
Bedbug, Bed Bug and Tick Prevention Methods

Takta Dry – Bed Bug
If you stay a lot in hotels and hostels, you are likely to encounter bugs called bed bugs or bed bugs in English.. Do not think that such insects are only in hostels, you can see them in hotels too.. These insects do not appear easily in the presence of light.. When you start to sleep in bed, do they smell human anymore, what they are doing will slowly come to light.. You don’t feel it even if it’s hovering over you, it’s that awful. Although I have seen very small ones like fleas, they are usually quite visible to the naked eye, as you can see in the photo and video below.. The more wood the floor, ceiling, bed, and similar things in the room are, the more likely these insects are to be found.. Classically, the first place you’ll look is under the bed.. By six I don’t mean the floor. Lift the mattress with your hand, look inside the base. Then under the bed. They usually wander around the seam joints of the mattress and pillow.. If you noticed the insects after 3-5 hours or the next day, the cleanest is; is to take your whole bag to another room and check the items one by one. You may be carrying bugs in your purse without realizing it.. This is one of the worst things to happen to you because you may have brought bugs wherever you slept.. Again, in such a case, it is also useful to wash the items with high-grade water.

If you are suspicious of the environment against this type of insects, apply insecticide to your body and go to sleep.. But if you’re going on a long trip, whatever you do, eventually these animals find you somehow.. In case you realize that you were bitten by bedbugs, another problem arises.. Even if you have changed the hotel or hostel, even if you have taken a bath, you are itching psychologically or you are constantly checking your belongings.. This may take a few days depending on your psychology.. I met a girl from the USA when we went out and camped one night on Volcan De Acetenango in Guatemala. It was full of insect bites from neck down to feet.. I’ve never seen anyone eaten so much by insects before.. It all happened overnight. The girl was speckled all over. She said she took medicine but still itching sweetly. The worst part is, as I said, psychological problem is a big problem.. Even while sleeping in the tent at 3,600 meters, he would get up and check left and right, looking for bed bugs.

So far, 4-5 times at different times. I have been bitten by these types of insects. If you haven’t eaten too much, I throw it away, if they only ate one of your arms, I think there is no need to magnify the situation.. Try not to scratch it, it will pass in a week. But if you’re bitten a little bit more, the itching can last even a month.. Therefore, in such a case, start drug treatment directly or go to the doctor.. I’ve taken medicine once.. Whatever insect I was infested with while staying with the Embera natives in Panama, I was completely eaten from the waist down.. I couldn’t see the insects even though I checked the right and left many times before and after.. Anyway, when I returned to city life, I went directly to the pharmacy and bought APO-CETIRIZINE 10 mg pill.. Need to use every 8 hours. Although it did not cut the itching sensation 100%, it reduced it to 85%.. I also bought an ointment to apply over the bites.. The purpose is so that those areas do not get infected.. No matter how much medicine I used, my first week was very difficult.. I’m not exaggerating, even walking, I didn’t want to move because my legs were itchy.. Anyway, I used the drugs for a week or 10 days.. Afterwards, the itching subsided, but even after 1 month, some bites were still itchy.. I don’t know if this medicine is good or not. I did not write to take the drug, I just wanted to state that I use it.. There are probably more effective drugs. The worst part is that even after almost 6 months, there are still bite marks in some places.. The red spots have given way to very small bruises or green spots.. But it’s not that big, it’s obvious when you look very carefully.. They will probably go away completely in 1-2 months.
Note: If you know of any effective drugs, please write to the comment section, it can be a resource for all of us.

Let’s come to another nuisance ticks. If you like to travel in forests, mountains and hills, ticks can also be a problem for you.. Searching for the Kogui Indians in the Sierra Nevada highlands of Colombia, I was a huge noob and went into the jungle without my trousers inside my socks.. That period was also the era of ticks.. So these animals do not happen every month of the year.. I know they only come out in the summer. Anyway when I noticed them I had about 10 ticks on my legs at the same time. We undressed immediately and took them all out one by one.. Since it was my first tick experience, I was trying to remove its legs without breaking it, but then I saw that the structure of this animal is so strange that even if you try to cut off its leg, it won’t break.. So when you see it, I say remove it without worrying too much.. In some places, they say spin it, spin it out, but I didn’t try it that way.. Anyway, about 16-17 ticks came out of my body that day.. One of them was very large and went in quite a bit.. I took it out too, but after 2 days, that area was red to the size of a coin, bruised and slightly sore.. Then it slowly passed.

Don’t think all ticks are that big. Some are so small they are almost invisible.. For those who say how he climbs on top of himself while walking in the forest, let me explain as follows; think of a little weed you know. There might be 100 ticks on that grass. These animals close like spiders when at rest and you can’t see them at all.. When your foot rubs Ota, they jump on it and take action.. The cleanest method of protection is to slip your trousers into socks.. It will be best if you apply insecticide to your shoes and trousers before you set off.. But even though I did these, one of them got into my leg again.. I don’t understand how.

In Turkey, people with ticks can die, but I saw that this situation is not the same in every country.. When they told the people in Colombia about the situation, there were many people who said, “What does it matter, do people die from ticks?”. Therefore, do not think that every tick is in mortal danger.. If you want to see how the ticks enter and the bed bugs that can be found in the beds, I say watch the video;

Mouse, snake, tick, bed bug and so on throughout my travels a short summary of my experiences with insects;
– While searching for natives in Mexico, Panama and Colombia, I encountered snakes a total of 4 times. 3 of them were my height. They were all sunbathing and I could barely notice them 1-2 meters away.. They fled as soon as they saw me/us.

– I was bitten by bed bugs multiple times in hostels and hotels I stayed in in New York, San Diego, Colombia, Panama, and Mexico. I itched for 1-2 weeks, and the bite marks went away in a month.

– While I stayed in their village with the Embera Indians in Panama, I had bed bugs and similar bugs all over my waist overnight. brutally defeated by. I still don’t understand how they got into my underwear and I didn’t notice. Although I took medication, the itching lasted for 1 month and I could not walk for the first week because of itching.. God only knows what I went through at that time.. It’s been 6 months, but there are still minor bite marks in some areas.

– When I visited the Wayuu natives in Colombia, I stayed in a one-bedroom for the first night. The room was only 5 square meters.. When I woke up at night, I realized that there is a mouse in the toilet and it goes in and out of the room.. There is no door in the toilet, it is closed with a curtain. I got up and opened the outer door. I use the phone light because there is no electricity. When I hold the light on him, I understand that he is very afraid of breathing, of his stomach swelling and falling.. However, I am more afraid of him, he does not know. Anyway, chasing him left and right, he was afraid of me, I was afraid of him and I took the mouse out.. While I was opening the door, I said let the air in for a minute or two. The mouse that I chased out as soon as possible came back in by my feet.. No matter what I did I couldn’t get it back. He stubbornly said “This is my place” and I had to go out.. I dozed off in one of the hammocks outside. When I got up in the morning and went to get my bag in the room, the bed was full of mouse droppings.

– I’m in a hostel on Bastimentos island, Panama. I have never seen such a diversity of animals and insects anywhere since the hostel is open and made of wood.. When I went into the kitchen at night and turned on the light, the cockroaches were running around like a daisy opening.. Again at night, if I tried to go to the bathroom, I had to walk down the hall and jump over dead mice that were almost the size of a cat.. Because stray dogs were entering the hostel at night and killing rats.. It doesn’t end with going to the toilet.. This time it was necessary to take the frog or toads out.. The hostel where I spent 5 nights showed me the biggest rats I’ve ever seen in my life.

– I entered my hostel room in Palomino, Colombia. Since I had evening fatigue, I put on my pajamas on the bed and went straight to bed.. As soon as I lay down, I realized that something was moving in my pajamas.. I immediately jumped out of bed and stood up.. It started around my underwear and used my legs like a highway and went out of my trousers.. It was almost as big as my finger. I’ve never had such close contact with a cockroach before.

– While I was in the same hostel, I packed my stuff to go to another city. I threw my big bag on my back and I’m about to leave the room. It occurred to me that I forgot something in the room.. I left the bag back on the floor. Just then, a black scorpion came out of the bag.. He wasn’t very tall, but later, while talking to Gürkan Genç, I realized that the scorpion could be quite poisonous from the knuckles in its tail.. Because its tail almost touched the head of the animal.

– While staying at the Kogui natives’ home in the Colombian village of Seyviaka, I slept in a hammock at night like everyone else.. Accompanied by rats peeing at us from the ceiling in the wooden house.

– While I was walking through the forest in search of the Arhuaco natives in Colombia, a total of 16-17 ticks entered my legs in one day and they were all one by one. i took it alone. All in all there was no problem but just one bite was coin sized bruises and pain in two days. A week later it passed.. During my week in that area, I removed a tick or two that tried to burrow into my legs almost every day.

– Lying on the bed in my new hostel room in Otavalo, Ecuador. noon hours. The back of my left arm started to itch sweetly.. 10 minutes later it dawned on me that this itching is not normal. When I checked the edge and the corner of the bed, I saw that it was full of small insects until I reached the pillow.. I changed the room. The back of my arm was slightly swollen as you can see in the photo above.. Itching continued for 2-3 hours. Then it hurt until night like I had a shot in my arm. When I woke up the next day, everything was back to normal.

I didn’t complain about any of them, as I risked more than that before I set off.

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