
A visa-free world is possible

With the policy of zero problems with our neighbors, many tourists went to Turkey from neighboring countries and from Turkey to neighboring countries with visas that were repeatedly removed.. On this occasion, a brand new commercial area was created with the booming demands.

Turkey, which could not discover the importance of tourism for years, could not organize it even if it discovered it, has taken a good step in this way.

With the rising tension and internal turmoil spread to Syria after North Africa, the fact that thousands of refugees landed at the gates of Turkey started to pose a serious problem for the two countries that abolished visas.. Just like those fleeing from Morocco and Tunisia to Italy, other EU countries that are included in the Schengen agreement are putting serious pressure on Italy.

At the same time, Denmark’s neighbors revolted when Denmark announced that the visa decision it applied to Turkish workers was an unfair decision and announced that it would abandon this decision as soon as possible.. Germany warned Denmark to consider the past agreements and act accordingly, through diplomatic channels.

To put it briefly, it feels very closely in Europe the problems Turkey is experiencing on the Syrian border.

However, it is a very sad situation for all citizens who benefit from this advantage that visa-free travel is once again tried to be prevented by using these confusions at the borders as an excuse. As long as this continues, societies will not be able to recognize each other, integration and circulation will be constantly prevented.

The biggest fear of states is refugees and illegal migrations, especially towards developed countries.. However, at this point, we can prevent these actions with the right dialogue and effective measures.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to precaution is a stricter customs application, but it should definitely not be considered as visa and social barriers.

Being able to put a stop to illegal movement and immigration traffic can be solved in a much shorter time with rational solutions between states.

Developing joint programs, increasing communication and interaction, and increasing communication and interaction for those who are deprived of the action of going to many parts of the world due to visa barriers will increase cohesion. It can be a factor, as well as directly and indirectly, with the sectors revived by tourism.

Therefore, it is necessary to see geographies that are freely roamed with the wishes of a visa-free world.

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