
America Travel Notes -2-

Los Angeles Travel Notes
As I mentioned in the introduction, I tried to find someone to stay at home as much as I could during this trip, as accommodation is expensive.. Thanks to Tuna, whom we met well from Canonturk forum, he hosted me in his house and I stayed there for 4 nights.. But first, let me tell you about the security control at the entrance to America, which has become an urban legend, and let’s continue.

I heard a lot before I went.. No, they treat you like a dog, they even take off your socks, especially if you are Muslim, you ate the quince, they pull you to the back room and ask questions, they press you if you get excited, they send you back etc etc.. I’ve heard dozens of things. But I didn’t mind any of that as I was in my usual comfort.. I got off the plane and went to the passport counter.. The police asked for my passport, saying welcome to our country directly.. So many smiles surprised me. After passing by, another police officer came to the second control and said, with the same politeness, we need to check what you have in your bag.. He scoured the bag, then it’s okay, you can take your bag and go.

I got out of there and all the checks were finished. And once again, I realized that we really like to exaggerate the events.

While planning my trip to America, I had the idea of โ€‹โ€‹renting a car for a month, but when I made the calculations, I realized that it would be expensive and I gave up on the car business.. Los Angeles is a big place and if you don’t have a car, getting around is a bit of a pain.. Of course, there is public transportation, but since the distances are very far, it takes almost 2 hours between the two regions.. Half an hour if you have a car. Let’s get involved in society, I said that’s my way of traveling anyway, and I used bus, tram, metro every day.. I used it, but the lowest class or the homeless use public transport here. You can see 3 crazy people side by side in a bus. When you get off and go to the metro, you can see 3 more there.. I have never come across so many crazy people among the countries I have visited so far.

They have a TAP card just like we have an Istanbul card.. You can get unlimited rides on almost all public transportation vehicles in Los Angeles for 1 day by loading 5 usd per day.. I did this every day because it was affordable.

As I usually do on my trips, I bought the sim card and internet package of the place as soon as I landed in the country.. But it was the most expensive sim card I’ve ever bought. I gave 60 usd including sim card for 1 month valid, 2 gb quota, unlimited talk and messaging package.. If your job is for 1 week, unfortunately there is no such option.. A minimum of 1 month’s packages are sold.

Almost everyone has a car because it can be found very cheaply.. And even 300 meters to the ground they get in the car and go. Therefore, it is not possible to see people on the streets.. Los Angeles will be a big disappointment, especially for those who like to roam the streets like me.. I didn’t see people on the streets except in Hollywood, Santa Monica and a few places.. Of course, I haven’t been to all places, but I understand that this is the case in many parts of America.

Now I’m going to Hollywood with the thought of seeing some people.. You can’t explain it without a video, let’s continue.

As you can see, Hollywood is a pretty fun place.. Street artists are in the top three of the best I’ve ever seen with their shows and make-up.. It is a pleasure to look for the handprints of your favorite artist on the ground ๐Ÿ™‚ You can easily spend half a day here.. If you want to go to the famous Hollywood sign, there are people who are constantly handing out flyers.. You can go on a tour with them.. Since it was enough for me to see from afar, I did not need to go up to him.. There are nice shops and shops on the boulevard and in some streets parallel to it.. These places should be visited slowly, to the fullest.. But because the prices are high, I never shopped in this region.

As you can see in the video, I ate a mc donalds menu for 6 usd.. It was the worst hamburger I’ve ever eaten in my life.. I couldn’t understand how it could be so bad in the place where he was born.

The next day I went to universal studios but only visited the area. I didn’t want to spend a full day and spend 100 USD for this job to enter the area where the shows are held.. Don’t ask if you can come without seeing it, everyone’s interests are different and the less money I finish this trip, the faster I can go to my next trip ๐Ÿ™‚

I guess in Los Angels My favorite places are the Santa Monica area and Venice Beach.. Think of a beach so that it is one of the most beautiful and touristic places in the city.. But there should be neither a business nor a tea garden along the beach nor people who will ask you for a place to throw your towel on the floor and sunbathe.. A free place open to the public only, rich and poor side by side, full of street performers and fun. Who wouldn’t want to go to a beach like this on the weekends and ride a bike, have fun with their kids, play sports, fish or just spend time?

That’s why I loved this place so much.. Also, when I went, there were stands and small shows of different ethnic groups.. It was a lot of fun.

Now we’re in Beverly Hills, the famous place. This is what is generally called for this place; If you go to any market or sit in a cafe, it is very unlikely that you will come across Hollywood celebrities.. Since I have no such interest in celebrities, I never went into this quest.. I wandered around the region and lingered in a small mall-style place, that’s all.. What else do you expect someone who has already come to Beverly Hills by city bus to do ๐Ÿ™‚ ย A luxury place, even an extreme luxury, with its streets and houses. I’ve been to Monaco with similar luxury, but this place is really overkill. There are not many normal cars on the streets.. All very expensive models.. And out of the blue you can see two latest model lamborgini side by side.. And women may be using both.. I mean, I’ve seen the lamborghini a lot, but I’ve seen both the woman who uses it and the one who makes her scream here for the first time.. The stores are equally luxurious.. In short, I continue my journey without staying in this place, which will spoil a backpacker ๐Ÿ™‚

The next day, thanks to Tuna, who I stayed at his house, he took me to the renaissance fair held every year in the Big Bear region.. Here the entrance fee is 15 usd. But it’s a fun place.. You will be right when you watch the video.

As you can see towards the end of the video, Americans do not have the habit of getting into small cars like European countries.. They prefer big cars. Probably the width of the roads and parking areas is also a big factor in this.. Of course, let’s not forget that gas is cheap.

I left it for the last day because it was said that there is not much in downtown Los Angeles.. Today I will take the bus to San Diego.. Of course, first I go to the terminal in the center and leave my bag.. Now I’m in a place called down town. I say you should definitely stop by The Last Bookstore right here.. I don’t know how nice a bookstore can be.. I liked it very much at Lello Bookstore in Porto, it’s a bookstore that should be visited, but I would say this place is 1-2 shirts better with its decor.

Speaking of the book During my trip to America, I saw huge bookstores in unexpected places.. Places that sell both used and new books. I think I’ve never seen so many bookstores in any country before.

Los Angeles headquarters surprised me a bit. Because the concept of the city center is not like ours.. Big business centers are full of places like the poor quality 1 million shops you know.. As the saying goes, it’s not worth wasting much time here.. Sure, stop by while you’re here, but I couldn’t find anything to do at length.

I got a good idea about American culture in my 4-5 days in Los Angeles. A nation of coffee lovers. Starbucks didn’t get out of here for nothing. Just like in the movies, the police officer takes his coffee and drinks it in the car, cutting it right and left.. I’ve seen a lot of police cars here, but that’s partly because the cops are uniform.. In other words, both the traffic police and the normal police are doing both tasks by the same person.. But it’s strange that the cops are like you and me you know. They greet passers-by and they are very smiling.. Speaking of greetings, the American people felt so comfortable with me.. You go out of the house, the one who sees it says good morning. You are crossing the street at a green light and the man next to you is chatting with you.. The girl on the other hand can stop you and say hey, your t-shirt is very cool, and so is your baggy t-shirt.. I’m not exaggerating, I’m not exaggerating, I guess 30 people stopped me during my 32-day trip and said that your salwar suit and t-shirt were beautiful, and continued on their way with a smile.. I was very surprised by this friendly attitude since people do not even look at each other very often in our apartment or complex life.. But of course, there is a situation in this attitude, especially Turks living in America said similar things.. For example, you meet someone on foot, chat or are a neighbor.. They say that everything is fine, they are very kind, but it is not easy for you to be friends with them, to be friends with them, to visit them.. So it is easy to meet and mingle, but one step ahead is difficult.. That’s the same way I understand it.. What can I say, the culture of each nation is different.

Another issue is about security.. I didn’t see the slightest security issue during my entire trip.. I’ve been out late at night, but my observation is that it’s a safer place than Istanbul.. Let me give a different example.. For example, we were waiting for a product we bought online from the cargo next day.. When we got home, we entered the apartment and there was our package on the floor in front of the apartment door.. I said right away, how could they have left this and gone! The answer I got is no one dares to take it. If he steals it’s like he robbed the Ups and he’s in big trouble. Surprised again, I learn this too.

The city’s nightlife is definitely expensive for a backpacker. And it doesn’t matter weekdays or weekends, everything closes before 2 am.. After seeing this situation, I understand better why house parties in American movies are popping up ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m going to San Diego now. bus ticket 25 usd. The road takes about 3.5 hours.

There is also the subject of shopping, but that is a completely different situation.. I explained it in detail in this topic.

America Travel Notes -3- San Diego and Tijuana
America’s Shopping Guide

Places to Visit in Namibia

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