
A traveler should invest in himself first

A traveler should invest in himself first

Not much, about a 5 – 6 years ago, the dreams of white-collar employees who completed 10 years in corporate companies, “to be CEO” when they graduated, suddenly “opening and operating a boutique hotel in Bodrum or a small coastal town”, “Going back to the village and doing animal husbandry.” , “Being an apprentice to his father.” turned into less ambitious dreams like. Some are chasing things that they can import and export from the internet, those who are more involved with computers are involved in programs and software, some open an etsy account and offer their own handcrafted products for sale, especially design and fashion lovers start uploading videos to youtube and those who like to write like us. on the other hand, he immediately opens a website for himself.

After we started to write down the places we visited and started to examine the sector in some detail, we realized that it is only to travel, to travel constantly, and even just for that. Making money has been everyone’s dream lately.. Many people we come across have already started to chase the world, saying that they resigned to travel.. As such, new occupational groups emerged.. “Blogger” for bloggers or “instagrammer” for those who don’t want to write but take more photos; Those who prefer to make videos now have the titles of “youtuber” or “vlogger“. Of course, if this is the highest rank of all titles, “Phenomenon“. CEO of corporate life is now known as a phenomenon in this sector. After becoming a phenomenon, your back is no longer on the ground.. Your sponsors, invitations, gifts, etc. life suddenly turns into a festive place.. This is a whole other topic, of course.

Before we resign to travel in this article (ie, while you still have a fixed monthly income and non-work time), what do you need to be a real traveler? we want to talk about the need to make such investments.

Invest time.

  • Prepare a personal blog before you start this business. Or start a youtube channel. Never before, make small shares in the accounts you will open on social media tools such as snapchat or vine.. Contrary to popular belief, it is not so easy to write full-time articles, shoot videos and edit them, produce new content, and find a topic that will impress people and increase your number of followers day by day.. First, you need to crawl a lot and learn the intricacies of this new sector.. After a few tries, you might want to give up and go back to your old life because it’s not for you.. Therefore, while you still have a job and a small monthly income, you should first experience what you are trying to do and see if you can enjoy it.. Maybe you don’t like writing as much as you think, or video montage doesn’t appeal to you that much, or you don’t like your tone of voice when you watch your own image.. You won’t know until you try.
  • Take time to follow the phenomena. Who are you following and why? Which blogs do you read the most and what attracts you to these blogs? You have to analyze the style of the phenomena you are chasing, everything they do, travel, wear, tell.. If you want to be like these people, you need to create your own style and do different things from what they do.. However, while doing this, you must first analyze the details you have and find out what you can add to it in order to be better.
  • Take time to plan.. Decide where you want to see, which countries you will visit, and make preliminary preparations for many sub-categories such as budget work, route planning, flight and accommodation costs.
  • Listen to the stories of people who are constantly traveling.. Their difficulties, their disadvantages, their failures will teach you something.. Sometimes we can learn everything not by trying, but sometimes by just listening.

Invest in yourself and your hobbies:

  • You have decided that you like writing or making videos, and that you enjoy doing it and that you can maintain its continuity.. Then you should improve your skills by participating in courses such as making digital videos or the art of blogging.
  • You should discover your hobbies and take up new hobbies.. You should try sports such as diving, windsurfing, yoga, pilates and skiing.. When you start traveling, it will not be enough to simply say “I traveled, I saw, I wrote”. People will start to follow what you do and always want to see something different.. Such activities, especially adrenaline sports, will always attract more spectators.
  • Make preliminary tests and discover what type of travel you enjoy.. Some take luxury vacations, some go backpacking, some stay in tents, camp etc.. Which is your style you should decide. While you’re still working and making money, go to nearby places you want to see on your weekends and take long hikes, for example, let’s see if you really like mountain climbing with your backpack?

Invest in your body and health:

  • You must be fit. So we’re not talking about being a size zero, but being fit enough to look sexy in your Maldivian photos.. Believe it or not, people still follow photos that show a little skin more.
  • You should exercise. You don’t need to move to become weak, but to be strong.. If you are going to go on a long trip and explore the world, you should prepare your body for new conditions by doing exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling.. You will agree that no one can climb the Himalayas sluggishly You should either sign up for a gym or walk or even run outdoors on the weekend.
  • If you have bad habits like smoking, quit right away.. This will be an important decision first for your health and then for your budget.. We don’t even want to list many negatives such as shortness of breath, time allotted to smoke, because everyone already knows this.. Also, travelers are not usually super-rich people with a monthly income.. Many of them worry about not leaving any untouched places in the world by traveling economically.

When you feel that both your budget and your real soul and body are ready, you can start this new “traveler” career. we recommend that you take a step. Just as you stepped into professional life after studying for 16 years, you should step into your new life after working on this new subject for a few years.. Otherwise, you will spend all your savings saying that I went today and will go tomorrow, and then you will wear your white collar back without doing anything Let us tell you..

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