
All About the Orient Express in 9 Items

Oriental Express is such a journey that it deserves all the exaggerated comments.. An experience in itself rather than a means of transportation. Of course, the comments that it is extremely difficult to find tickets due to its popularity, unfortunately, are not an urban legend.. Of course, it is difficult, but if you say there is no clue about finding tickets, of course there is.. Here are the information about the Eastern Express and the tips for finding tickets.

What is the Eastern Express Tour? ?

In the shortest description, the Eastern Express, which makes a journey from Ankara to Kars and passes through Kırıkkale-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum provinces, reaches Kars. TCDD Transportation train. The route length of the Eastern Express train is 1310 km and the journey time is approximately 25 hours.

Which Cities does the Eastern Express come from? Passing ?

First of all, the East Express is a 25-hour journey that departs from Ankara Train Station at 18.00 every day and ends at Kars Train Station at 19.00.. So the Eastern Express takes about 1 day. The stations where the Eastern Express stops until it reaches Kars from Ankara are: Kırıkkale, Sivas, Erzincan and Erzurum Train Stations. So you don’t need to come to Ankara just to get on the Eastern Express train.. You can also get on from other stations.

Here’s the trick: Since the most beautiful views coincide with the daylight hours in the direction of Ankara-Kars, this direction is more popular and therefore it is more difficult to find tickets in this direction.. One suggestion is to go to Kars by plane and return to Ankara with the Eastern Express.. It is a known fact that more comfortable tickets can be found for return.. Keep in mind.

Oriental Express Hours

If you are planning to travel with the Orient Express The departure time of the train is very important.. You should pay attention to the hours so that you do not miss the train.. The departure times of the Eastern Express from Ankara to Kars and from Kars to Ankara are as follows.

– Departure from Ankara: 17.55
– Departure from Kayseri: 00.48
– Departure from Sivas: 04.19
– Departure from Erzincan: 10.32
– Departure from Erzurum: 14.32
– Arrival in Kars: 18.30

Departure from the stations and departure from Ankara for passengers traveling from Kars to Ankara. either arrival times;

– Departure from Kars: 08.00
– Departure from Erzurum: 12.10
– Erzincan Departure from: 16.06
– Departure from Sivas: 22.18
– Departure from Kayseri: 01.48
– Arrival in Ankara: 08.30

How Long Does the East Express Tour Take ?

Do not compare the speed of the Orient Express train to Japan’s high-speed trains. This train is a nostalgic train after all, it’s going heavy. It slowly walks you around. Average speed of the Eastern Express 80 km/h. The journey between Ankara and Kars takes approximately 25 hours one way.

How Much Are the Eastern Express Ticket Prices?

The most important part of the job is getting a ticket for the Eastern Express. The ticket prices of the Eastern Express are quite reasonable.. Eastern Express ticket prices vary according to the wagon system preferred by the passengers.. You can travel on the train in 3 ways: In 4-person compartments called covered couchette, in 2-bedded compartments and in seats called pullman. Since passengers usually choose sleeper compartments, it is very, very important to book in advance.

Ankara – Kars Touristic Eastern Express Sleeper Ticket Prices (2020)

  • Full ticket (Single) : 480.00 TL
  • Full Ticket (Two Persons) : 600.00 TL
  • Young Ticket (Single) : 384.00 TL
  • Young Ticket (Two Persons) Person) : 489.00 TL
  • Over 65 Years Old (Single Person) : 240.00 TL
  • Above 65 Years Old (Two Persons) : 300.00 TL

Ankara – Kars Doğu Express Pulman (with Seat) Ticket Prices (2020)

  • Full ticket: 57.50 TL
  • Discounted ticket: 49.50 TL

  • Above 65: 29.00 TL

Ankara – Kars Eastern Express Bunk Ticket Prices (2020)

  • Full ticket: 78.00 TL
  • Discounted ticket: 69.00 TL
  • Above 65 years old: 49.00 TL

Eastern Express Ticketing Tactics

Eastern Express Express Ticket Finding Methods

  • After considering all the details and deciding on the period you want to go, we can move on to the stage of making effort to find tickets.. Tickets are on sale one month in advance.. For example, tickets for February 6 and March 5 are on sale today.. Only 1 month portion is on sale, so you don’t have a chance to buy tickets for a few months later.
  • There is no clear time when tickets go on sale.. I saw that it was opened for sale at 02.30 at night and at 7 in the morning.
  • All the wagons may appear full when they go on sale.. Sometimes tour agencies can buy tickets.. Of course, we do not lose hope here, as there may be those who cancel the ticket, sometimes additional wagons can be placed.. When I got up in the morning, I found a place for the ticket that looked full before I went to bed and bought it immediately.
  • If possible, do not stay fixed on a single date.. If you can set a specific date range and constantly check all the dates that suit you, your probability of finding a ticket will increase even more. you should wait. In this way, I think sooner or later there will be a ticket.
  • Let’s say you passed all these stages and got the Doğu Express ticket on a date that suits you.. At this stage you have to choose the places immediately and you will have 10 minutes to buy the ticket. If you can’t buy the ticket within 10 minutes, the system will kick you out automatically and someone else will probably take the vacant places, waiting in ambush in front of the computer.. For this reason, it will be beneficial for you to enter your information (name, surname, tc identity numbers) during the process that passes until you find a vacant place. you want to experience. I hope my advice will work and you will find a ticket and go on a journey as soon as possible.. If you’ve done the ticketing phase, you’re probably thinking about the train and the compartment now and wondering about some things.. Their answer is of course here

    Oriental Express Requirements List & Our Experience


    • I traveled with my sister in a twin compartment. Linens and blankets were clean.. You can sleep with peace of mind.
    • There is a socket in the room for 2 people, an extension cable is very useful.
    • I recommend you to take small kettles with you, it is very good for tea and coffee.
    • There were 2 disposable slippers available in hotels.. If you want to be comfortable, you can bring your own slippers.
    • There is a sink in the 2-person bed compartment.. You can use this place to wash your hands and brush your teeth, but the toilets are for common use.. There are 2 units in each wagon (one in Turkish and one in European style). Toilet paper was always there until the end of the journey, but keep it with you just in case.. We did not have any problems in terms of cleanliness.
    • There is a dining car, but it may not always serve.. Take enough water and food with you.
    • There are also mini fridges in the compartments, and there were treats such as water, chocolate and biscuits in it.
    • There is a shelf where you can put your luggage and a hanger for you to hang your clothes.. There is a button on the door to turn the light on and off and the temperature control panel.. I can also say to those who wonder if we are cold, the possibility of sweating is much higher than the possibility of cold:)
    • The door of the room is locked from the inside, but it can be opened from the outside.. Don’t say what it is, we couldn’t figure it out either
    • The train only stops at the stations on the road to get passengers on and off.. So it’s very short lived.. If you stay away from the train and wait too long, you can wave from the back of the train
    • Smoking is allowed in the compartments, and there were even those who smoked near the door in the wagons.
    • While approaching Erzurum, the wagon attendant wandered down the corridor and made cag kebabs. calls out if anyone wants to order. Since we will go to Erzurum after Kars, we reserve our right there.. You can benefit from my article on Places to Visit in Erzurum, where to eat cağ kebab and what are its fine points.

    When is the Orient Express?

    While we went to Kars, let’s ski in Sarıkamış and walk on the frozen Çıldır Lake, as the idea is very popular. popular period is January-February. As a result, the probability of finding tickets in these months is much lower.. If you prefer another period, I would like to point out that you can find a much more comfortable ticket.

    If you have found the answer to all your questions and bought your ticket, it’s time to get ready for the journey.. Led light and a few decorations will make your journey even more memorable. For those who ask where we can find it, you can order from the @harf_tasarim page on Instagram.

    If you have any other questions that come to mind, you can leave a comment below.. I will try to answer as soon as possible.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Orient Express

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