
At What Degree Can I Get a Green Passport?

What is a Green Passport? It is a type of passport that allows you to enter 160 countries with which our country has agreements without a visa.. When the payroll is compared with the passport, the expiration date of 5 years draws attention.. Although it is known among the public how many civil servants are given, if you look at the principle, only 4% of these civil servants are entitled to receive the green passport.. In this article, we will give you the answer to the question of to what degree can a green passport be obtained.

If we need to examine the green passport a little bit, since Turkey has visa-free entry to 160 countries as per the agreement. And since there are 197 countries in the world in total, we understand how big a number 160 is.. In fact, if we say that an American citizen can enter 174 countries with a green passport, the importance of the number 160 increases even more..

What Level of Green Passport Can Be Obtained? Here is the Degree/Level Condition

Although there is a civil servant requirement to obtain a green passport, in some special cases, large exporting companies can have this passport.. Civil servants, on the other hand, can have green passports according to their degrees.. Here we share the situations in which civil servants can have green passports according to their degrees.

14 of the passport law. According to the article, the degrees of civil service that can get a green passport are as follows.

  • 1st, 2. and 3. civil servants in the first 3 levels of civil service

public personnel in the first 3 levels of civil service can have this passport.

  • Squad rank equivalent 1, 2. and 3. Civil servants corresponding to kdema

Other working civil servants corresponding to the first 3 levels as staff rank can benefit from this right.

  • Personnel working in public institutions on a contractual basis

Contractual civil servants, on the other hand, have pension payments in the first 3 levels. cut is required. You can get detailed information about this from your accountant..

  • Mayors

Mayors who are entitled to first degree retirement are also can have this passport. However, mayors may be entitled to this passport on the grounds of going to another country for diplomatic reasons.. In cases where they cannot document this, unfortunately, they have to continue on their way with a payroll passport.

However, with the amendment made in this law, the phrase “retirement pension” was removed according to article 4/c of ​​Law No. 5510 and replaced with “old age”. , disability and death” phrase has been added.

We recommend you to read our article titled “Green Passport” for more information and more detailed information.

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