
Birmingham Travel and Living Guide

By travelplanon March 18, 2021

Birmingham is a major city in the United Kingdom. The city is of great importance for both Great Britain and England.. One of the oldest cities in Britain, Birmingham is considered to be the oldest settlement in the region.. The city is also the city with the highest population growth and immigration after London.. In this context, the real estate potential of the city is quite high.. There are various nicknames given to the city due to the fact that it is a large and well-established settlement.. The city is known by nicknames such as trading city, Venice of the north.. In addition, it is seen that the nickname “motto”, which means “advanced” in some sources, belongs to this city.

Birmingham culture

Birmingham culture is equivalent to London culture. You can meet people of all nationalities in the city.. The city has a very important place in the UK economy. When the statistics are examined, the city is the city with the second largest economy in the country.

The city is a metropolis with strong air and train connections.. If you have come to London, you can easily reach Birmingham by road or train from this city.. It is also worth mentioning that there are also flights between London and Birmingham.

Where is Birmingham

Birmingham is located in the south of the United Kingdom and in the middle of England.. It is one of the most preferred settlements by the Turkish population.. Considering the population growth in recent years, there are approximately 400 thousand Turks in the United Kingdom.. A large part of the Turkish population in question is located in London, and the rest is in Birmingham.. When you visit Birmingham, you may encounter many Turks.

Located in the West Midlands region of England, Birmingham is one of the cities that carry the deep traces of history.. The city, which has maintained its strategic importance in every period due to its location, has 6. Founded in the YY. Known as a city since 1166, Birmingham was officially named a city in 1889.. Since April 1, 1974, the city in question has been called the United Kingdom Metropolis.. The city has continued its rapid development until today.

Places to Visit in Birmingham

The second largest city in England, Birmingham has become a city whose importance has increased even more with the Industrial Revolution.. There are many places to visit in the city.. If you get the help of a guide, you can get much more detailed information about the city, which has very important cultural sightseeing areas.. We can list the 5 places that must be visited and seen in the city as follows.

1. Black Country Birmingham Canals

The first city that comes to mind when the canal is mentioned is undoubtedly Venice.. Despite this, the Birmingham channels is one of the places in the world that is increasing its importance day by day.. Birmingham city center and Black Country can be easily seen with these canal tours. Canal tours will be an enjoyable choice for both visiting the city and experiencing a romantic atmosphere.

2. Birmingham Art Gallery

Located in the famous Chamberlain Square center in Birmingham, the Birmingham Art Gallery is home to over 40 art galleries. Many works are exhibited in this place, which was opened in 1885 and is used as a museum & art gallery today..

It is also possible to see outstanding works of British and World history at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.. In 2012, part of the museum was reserved for Birmingham.. This is the section that attracts the most attention of the visitors.. It started to serve as a virtual museum as of 2020.

3. Birmingham Library

Birmingham is a city where libraries are very common. In this context, it is possible to find many libraries in the city.. One of them is the Birmingham library, which maintains the title of being the largest public library in Europe.. Birmingham Central Library is located in Centenary Square, in the middle of the city. The library, which has a large book archive, is also the national archive of the British film institute.. In this context, you can find many photographs and historical document collections in the library.

4. Winterbourne House and Garden

Winterbourne House and Garden is a typical Edwardian building. It includes many art works, craft workshops, theater and live music options.. The main building of the house was built in 1903. The building was constructed using the unique splendor of handicrafts.. The house, which also has a large and ostentatious garden, attracts the attention of visitors.

5. Victoria Square

Located in the center of the city, Victoria Square serves as an area where many works of art are exhibited at certain times of the year.. In the square you can see the statue of Victoria, commissioned by Thomas Brock in 1901.. You can witness lines from Eliot’s Burnt Norton poem embroidered around the pool built in the square.. This square is in the center of the city.. For this reason, you can walk to many points of the city from this square..

Birmingham Festival

Birmingham festival is a traditional annual arts festival. The festival is held every year in October and lasts for 10 days.. The festival, which started with stand-up shows, continues in the fields of theatre, film, cabaret, music, dance and visual arts.

Birmingham Festival is mostly an activity organized in the field of comedy.. This festival started to be organized with the film screenings shot by Sean Lock and Peter Kay.. Since this period, the festival has been operating as the largest independent art center in the region.. According to official records, more than 80 thousand people attend the festival every year.. Many famous names in comedy have participated in the festival in the history of the festival.. In this context, we can list some of the famous names participating in the festival as follows.

  • Jim Carry
  • Sarah Millican
  • Lee Evans
  • Lenny Henry
  • Michael Mclntyre

The festival is deemed worthy of various awards by world art centers every year.

How Many Hours by Train from Birmingham to London?

There are advanced train services between Birmingham and London. Travel time between two points where train service is available every hour is 2 hours 11 minutes. If you wish, let’s reinforce the subject with a table that includes travel times and prices by other means of transportation besides the train


It is rainy in all seasons of the year in England.. May, June, July, August and September, when the rain is relatively less, are much more suitable time to visit.. The temperature in which season is shown in the table below.


Birmingham is the second largest city in the United Kingdom.. While the city center population is 1.2 million, the number of people living in the surrounding area is 3.7 million.. This makes Birmingham one of the most populous cities in the country after London with a population of 10 million.. The city also has the title of being the most cosmopolitan city in the UK.

How to Get to Birmingham from Turkey?

From Turkey to Birmingham (BHX Airport) 4 hours can be taken with a flight. Due to Covid-19, THY recipes have been reduced to once a day as of 2021.. Holding a valid UK tourist visa to Birmingham is essential for all UK passports. It is not possible to enter the UK with a Schengen visa..

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