
Balinese Food


Delicious Foods and Fruits of Bali

First of all, let’s say this; You won’t go hungry in Bali. If you’re not into Far Eastern food, Bali is noodle heaven.. They also don’t just eat pork because of their beliefs.. Announced to vegetarians… Just don’t be fooled by the looks, especially their soups may seem a bit slurry…

We can say that life in Bali is cheaper compared to Istanbul. Therefore, eating and drinking is also cheap in Bali. Bali dinner price includes fish, main course is about 50 Dollars, street food costs 0.50 TL-3 TL (We can’t even give it in dollars, it’s very cheap). In general, Balinese local food is cheaper than Western food.. Don’t say “I’ve never had enough in the market” because the markets are generally expensive.. In other words, compared to a middle-class restaurant outside. By the way, you will not have any difficulty in finding a market, it is in the center of every region and it is open until the morning.. There is no bread in Bali, instead there is flaky rice.. Rice is very valuable around here… It is so valuable that they stick the holy rice in the middle of their foreheads with water in the morning ceremony.. It stays there until it falls. You will see that rice is especially used in the dishes offered to the gods.

There is almost no culture of eating out in Balinese.. They just go home and eat something.. Therefore, almost all the restaurants in the centers are touristic.. Only restaurants outside the city center close at 17:00.. Although we did not witness it because we were in Kuta in the evening, but it was said.

What should I eat in Bali;

  • Dadar Gulung: Green coconut pancake
  • Sawar Celeng: pork dish
  • Nasi Campur: So good!!! Indonesian rice, skewers, with vegetables!
  • Nasi Goreng: Rice with meat, vegetables and spices
  • Mie Goreng: Meat, vegetables and spicy noodles
  • Baby Goreng: Baby (Duck) rice
  • Baby Betutu: Spicy Balinese duck
  • Satay: Garbage shish
  • Suckling Pig: Pork meal offered to the gods on special occasions
  • Lawar: Meat and vegetable mix. It should be eaten hot and fresh without waiting for a long time.. It has coconut in it
  • Try Luwak coffee. It is obtained by cleaning the vomit of the animal. Click for detailss sir.
  • Try Bintang Bali brand beer.
  • Idiot: Fruit. eat whatever you find. If it’s your first time to the Far East, buy and taste one of each idiot (fruit). There was nothing we didn’t like..

Try rambutan, which you can’t find especially in the west. Rambutan: Rambut means hair in Indonesian. Despite its hard rind, the white soft fruit is named after this.. You open it like a kinder surprise egg

Click on our blog post for tropical fruits you can find in Balis efenimm

Bali’ If you ask where should I eat;

  • 9 Warung: All meals are vegetarian at the restaurant in Ubud. You take your plate and serve yourself. You calculate the money for what you eat and leave it in the jar on the tables.. You get the change from the coins in the jar.. You wash your dishes yourself.
  • Warung Wulan Vegatarian: The restaurant located on Jalan Sukma, the far right street in Ubud, before you reach Arjuna Statue, is very cheap and delicious.. On the same street, there is another restaurant called Lezat Restaurant Ubud, which is also recommended, we did not go there without comment.
  • Ubud Abe-do Organic Warung, located on Tirta Tawar Street, Sate Tempe and Made Becik Warung fine. You get enough for 7-8 TL.
  • There are many food alternatives in Seminyak Oberoi Street. With its tables on the beach, Seminyak Chanplung restaurant can be preferred for Italian food.
  • Jimbaran generally preferred for seafood. A romantic dinner would go well at Bawang Merah Beach Restaurant.
  • There is a food court at Jl Kartika Plaza Kuta on the way to Kuta, and you can choose the one that fits your budget from many restaurants.. In Pantaola, we were able to eat very cheaply with the advice of our Balinese friend Andi…

Dear fellow travelers, we took a photo of the entire menu. We think that it will definitely give an idea both visually and in terms of prices.. Those who want binoculars, write to us shshshs..

Then Bon apetit!

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