No matter how tired you are, how unhappy you are, no matter how unimportant you are going to a place, still be well-groomed.
You never know who you will meet and when…

10. “It is not the strength of the water that penetrates the stone, but the continuity of the drips.” Latin Proverb
Whether it’s business life or love, don’t give up once you’ve failed. You know, every child learns to walk down and down, and you should be both patient and determined in every matter.

11. “Don’t be soft, you’ll be crushed, don’t be hard, you’ll break.”  Victor Hugo
. Being tough can be your defense mechanism, but it actually wears you down in the long run, just as being too soft will injure you.

12. “It is impossible for a person to learn what he thinks he knows.” Epictetus
Rest assured, you still have a lot to learn. Let this year be more of a learning year for you instead of saying ‘I know’!

13. “There are no right and wrong, there are only interpretations.” Nietzsche
Stop characterizing events and people as right and wrong. The words right and wrong are nothing but traps set by your ego for you.. Declare your freedom from right and wrong labels.


Believing that every end has a new beginning is one of the golden rules of having a positive outlook on life.. It is very important to see every end as a new beginning, a new life, a new process.. perceive something that ends as something that begins. Of course, it would be very valuable and meaningful to be able to look like this after doing the above questions and learning the necessary lessons.. Yes, there are losses, pains, difficulties, sorrows, disappointments in “New” too.. But this time, we will meet the surprises of the “New”, having learned from the teaching of the “Old”.

Yes spelling M. I would like to conclude with the words of Auerelius. “Live as if you were going to live for a thousand more years”. Destiny hangs like a sword above your head. Try to be a good person all your life.”

I hope that each new day that will create the future is more beautiful than the previous day, suits your wishes and makes you happier. Happy new year!

Bled Lake and Surrounding Travel Guide

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