
Ataturk Dam and Bozova

Şanlıurfa is home to tourism centers not only with its historical and mystical places, but also in many different areas from each other.

The world’s first university established in Harran, Balıklıgöl and Urfa Castle, as well as beauties such as Urfa Castle, were built more recently by human hands. It also attracts attention with its beauties worth seeing.

After touring the city with its center and south, this time we head towards Adıyaman road, that is to the northwest of the city.

Our target is Şanlıurfa. There is Bozova district. Bozova is 38 kilometers from Urfa.. At the same time, it is a district located on the border between Şanlıurfa and Adıyaman.. We will complete our tour in the district with the visit of a few friends.. Bozova, one of the classical Anatolian districts, has only one street.. Public institutions lined up on a single street are the biggest attraction of the district.. It is very difficult to find any trace of the settlement after leaving the street.

The biggest reason for us to come to Bozova is the visit to the Atatürk Dam, which I am excitedly waiting for.. It will be a great experience to see the Atatürk Dam with the naked eye, which we are accustomed to seeing on television and on the back of the 1.000.000 Lira with 6 zeros.. We are driving on the gravel and soil surface.

After arriving at the parking area where we will park our car, we get out of the car.. While trying not to be caught in the wind due to the open air, we reach the observation terrace with the warnings of “be careful”.

This will be one of the greatest experiences I will ever have in my life, I am sure!

One step ahead of me is the Euphrates, which blocks the dam hundreds of meters below. river. Sand dunes and as much blue tone as possible in the river behind the dam. The river reaches up to the horizon line.

A little bit of water flowing with the tunnels is at the bottom of the dam, where “DSI” is written in huge fonts.. Water, which can be seen very little from afar, produces electricity.

A monument was built for the workers who were martyred in the construction of the dam.. Those who came to keep their memories alive left a few pieces of flowers.

I want to memorize every frame.. I don’t know when I will encounter such a scene again.

The filling area of ​​the dam with DSI written was exactly 184 meters high from the foundation.. The river waters reach 150 meters in the most raging period.. Considering that the Bosphorus bridge is 65 meters, I think it will help you visualize the dimensions.. Tunnels and dams that have been completed despite all the obstacles of the Syrian State.

These two tunnels are the longest irrigation tunnels in the world.. Made within the scope of GAP by spending serious sums. When I look at the tunnels and the dam, I say goodbye. need to appreciate. The fertile waters are ingeniously transported to Harran. Although, when I saw the salty soil in Harran, I was conflicted about whether the water brings fertility, but…

The first name of Atatürk Dam, the 5th largest dam in the world, was Karababa Dam.. Ataturk’s 100th birthday. After the dam was completed, it was decided to name Atatürk in 1981.. The foundation of the dam was laid in 1983.. Its commissioning extended until 1993.

We think it’s time to say goodbye to the view before we get lost in the blue as the wind hits our faces.

With the image of the dam etched in my mind, everyone who asks, “This dam must be seen!” I say.

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