
Alesund Travel Notes: Norwegian Fjords Adventure!

Lately, I’ve been a fan of traveling to extreme places The extreme points of the map I understand from the extreme, or places with different nature, climate. Because traveling is a passion and you should always go to places that attract you…

This time it seems like the Norwegian fjords are calling me, journey north!

Alesund Overview / Art Nouveau Town

I confess I heard the name Alesund while trying to find a suitable flight to the north of Norway. Actually, my target was Tromso or Bodo. But I also saw that there is a 10-15 euro flight ticket from Gdansk to Alesund, then I said, let my second Norway trip begin.

Of course, since I have been living in Italy for a while, Milan Bergamo to Gdansk By purchasing a suitable ticket to I have completely determined the route of my trip to Alesund.

The Journey Begins / I Found a Seat to Sleep Me at Gdansk Airport

Towards the Norwegian Fjords

Today First of all, I fly to Poland for two hours in the evening, and then after waiting for a few hours at Gdansk airport, there is now Alesund directly on the route…

No Alesund Passengers Left

Early hours of the day in Gdansk, when I get on the plane When it was still dark and it was two hours in front of me, I said Gorkem sleep a little more

You won’t believe the view when I open my eyes…

Strange Things Are Happening Below

Another Planet!

“This must be another planet”

As the sun begins to reveal itself in the distance, the plane the reflections from the glass started to become clear as well.. The vast, steep, high snowy mountains and astonishing voids reminiscent of valleys, which I am not accustomed to seeing below… we’re getting closer

Another Planet! / Approaching Alesund / Norwegian Fjords

Hello Alesund!

Honestly, my heart fluttered a little, as if we were going to crash into the tops of the mountains, our plane was flying at last to Alesund Vigra airport around 8am.

It’s nice to be back in Norway after many years

Greetings Alesund / Vigra Airport

Alesund is literally “God forgot in a place as far from civilization as you can describe as a “place”. So, imagine that you are flying 1.5 hours more north than Oslo, and there are the endless snowy mountains in between.

Alesund Vigra, one of my favorite friendly airports, you walk to the terminal.. For transportation to the city, there are buses arranged to coincide with the flights.. These buses are called “flybussen” and the fare is 100 Norwegian kroner, about 10 euros.

Here’s Such a Tiny Airport

Norwegian Krona One Bitcoin

Actually, the currency is euro or going to a country without dollars has always been a problem. Converting money can be a real torture, and translations with very high commissions at airports are a nightmare…

But this is Norway!

One of the richest countries in the world. They are so rich that they said we don’t even need the money

The Bus That Will Take Me To The City

“What is this Görkem saying?”

Norway does not print money or anything This is a country that follows an anti-cash policy called “cashless”. So the Norwegian Krone is largely something like cryptocurrency.. Of course it is printed but very little, mostly this money is virtual…

This means that you do not need to exchange money in this country, there is no currency exchange office at Alesund Airport, even in the city. there is none 🙂 Just have a credit card with contactless support, here is an akbil valid everywhere

As you can see, I only get on the bus to the city with a small di t sound by paying with my contactless card.

This Is My Ticket / We’re Taking Off!

Sunrise in the North

Glory is usually a bit lucky Again, I’m in the most beautiful place at the best of times, the sun is just starting to come out as I drive towards the city by bus, the view is incredible…

Maybe I would understand if I hadn’t been to Norway and been to more than 50 countries, but this place is truly amazing!

Snowy steep mountains, reflections in the sea and Norway’s special nature…

Sunrise in Alesund from the Bus

About Alesund

Because Alesund is located in a region consisting of dozens of islands, there are always road tunnels between these islands, the bus goes up and down one by one. I finally reach the city center of Alesund by just watching the scenery without understanding what is going on.

Fjord Map of Alesund and the Region / Alesund Top Left

The city is very quiet as it is morning hours.

Colorful modern structures and Everything around me says this is Norway with its details creating a fishing town atmosphere

First Minute of the Morning in Alesund The Weather Is A Little Cold But The Environment Is Great Alesund’s Unique Architecture Houses

First of all, I go to the seaside to watch the sunrise more clearly, I am in a fairy-tale environment;

Clouds in places, snowy slopes of fjords in the distance and the sun…

The streets are empty, but a Norwegian old couple is out for morning sports, I’m taking a picture right away

It’s fabulous… It’s a great chance to see the sun in winter in quite northern latitudes like Alesund. I had to immortalize the unforgettable moment I also took my photo OK!

Places to Visit in Alesund

Although it is considered large in Norway scale, Alesund is a small city population of only 50 thousand in general.

So places to visit in Alesund always close to each other. In this city, we should experience the atmosphere of the city and explore its nature rather than “let’s visit this spot”.

Morning Hours in Alesund / You Are Together With Ships In The City I Am Alone On The Streets Of Alesund

I was the first to >I go to Fjellstua View Point to see the city and its nature more clearly.

This is the best place to observe Alesund and its surroundings.

It’s Time to Go Up! Park to the Fjellstua Viewpoint 367. Basamak Ha Diligence Gorkem…

I am the Ruler of Alesund!

Alesund is under my feet!

These islets, mountains and fjords that I find very interesting on the map are now right in front of me I can watch them all with the naked eye…

Here’s Alesund and Gorkem in One Frame

This is a touristically organized area in Alesund. In other words, its path, observation point and the place on the hill have been designed in a completely travel-friendly way.. There is a nice bench seating at the top…

Continue to Watch the Amazing Sunrise

This Is How the Norwegian Picnic Was

“This is how a Norwegian style picnic should be ”

I can’t give up the fresh air on the hill and the wonderful Norwegian nature view, I follow the path from the hill, parallel to the east of the city.. I’m pretty much in the forest, but I told you we’re going to walk around the mountains here, because this is another place… >As you descend, it is very enjoyable to watch the pointed roofs of the 1-2 storey northern houses and their exterior colors in white, gray, burgundy and dark blue tones.

One can feel the Dominion of the World in the Fascinating Nature of Alesund

Norwegian Fjords Spring Weather in February

Alesund has a lot of mountains and hills so there is a beautiful view everywhere. Luckily, the weather is generally around 8-10 degrees in the Norwegian average.

The snow is only visible on the top of the mountains, so I can see the city and not let the snow touch my pleasure!

“ watching the pointed roofs of northern houses and their exterior colors in shades of white, gray, burgundy, and navy blue” Every Photo Can Be Interpreted for Minutes in Alesund

My One Night Mansion in Norway

As it approaches noon, I rented a place to rest a little and leave my belongings. I’m going home I only paid 30 euros here but the whole apartment is mine! I officially had a house in Alesund for a day My Home in Alesund

Norwegian Gorkem

The interior of my house is really stylish I even wore my local booties OK;”Norwegian Gorgeous”

Now a little Alesund Time to visit the city center!

Norwegian Glory

Art Nouveau Town: Art is for Art!

Alesund is a wonderful open space where you can see the most striking examples of an innovative northern architecture called Art Nouveau. It’s like an air museum. This area is already called The Art Nouveau Town

Art Nouveau Town Alesund / There is a Sun, A Cloud Typical Art Nouveau Houses of Alesund

As the name suggests, Alesund All the buildings in ‘ are painted like a work of art…

In addition, these buildings are very well-maintained and clean with the opportunities that money brings.. In my opinion, it is one of the most atmospheric urban environments you can see in Europe. I have never seen anything like this in northern capitals such as Oslo or Stockholm, Helsinki, which I have been to before.

This Is Also A Fishing Town Art Nouveau Town Alesund Streets

Is This a Church?

The only spot in the city you can visit is “Ålesund Kirke”

Alesund Church is far from typical church architectures, with a pointed roof and stone exterior has an interesting look. You can think of it as a medieval castle with its bell tower.

The Medieval Fortress Church of Alesund

I wrote “Ålesund” with a special A because that’s a letter in the Norwegian alphabet. and this is the usage in the correct name of the city. The name of the city sounds like “olesund” anyway…

It’s getting dark now. While I was going to the market and looking for something to eat, I found a huge ready-made pizza for myself, I cook it and eat it at home with pleasure I miss pizza so much since I have never been to Italy…

Beautiful Building and Stunning Nature View in the West of the City It’s Getting Dark Now The Day Time Here Is Quite Short

Dinner Or Alesund Again?

Alesund is really quite an expensive city. That’s why I wasn’t too upset that I couldn’t try something local outside, because snacks are at least 10-15 euros.

Considering that I already bought plane tickets for 40-50 euros in total, is it a local dinner again in Norway? come to the fjords?

I thought the same thing, the second…

Norwegian Markets Actually, The Prices Seems Not That Much… But It Is Not Expensive! The Upper Floor of the Store Written Mall of Norway is my house It started to rain a little, so I took my coffee and it’s evening in Alesund…

Let the Hunting for the Northern Lights Begin!

When I think about going to bed, a light bulb goes on; The Northern Lights!

For most people, the Northern Lights are the top reason to come to the north of Norway. It’s important to me too, but it wasn’t number one.. Also, Alesund is a place where “Aurora” is rarely observed due to its location.

But I still look at the “Aurora” map to try my luck and what do I see Alesund is among the northern lights observable places for tonight and the weather on

My Hunt for the Northern Lights Begins I’ve Got to the Top of the City!

I’m going out at night to the observation point where I leave right at noon; I’m not alone

Yes, a few more tourists like me have come to catch those famous northern lights.. We are trying for about 1-2 hours and;

“it looks like we saw something from the end of it?”

It Was Like This At First Then It Turned A Little Yellow Like The Photo Below

Obviously I saw it I don’t know if I saw it or not, but there was an extraordinary clearness and a green tone on the side where the sun hadn’t set. I’m going back to bed because I have a flight to Reykjavik next month I’ll watch it anyway in Iceland…

I Was Just Looking The Wrong Side This Is The Right Place! Like There’s Some Northern Lights on the Horizon?

Second Day in Alesund

My second day in Alesund, a little rain and lots of fog…

This situation makes the already fascinating nature scene even more mysterious , it has become legendary, keep traveling

My Second Day in Alesund Lots of Fog

Since I finished the places to visit in Alesund in general yesterday, today I am looking for places to get closer to the fjords.

There are actually regular tours from Alesund to the Norwegian Fjords. But these tours are not held in winter due to safety and harsh winter conditions.

The City Has Become Even More Mysterious with Fog and Rain

My Adventure Journey to the Fjords

Of course, this cannot intimidate me. My destination is the nearest fjord, Hjørundfjorden!

In order to reach here, I buy a bus ticket to a place called Sykkylven.. On this journey, we will also take the ferry by bus But I will continue on foot after the ferry…

I’m on my way to the fjords!

After a rather adventurous journey, I get on the Norwegian ferry and watch the magnificent fjords even closer. I reach Sykkylven.

My location is exactly in the middle of the indented part of those mountains. There is a small village around, but in general, I am alone with nature.. The view before me is truly enchanting.

Full Way to the Norwegian Fjords! The Postcard Landscape Begins…

It is another pleasure to finally reach the Norwegian fjords I say look at the photos that are hard to put into words…

Is it worth it to come?

Here are the Norwegian Fjords! I Could Have Got Closer But You Can See The Danger From The Image There Is A Small Village Here I Have To Continue On Foot

The heart would have liked to go further, but that’s enough as I will be returning to Poland by plane in the evening and the weather conditions are not really good Then I return to Alesund on the same route.

I think it’s worth even just to go on that local ferry and watch the surroundings…

Beautiful Norwegian Fjords… Next Time I’ll Get Even Closer That’s Norway for Now! And this is our Ferry Back to Alesund…

Let’s Watch the City From This Hill Again

Now it’s my last hours in Alesund, I’m visiting the local harbor and the park called Storhaugen in the east of the city

strong>. Since this park is located on the hill, there is a beautiful view from the opposite angle; postcards everywhere…

My trip to Alesund has now come to an end. From now on, I am enjoying the nature and the scenery by improvising the city, enjoying the nature and the scenery.

Alesund View from Storhaugen Have a Look at the Local Port Alesund in the East of the City From Here / Remarkable Modern Waterfront Structures Alesund Harbor Entrance

Alesund Travel My suggestions

Let me leave a short list of recommendations for those who will visit Alesund;

  • Don’t forget to watch the city from above.
  • He who does not visit the fjords is not here.
  • Save a little and avoid overly expensive things.
  • Have a contactless credit card with you.
  • You might need one of those Norwegian fishermen’s creams
  • Walk a lot and enjoy nature.

Last Tours in Alesund … Fog and Overcast Weather Suits This City This Is The North Of The City Also Only Nature After 1-2Km!

Alesund: This City Is Great

Overall, Alesund has been a city that I really liked. “Glory you like everywhere too!”

No, it’s not like that Alesund is really the number 1 city I recommend to go to in Norway. Because it’s just a city like Oslo not, or Trömso, Bodo style not just extreme natural conditions…

This City Is A Wonderful This Trip Is Complete / While Moving On The Norwegian Sea… It Was Hanging On The Wall Of The House I Stayed In A Very Old Alesund Photo / You Can Compare With The Below! See you Alesund I can come again….

Alesund is both impressive with its nature among the Norwegian fjords, and its city with Art Nouveau architecture is eye-catching. In addition to all these, there is no impossibility as it is not a very small city so everything is here and it is not expensive even though it is expensive. .

In short, I love Alesund I’m going back to Gdansk in the evening, it’s very windy 50 km/h, I hope I can go safely, love from Norway for now…

Continued: Gdansk, Poland Travel Notes


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