
Belgrade Travel Guide: “Dude, This Is Officially 90’s”

“Oh, let’s go to Belgrade!” Let’s categorize you and guess what might go through your head until you get to the ticket purchase stage.. Our self-confident Turkish men may be thinking that it will blow like the wind in night life, our friends who can’t break away from the Ottoman Empire go with the enthusiasm of “oo this place used to be ours bro” and some of us may be leaving, hoping that they can see another small European country because it is a cheap country.. We can say that we are better than the last category, but a little more wandering and curiosity-oriented.. If you ask why you made such a plethora of words, let’s explain it as follows; Belgrade is a city that will exceed your expectations, no matter what reasons you go.. When we say this, we are not talking about a situation like “Oh, how wonderful are the places to visit, what wonderful museums we visited”.. But nothing can replace the pleasure of falling in the middle of a city that has a soul and most importantly “live” at all hours of the day, and Belgrade definitely managed to create this feeling for us.. If we have given enough gas, pack up, Belgrade Travel Guide is ready!

*We wrote what we know about Belgrade nightlife here, we’ll wait there.
*We also left our Alternative Belgrade Guide and our Notes on Food and Drink in Belgrade here.

What to Belgrade? When Should You Go?

The way to determine the best time to go to Belgrade is whether you consider yourself an “all-climate traveler” or not.. Why? ‘Cause the winters here are hard core, crazy. Snow if it’s snow, rain if it’s rain, mud if it’s mud. So if you can’t come to the harsh climatic conditions in the cities you go to, you will go here in the summer.. Let’s open the subject again:

-Winter: Belgrade has an average temperature of 3-4 degrees from December to March.. As people who have not suffered less from the cold air wave from the Balkans, you can roughly estimate how much cold you will be exposed to.. For this reason, if you can’t come to harsh weather conditions, or if you don’t have the habit of rejoicing at silly things like “Oh, I can finally wear a cap”, it may not make much sense for you to choose Belgrade during the winter months.. It is also useful to remind you that the winter period is a little quieter, especially if you are smitten with nightlife.

-Summer: We have praised summer for many lines here, but since we know that there are some of you who do not like the heat very much. we have an anxiety. So we’ll say what we know and go. Sir, of course, the summer period is the most active period of Belgrade in terms of nightlife and activity.. For this reason, although most of the places you will go will be more crowded compared to other periods, it is a wonderful time for those who want to feel the summer with a temperature reaching 26-27 degrees.

-Spring&Autumn: Last but not least (Essay The Spring & Autumn period, which we feel is the right place to use it, may be a good choice for you if you are willing to take some risks.. We say risk because the chance of rain is very high. However, if you go around May or September, it is possible to see 17-18 degrees and walk around happily.. However, we do not forget our own umbrellas, considering that there are no umbrella men who mysteriously appear around 1 minute after the rain starts, like we do here.

Is Belgrade Expensive?

Because the budget part is the most pessimistic point of many travel guides, let’s make the Belgrade Travel Guide entry with a sentence that will make you happy: Belgrade is a really cheap city.. Even if you eat like kings in the most magnificent places of the city, you will encounter much more affordable prices compared to Europe and Istanbul, even if you realize that you are being ripped off by taxi drivers, you will say “oh man, he screwed up 2 liras” and you will calm down.. Of course, this budget business is a relative concept, and then they go and ask us, “Is this cheap?” don’t say. However, we are not afraid to be assertive, if you have set foot in other European cities and realized how much money can be spent, you will love Belgrade about it.. To elaborate on the subject a little more;

-Let us remind you that Serbia’s currency is Serbian Dinar and is referred to as RSD.

Average Main course in a restaurant: 400-700 RSD

Main meal in a good restaurant: around 700-1600 RSD

Water: around 45-70 RSD

In a patisserie Croissant: around 55-75 RSD

Coffee: around 120-160 RSD

Beer: around 150-250 RSD

Cocktails: around 350-500 RSD

Accommodation in Belgrade

Being justifiably proud of being the pinnacle of accommodation in Belgrade, we will suggest you one place, not just a few options. ; Zig Zag Belgrade. It is worth mentioning in advance, this is not a hotel, they provide you a service where you can rent short-term houses. The interior of the house is so wonderfully decorated that you will not want to return to your own home, and its location is “walking distance to everywhere” as they say in the advertisements of the housing estates built in crappy places.. (of course this is really so) If you are not going to walk, take public transportation, if you are going to rent a car, your car park is right next to you.. Moreover, since it is a place where people who volunteer enough to help you on Whatsapp work, it is not possible to leave here unhappy.. For those who are interested, there is all kinds of useful information for you.

*At this point, it might be a good idea to tell you about Artıway.. You may have probably come across it before, but let’s not withhold what we know anyway.. Artıway is a system that allows you to cash back some of your spending on the websites you shop on the Internet.. We have been using it for many years, especially when we are dealing with hotels (from sites such as booking and hotels.com), car rental.. Regardless of the travel area, you may want to take a look at Artıway, especially if you shop frequently, as it covers many brands in many different categories such as Trendyol, Nike, Teknosa, The Body Shop, Media Markt, Gratis, Koçtaş.. If you want to become a member, you can solve this issue via this link.. (When you become a member via the link, a bonus like 10 TL is added to your account)

*We do not want to go without adding this, this is a win-win discount situation that will benefit both you and us.. If you want to rent Airbnb, you can get a discount of 130 TL when you become a member of Airbnb via this invitation link that we have created. When you use this discount, Airbnb also charges us a certain credit as a thank you. We wanted to tell you because we don’t want to look like we’re chasing slyness by offering you a discount opportunity but of no use to us.. In short, it works for both parties.. If you already have a membership, keep in mind that you can open an account with a new e-mail address and benefit from the discount.

Transportation in Belgrade

-Transportation in Belgrade

We are very happy in Belgrade, as we think that walking a lot in any city you visit is the best way to get to know that city.. Because it is not a very big city, it is very easy to walk to the right and left, and in the first days, it even caused people to give reactions such as “Oh, how did we get here, but it was close”.. However, of course, you will also need public transportation and taxis from time to time.. For this, your options are mostly based on TROLEYBÜS and bus, which has been a long time since you heard its name.. (no, we didn’t forget to write the metro) If you will reach a place in the central points of the city 150 RSD, if you are going to the areas a little further out, it can go up to 250 RSD, so that is also convenient.. Dude, this Belgrade is amazing!

-Taxi fares are very affordable. Especially if you are too lazy to use the bus or walk after going out at night, you can easily take a taxi.. However, keep in mind that there is a possibility that they will rip you off.. You may think that if we get ripped off, we’ll get ripped off for 2-3 euros, but no, they won’t eat it, so be careful.

-If you’re looking for a definitive solution to the transportation business from the very beginning, there is a BusPlus system that covers all transportation vehicles.. There are 1-3-5 daily versions available, just like we are chasing akbil, you can get it from many kiosks, newspapers and magazines in the city. may not be paying. We won’t be able to suggest you do this (because it’s a very serious institution) but we can explain why.. A large part of the locals, especially the young people, say that they protest the government and therefore do not pay, and some of them act with the logic that I do not pay because no one pays.. If you want to get angry and hang out for free, let us remind you that they specifically detect tourists and fine them.

-Transportation from Belgrade to Other Cities

If you have plenty of time in Belgrade and are looking for new places, you have plenty of options.. Whether you go to Croatia, Bosnia or other cities of Serbia. We decided in Belgrade, where we went at the beginning of March, and set off towards Bosnia.. But before we go into the details of that subject, let’s explain how you can do this thing: You will either rent a car or hit the road by bus.. As a result of being intimidated by several different people that the buses are unbelievably exhausted and take unnecessarily long, we decided to rent a car by saying “oo we are doing road trips, how young and rebellious we are”.. We highly recommend it to you too.

-When we landed at Nikola Tesla Airport, we rented the car from Europcar and paid a fee of 170 Euros for 2 days.. This price includes navigation fee, winter tires, chains and board pass.. Even though they told us that it would cost 141 euros when we decided to do some of the work online before we left, things turned into a bit of “passing” in Belgrade.. If you are going in winter, ask about the price including winter tires, because the prices on the site are not including winter tires.. Not even if they say so. Do not trust. In the meantime, of course, there are more suitable car options, you can go to their website and examine them.

-If you are going to rent the car from Europcar, you can ask them for a map for the road and mark the important points about your route.. Believe me, they are more helpful than tourist information, which answers every question you ask at the airport with “i really don’t know”.


/strong>It is a very logical decision to move from Belgrade to Sarajevo. The journey takes about 4 hours by car if the weather conditions are good.. However, if the weather is bad, especially if there is snow, we cannot say that it is a very logical choice, because although the roads are not that problematic up to a certain point, after a point you have to proceed on the mountain road and the conditions can be really difficult.. Worst of all, even though you will come across small towns on the way, there are not many options to stay in when you are faced with an unexpected situation.

-If you took navigation to your car, set your first destination as Tuzla (yes, the name of the city is Tuzla) and reach there after Sarajevo.

            -Novi Sad

             Many people love it as much as Belgrade, while we Novi Sad, which we have not been hit so hard for a short time, is another city of Serbia that attracts touristic interest.. We think the biggest reason for this is that it is 1 hour away from Belgrade.. So if you have plenty of time in Belgrade and you want to explore another city, it is a very logical and cute choice.. If you do not intend to get to know the city very closely, you will also have the chance to see many places in 1 day.

Places to Visit in Belgrade


Kalemegdan, meaning Kale Meydan, as you can understand from its Turkish origin, is the name given to the area where the castle is located, which was given its name during the Ottoman period and whose name was brought closer to Serbian over time.. In addition to being one of the most touristic areas of Belgrade, it still has serious Ottoman influences.. The region, where you can both have a view of the city from the top, spend time in the park and buy souvenirs, and visit places such as the monument, clock tower, church and Military Museum within the scope of Kalemegdan, will be very easy to reach as it is at a very central point.


Do not miss the Istanbul Gate and the Natural History Museum, which was built in 1750, sir.

-The Military Museum is of course closed on Mondays.. Other days open from 10:00 to 17:00. Entry 150 RSD.

-Souvenirs here are more diverse than other parts of the city, but the prices are a little higher.

*St. Sava Cathedral

Saint Sava Cathedral, one of Belgrade’s iconic structures and subtly reminiscent of Helsinki Cathedral, is one of the most magnificent structures in Belgrade.. In fact, if you think it resembles a mosque as well as Helsinki Cathedral, you are not alone.. Because, many people think that this cathedral was built with the intention to resemble Hagia Sophia.. If you want to get to know a legendary man like Nikola Tesla better, Belgrade will excite you. something is available. In our opinion, the most important point in this museum is definitely to take one of the guided tours.. Because otherwise, it will not be possible for you to experience what is in the museum or some experiments that will make you say “what a man”.. Although it is actually a small museum, you will most likely be interested in it because it is about a big man, but let’s admit that we went with the expectation of a much better museum and we were slightly disappointed.

-10:00 -18:00 open. Entrance 450 RSD including guided tour.

-In Krunska 51.

*National Museum of Serbia

Belgrade Located in the heart of Republic Square, one of the most famous squares of Turkey, the National Musem is a museum that includes the works of giant artists such as Titian, Raphael, Monet, Degas, Van Gogh, Rubens, Kandinsky, Picasso, Gustav Klimt.. It also hosts many artifacts from the Yugoslav period.. I hope you can come across it when it’s open.


Skadarlija, which is known as the “bohemian district” of Belgrade, is a very cute area. Although, we can say that it has lost a bit of that bohemian vibe, as it has become a little more touristy nowadays.. You may enjoy exploring the streets, art galleries and restaurants of Skadarlija, which covers the lower part of Republic Square and includes the city’s very famous Skadarska Street.

-Local food on Skadarska. There are many restaurants where you can try and listen to live music.. Yes, tourists flock here a lot, but locals have not completely handed over this area to tourists.

*St.. Mark’s Church

The St. Mark’s Church, located right next to Tasmajdan, whose name you can easily remember with its Turkish origin name.. Mark’s Church is an Orthodox church that is still actively used and will most likely attract your attention with its architecture.. They were built with the intention of reviving Byzantine architecture. While you’re here, you can take a tour of Tasmajdan Park.

*Knez Mihajlova

Knez Mihajlova will die if everything doesn’t look like a spot in Istanbul because we got sick We can also consider İstiklal Caddesi as a kind of. You can take a tour of this street, where you can encounter all kinds of shops, arcade restaurants, street artists and a few art galleries, if you go in the summer, you can go mad with the crowd, if possible, you can make your meal program not in one of the venues on this street, but in one of my suggestions below.. (As if it was a little menacing)

*Strahinjica Bana were here, with cafes and cafes, where locals flock to the label of “tiki” with the words of 4353 years ago, absurdly. and a popular street teeming with restaurants. You can stop by here for a coffee, a drink or an afternoon snack, as it is within walking distance from points such as Republic Square or Kalemegdan.. Below are suggestions from this area.

*Zemun the center of the new city. Since the region has been incredibly revitalized lately, many restaurants and clubs have opened in the vicinity.. If you want to get out of the old city area and get to know the city a little more, this should definitely be the first destination.

*We couldn’t go to the Belgrade Modern Art Museum because it was under renovation, so we don’t have a chance to comment.. We are now waiting for comments from those who have gone.

Food and Beverage in Belgrade

It is quite possible that you will lose yourself in eating and drinking in Belgrade, since the prices are affordable.. Moreover, the city should almost come to an end after 18:00, just like in cities in Europe (okay, let it be post-apocalyptic) We think you will be enthusiastic.


Lorenzo&Kakalamba is definitely the most popular restaurant in the city these days.. In addition to local dishes, this restaurant, where you can try all kinds of dishes from the world cuisine, has been discovered by both tourists and locals, so reservations are a must.. By the way, no matter where you eat at the restaurant, be sure to take a look at the entire restaurant.. (This suggestion includes toilets)

-Address: Cvijiceva 110.

-You can be comfortable with clothes, but of course, don’t go with sweatpants.

Supermarket Concept Store

If this restaurant & store mix was opened in Istanbul, it would probably be a place where there would be a stampede. Supermarket, where both designer products and a restaurant where you can drink and eat, come together, is a really great idea.. Let’s be honest, they don’t look like anything, since if we say that their food is so amazing, we will be a “blogger who likes everything”.. However, it is quite possible to find something you might like in the concept store section.

-In Visnijceva 10, near Strahinjica Bana.

Cantina de Frida


Cantina de Frida, which serves as a restaurant during the day and a mixture of restaurant and bar in the evening, is a place that has both a sweet decoration and a Latin atmosphere, as you can understand from the name, walking on the Frida concept.. It is very difficult to find a place, especially in the evenings, as it is very popular.. But we can say that all of their meals are delicious.

-When you see the place, you may think that the Latin winds may blow in the evenings, but let’s point out that things don’t go like this every evening.. Especially on Friday and Saturday nights, it can become a crowded club, even on your own axis.

-Beton Hala is available, it’s easy to tell whoever you ask.

Dva Jelena

What you need to know about Dva Jelena There are 2 important things you need. (Perfect moment to make a joke that you won’t talk about Dva Jelena) First, you should never sit in the back seat, no matter what, because you’ll be treated like a full-fledged tourist.. Secondly, if you don’t pass out from cigarette smoke in the section where they don’t crowd the tourists, we don’t think you will pass out in your next life.. Because it could be called a “death room” rather than a restaurant.. But if you want to try local dishes other than that, let’s add that it is a great choice compared to an extremely touristic area like Skadarska.. There is no reason to denigrate every touristic activity.

-It is located in Skadarska 32.

-If you want an entrance plate consisting of local dishes from the waiters, you can say “Let them treat our table special, we are very special.” You can calm people down and try really delicious things.

Druga Piazza

Druga Piazza, an Italian restaurant, is one of the best pizza places in the city in our opinion.. Moreover, it is very lively in the evenings, and it is in a good spot to try other places in the vicinity.. Their cocktails are also delicious.

-It is available at Beton Hala.

-If you knew how to guarantee a pizza with eggplant & cheese!

Mamma’s Biscuit House

Mamma’s Biscuit House located in Stahinjica Bana, which is home to Belgrade’s most “I wear my Moon Boots, my little dog on my lap” girls, may not appeal to you from the outside, but if you get inside, it’s delicious. You are very likely to lose yourself in desserts.. Don’t forget to try the raspberry and six meringue dessert of the place where you can find both drinks and all kinds of coffee.

-Strahinjica is on Bana.

Amelie Cafe

Let’s say it from the beginning, we are incredibly setting the woman who owns this place.. Aside from being an insincere GICK, we think you will enjoy spending an afternoon drinking coffee in the small and warm atmosphere of Amelie Cafe.. Moreover, since it is a spot overflowing with locals, you can catch yourself mingling with the people of Belgrade, escaping from the tourists, with a proud expression on your face. .

-Toplicin is located in venac 4.


You should know when you set off for Przionica there is something needed; Just calm down and take a deep breath before you get the feeling of “Brother, we’ve come to the industry” that will suddenly hit you when you are close to the venue.. Because this is a cafe created by hipsters, of course you will come to the industry. Is their coffee good?. If you are wondering about Belgrade’s hipster audience, have you come to the right place? Sure! Then it wouldn’t hurt to try.

-Closed on Sundays.

-Dobracina 59b. If you can’t find it, try going as far as Stahinjica Bana and asking around.


After all these coffee shops were around, we decided not to stop by Koffein on the recommendation of locals.. Koffein’s coffees are really successful. Moreover, it is nice that it gives you the opportunity to take what you like and make it at home.. It is possible to find not only coffee but also various snacks and cakes, pastries and macarons inside.. However, the inside is not very livable, the outside is wider, if you are tired of being exposed to the Belgrade cold, keep it in mind.

-On Venizelosova.

Pekara Toma

Toma, who has the power to reduce strokes to 10 Turkish citizens just by her name, is not a scary place as you guessed.. It is possible to find a chain of patisseries and a few spots in the city.. If you want to take breakfast quickly and throw yourself into the streets of Belgrade, they make wonderful pastries.. You can find all kinds of börek (or burek as they say), sweets and other baked goods here, and you can throw an obesity welcome party.

*We didn’t go to try it, if you have time

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