
Advice for those going abroad for the first time

Whether you’re going to buy tomatoes at the grocery store or the first day of your new job, it doesn’t matter how important it is, anything for the first time is stressful.. It is not necessary to have a severe social phobia for this, after all, if you are doing something that you do not know how to do very well, you may have the thoughts of “whether this or that or that way”, it is quite normal.. In fact, this is the case of going abroad for the first time.. Yes, this process has naturally become extremely normal for us, but since we have received e-mails from dozens of people who postpone their decision to recognize another culture because they really do not know what to do, it is actually very simple to say that it seems like a sentence to explain this process in a little more detail. It may be useful for you.

If you want me to empathize, let me come with confessions right away, like “God, I hope I don’t have to go out alone, I forget something for sure or I do something wrong” since I had never been abroad until the age of 19-20 or something. I was in a panic. It’s perfectly normal, anything you do for the first time can be frightening, a very mundane subject may seem like a potential thriller scenario, CALM. (Oh, it’s like your psychological counselor, that’s what we’re talking about) Below, we will tell you what you need to pay attention to in which process, based on our experiences, at least you will have solved the things that we thought “I wish we knew these in the first place” from the very beginning.. We are sure that there will be wonderful people among you who will read this article and say “aaa, I know this, yeah”, let’s put a stop to them already: This article is for those who will go abroad for the first time, not everyone needs to know everything just because you know.. (how did we go on the moon, as if there was something in the middle)

Well, let’s not go any further, here are OitheBlog’s Advice for Those Who Go Abroad for the First Time!

1.Planning Phase and Introduction

-If you are a person who is easily worried or over-examined as we explained in the introduction, you should first determine what kind of place you want to go. Do you intend to expand far, or are you saying let’s start from Europe? We don’t think you will shake the advice we give here if you are already in the mind of “Oh, I bought a one-way ticket, I think yes”. In fact, give us advice, that’s it.

Where should someone who goes abroad for the first time go? In our opinion, it is not very big, easy to travel and will not intimidate you with its cost, it will not lose your enthusiasm in the first place. focus somewhere. Of course, how much time you have is also important.. If you do not want to struggle with an issue such as a visa, it is useful to focus on visa-free countries.. For example, for a 3.4-day trip, Belgrade can be a good start. If you’re asking what a visa is, my dear, then our recommendation might be Prague, because it’s a small and easy-to-navigate city.. In addition, since the number of people who speak English is plentiful, you will not have any difficulty in communicating.. Again, 3-4 days may be ideal for Prague.. No bro, if you say you have more time, you can try to explore several cities together, which should not be intimidating.. For this, you can choose places among which transportation is easy.. For example, an exploration of Central Europe in the form of Vienna-Budapest-Prague or a few cities in a country (such as Rome-Florence, Barcelona-Madrid) will be very comfortable and easy for you. We did not write these places randomly, they are all for the first time. sensible suggestions for those going abroad. If you don’t believe me, let me tell you, when I first went abroad, I went to Prague.. Then I went on a Barcelona-Madrid trip with the gas I bought from him.. These were all very correct choices that I went all the way to Chile with the gas I bought from them, you can trust these suggestions.. If you intend to go abroad directly, I think you are quite brave and you are appreciated by me.

-If possible try not to coincide with a public holiday of your destination. Because everywhere, look, EVERYWHERE can be closed, you can have a nervous breakdown by coming to the point of “we have come this far, we have been walking on the streets since morning”.. We went to Lyon on May 1, and we were like little children, we know from there.

-If you need to get a visa after determining your destination, that is a separate process, of course.. If you are going to get a visa for the first time, you may be intimidated, do not be afraid.. After a point, when you get used to it, you automate it.. For this, you can take a look at our Schengen Visa and US Visa articles, we have explained what we know there.

-Let’s not pass without mentioning an important point about the visa issue here, If you are going to more than one country, apply for the visa of the country you will enter first. Otherwise, they can cause incapacity.. For example, if you are going on a tour of Central Europe and you are going to start this trip from Vienna, do not apply for a Czech Republic visa and do not enter unnecessary attractions.. There is no such thing as a hundred percent problem, but we think it is not worth trying.. Yes, putting flight tickets and hotel reservations between your visa documents makes it easier for you to get a visa, but you should also consider the possibility of not getting a visa or the possibility of the visa not reaching the date you want due to the prolongation of the work and the lack of documents / density.. We know it’s frustrating, but it’s true. For this reason, we usually do the following: We make an option for the flight ticket, and we book the hotel from a hotel with the “free cancellation, pay later” option on booking.com.. The most affordable one if possible.. Then we print out these documents and put them in our visa documents.. After the visa is issued, we arrange our actual flight ticket and hotel.. A little sneaky won’t hurt.

-Wherever you’re going, make sure to have travel insurance. In fact, put this document in your visa documents that you will use during the application.. If you’re not rocking yourself, know that this factor even allows you to get a longer visa at least get insurance based on it. Travel insurance. It even allows you to get a longer visa, if you don’t shake yourself, you shake it.

-Before you apply for your visa, don’t forget to check your passport validity. If your passport has expired, you won’t be able to go anywhere. (We didn’t need to mention that you have to have a passport, right?) Let’s remind you that most countries require at least 6 months of validity.

-You may think that the hotel and plane arrangement part of the job will be complicated.. No, there is no such thing.. Once you know, you sit in front of the computer in American movies and do everything like the maniac who claims to crack all the passwords.. Of course, there are many options in this regard, but assuming you are an amateur, let’s tell you where it would be more logical to set it up and let’s reduce the options: The site that will give you the best prices for the plane by comparing it is Skyscanner. booking.com for a hotel or if you are keen to rent a house and you prefer a tavern’s house, it will be enough to take a look at airbnb.com.. We use Artıway to make all these costs one click cheaper, it gives you some of these costs back in cash according to the bonus rate.. No, brother, if you say these sites are not enough for me, we have explained the websites you can use to make an affordable holiday abroad here.

-While we’re on the subject, let’s elaborate, using this Artıway friend, we have many travel-related websites. you can bring your cost a click cheaper. When you enter the site, you will see that many brands / organizations you know are included in it.. This includes everything from airline ticket providers to hotels to booking.com.. If you are going to “X’ skiing” and you are going to buy ski equipment or need any technological equipment, it may be useful for you, we suggest you to briefly enter and play around.

-By the way, while the subject is about what you should put in your suitcase and what you should not forget during your trip “What Should I Take With Me When Traveling” themed content may also be very useful for you.. Don’t worry, it’s not a very worrying article that we fill in such nonsense, we don’t have such a thing, you’re ashamed ………

2. Before the Journey

-Cliche but very useful, first of all make yourself a “to-do list”. Then, wow, don’t say you forgot it, don’t say you didn’t take it, don’t be upset. .

Don’t leave the money changer to the airport. Because there are more ridiculous exchange rates at the airport, and this money exchange issue can turn into a pre-trip chaos for no reason.. Don’t bother with this while you already have things to do before you get on the plane.. It’s a good idea to get this done a few days before your trip.. Also, even if you are going to change money at a bank or exchange office, sometimes not every country has their money.. If you are going to Paka Paka Island and you need Lölölö Yeni, they can bring it if you inform the place where you will change the money a few days in advance.. You see, this job is very difficult and you have decided to change the money in the country you are going to, then at least convert TL to a more valid currency such as Euro or Dollar, go that way.

-Look, if you don’t go abroad often. this is an easily overlooked issue to say. In order to make calls abroad, your line must be open for international calls. Therefore, before you leave, call your operator and find out if your line is open for international calls.. Another issue is to find out if there is a reasonable tariff that you can use in the country you are going to.. Otherwise, you may have to struggle with a bill like an arm, because international calls and internet usage do not work as well as within the country.. Finally, check if the roaming option is turned on on your phone, at least know where it is opened from, otherwise you cannot use your line in any country.

Download a map application to your phone. There are many options for this, but if you want to know which one we use, we use CityMaps2Go. With this application, you can mark the places you want to visit, restaurants, museums, whatever comes to your mind, on the offline map, you don’t need to spend your internet.. You can also figure out where and how far away you are while you are there, DEV convenience.. Apart from that, you can check here for our favorite applications we use.

Make a note of the address of the place you will stay on your phone. It doesn’t matter if it’s a hotel, a friend’s house, or an Airbnb home you rent.. Don’t just take notes, mark the location on the map application we suggested above. Then, when you land in a place you never knew, don’t get into chaos and panic, find your way.

There will be a time difference between your destination and Turkey.. don’t forget to include the time of your destination on your phone so that you don’t have to call your mother at 3 am and desperately say what’s up with the girl.

-Have some Turkish money with you. You need it for something at the airport, you need it for the road on the way back, leave something 3-5. We’ll show you why below.

Check in online 24 hours before your flight time. Chances are not every airline offers this option, but check to see if you can.. This way, things are much easier and you can sit wherever you want because you can choose your seat.. Then MEHMET I WILL GO TO THE GLASS SIDE, YOU don’t have to fight.. Sorry Mehmet, we won, you lost.

-Even if you’re going to the hottest place in the world, even if it’s 500 degrees in Turkey when you set off, pack something for the plane.. For some reason, the plane is always icy.

3. Airport Process

-Although this topic is overwhelming, we will guide you to do the right thing: Get to the airport at least 2 hours before your flight. Look, don’t underestimate what we’re saying and really go, stop getting scabies.. Because you might have a mishap, the check-in queue might be like crazy, you might run into a crowded group and wait in line at the security, etc.. Since this is a list that can go on and on, it is useful to be there 2 hours in advance and wait calmly at the airport.. You drink coffee and read a magazine, my dear, allah.. (According to İdil, this time can be up to 8 hours in advance, LEFT ME RELAXED İDİL……….)

-Reminder: Did we get our mortar stamp, which is the most meaningless thing in the world? We can’t leave the country without buying it, that’s why. Then the cops will turn you back at the end of the line saying “you don’t have a stamp”. You have to do this before you go to the passport control stage when you get to the airport. There is a point where you can get a stamp duty, even if you can’t find it, it’s easy to ask whoever you ask.. As of the term, the fee is 15 TL. (We said Turkish Lira may be required)

-We were not comfortable, we let you list what you need to do at the airport so don’t panic : Arrival at the airport, 1. Passing through the security control, getting the fee stamp, going to the section of your airline company to check in and handing over the luggage, passing through the passport control and then 2. security check, looking at your ticket to find out which gate you will go to to get on the plane, checking the electronic signs to see if the plane is ready to take passengers and going to the gate. It may sound complicated.. At this point, when you land in the country you will travel to, you will be passing through another passport control in the first place. If you are going to Europe, the passport control queue will very likely be divided into two as “For EU Citizens” and “Non-EU Citizens”. you already solve. Afterwards, the officer who will check your passport and take you to the country may ask you questions such as why you came, how long you will stay, where you will stay, this is perfectly normal, there is nothing to be nervous about.. You may even get lucky with a mangy person, but don’t be nervous, if you don’t have a Kalashnikov or something, it’s just the procedure, answer calmly. At this point, it may also be useful for you to make a note of the place where you will stay, if it asks, you can show the note you took to your phone.. After passing the passport control, you will calmly go to collect your luggage.

4. After Landing in a New City

Keep a copy of your health insurance somewhere in your bag. You never know, something will happen to you, know where it is and carry it on you.. You can even have a copy of the first page of your passport.. It doesn’t hurt to act cautiously.

-Guys, passport is very important.. I mean, we don’t want to exaggerate, but it is better to say that it is even more important than you.. (we exaggerated) So secure your passport. If it is, you are too.. If not, you’re Tom Hanks from Terminal.. If possible, put your passport in a zippered compartment of your bag and do not put it on the market unless necessary.

-Do not try to carry unnecessary things with you while traveling. In fact, if possible, do not carry anything other than money, a camera, an umbrella if necessary, a spare ID card, maybe a band-aid and a phone.. Because after a point, anything next to you can start to feel like a tremendous weight.. The important thing during the trip is not that you look like a countess or archduke, but that you are comfortable.. You will realize this for yourself after walking around all day, but it is much more useful to know beforehand.

-What you need to have with you on any trip consists of 3 words: Comfortable sneakers. It sounded like Demet Akalın’s song, but we insist on it.

-When you go abroad for the first time, an uncontrollable desire to buy a souvenir appears in one’s mind.. So you put a hat on your head, a t-shirt, a snow globe in your hand, a shot glass, magnet or something in your empty hand, you kind of go crazy.. STOP. Gently put your hands on the ground. (don’t leave it on the floor, put it back on the shelves, don’t disgrace us, don’t touch us) This gift business gets out of control after a while, friends.. That’s why if you’re going to buy it, at least set an object for yourself and stick to it, don’t collect everything, then they are meaninglessly piling up at home because. Also, the most important point is, don’t dive into the first gift shop you see. We say our motto on this subject: The farther from the city center, the cheaper. Don’t be fooled by the souvenir shops at touristic points, sir.

-Make it a habit to look at the opening and closing hours of the places you are planning to visit in the city you are visiting and on which days they are closed. For example, unlike Turkey, in many countries, Sunday can be a dead day in many respects, because people rightfully do not work one day, they rest.. This includes shops, malls, even markets.. Likewise, as in our case, everywhere may not be open until the middle of the night, cafes and restaurants may close at more humane hours (quite early for us).. Although museums are closed on Mondays in most countries, there are sometimes exceptional cases and other days may be closed.. These examples go a long way, in short, you’re wasting your time, take a look at it, think about it that way.

-If you didn’t listen to our word and change your money in Turkey, please don’t exchange your money at the airport of the city you landed on, because it’s very expensive. most likely the rates will be ridiculous again. Instead, search for a place to exchange money in the city.. We know you won’t be able to exchange millions of dollars, but don’t let the airport be your first choice to do so.

5. Nonsense But Useful Advice and General Information

-In your mind, “I don’t know English properly, how will I travel?” If there is such a thought, throw it away immediately, shame on the bag that you will throw away that thought, friends… You can travel the whole world if you want without knowing the language. We go to countries where we can’t get along with people even an iota, and we manage to get along even with sloppy hand gestures, sometimes even if you speak English fluently, the people around you don’t know anything, but things are still resolved.. Not knowing the language is not a barrier to travel. Point.

-Just as you do when you leave, don’t forget to check in online 24 hours before your return time.

-For God’s sake, 234 stars in Antalya don’t pack your suitcase as if you’re going to an all-inclusive hotel, give priority to comfort. You’ll be walking so much anyway and you’ll get tired that after a point you’ll just wear what you’re most comfortable in.. We don’t necessarily say to buy 2 sweaters and trousers and wash your things there, we don’t buy that little stuff either, but don’t take your shit off.. Isn’t it a shame we said shit, dear reader.

-Small but functional information, check if there is carbonated water when buying water, the issue of carbonated water abroad is much more than us. widespread. Also, in many cities you have the potential to go to, you may be able to drink water from the tap, but if you do, you won’t be drinking water for nothing.

Eat street food, because it’s great, but very questionable You may want to stay away from those who stop. We do not know if anyone wants to spend the holiday on the toilet.. You got it.

-Guys, girls don’t propose abroad either, don’t get false hopes.. Also, if you go to a 9-man club, you may not be admitted there, don’t get false hopes. Part 2. That friend of yours who says, “WE HAVE A BABY, WHAT WE DID IN PRAGUE” is most likely shaking it.. Let Metallica’s Sad But True come for you…….

-We close with an interesting and ridiculous information.. Friends, do you have an uncontrollable urge to drink “tomato juice” when you get on the plane? In other words, although we have never seen a person drinking tomato juice at home in our lives, tomato juice is pouring in on the plane.. If you have not experienced this yet, it is quite possible that you will experience it even on your first trip abroad.. It is normal if your heart is drawn to tomato juice, it had an explanation, it caught our attention, let’s share it with you.. Sir, in the air, how high our sense of taste is not as functional as it is below.. For this reason, we can enjoy the drinks we normally drink less while flying.. So that’s why we all settle for tomato juice. Let it go, stick it with a nice tomato juice.

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