
Bologna Travel Guide

We found ourselves traveling to Italy to see both Christmas and New Year’s colorfulness in Italy before Christmas. We started with Bologna and ended with Rome.. In the Bologna travel guide, by sharing our experiences with the beauties of Bologna before the New Year in Bologna, by mentioning Accommodation in Bologna, food in Bologna, transportation in Bologna We have listed the >Places to Visit in Bologna .

They say fat to Bologna, you can see a pasta shop or pizzeria every step of the way. This image shows that he deserves this title. They call Bologna the red city. You will observe this when you step on the towers or a church tower where you will see the city from above.. They call Bologna the wise . West’s first university still works here. What will you say to him? Wise, fat and red Bologna! (La dotta, la grassa, La Rossa) For some reason I kept humming and whistling a song in my mind throughout our trip. The big old fat world song from the band of men is now the wise red fat Bologna for me.

The squares and streets were incredibly crowded in Bologna, which we reached on Saturday, December 14th.. Bolognans do not like to go out in the evening like Austrians and other Europeans or they are on the streets for the weekend.. All streets are bright, you can walk the same street many times. You can spend time taking your coffee and pizza and walking on the street, or you can grab a bottle of wine like the Bolognese and increase the dose of chatting and socializing with your friends at the tables under the porticoes..

Of course, Italians can’t stop their drink as it always stays in the glass. When it comes to Saturday, the alcohol fun that lasts until the morning can lead to results that turn into fights between men and girls.. There is a fight in the street, most likely the young Italian who tries to cut a joke with the girl next to him is in the fight.. Just like in Kabadayı, I’m thinking, ‘If you can’t drink this with your dignity, don’t drink it at all, if I put all of you together, you won’t have a sour’ and if he sends them all at once, I feel like.

Where is Bologna ? How to Get to Bologna?

Bologna is the most important city of Italy’s Emilia Romagna region.. Although the city, located in the north of Italy, is not as touristic as Rome, Venice, Florence, which are the most touristic cities of Italy, it is close to Verona, Venice, Parma, Milan, Florence and the country San Marino.. Therefore, with Bologna, which gives you the chance to find the most suitable tickets from our country, you also have an opportunity to explore these nearby cities.

We solved the transportation problem by train in our Venice, Florence and Rome trips.. You can also choose Flixbus buses. When we checked alone, the prices are relatively more affordable, but in some cities, the times and stops were at very opposite points.. To buy train tickets, see Trenitalia or https://www.italotreno.it/en. mainly these companies make regular trips. In addition, when looking at ticket prices, make sure to make your inquiries according to different hours.. For example, you order the flights from 08:00, but there may be a more economical flight at 7:45..

The flight to Bologna takes approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes from Istanbul.. Usually cheap tickets to Italy go to Milan with Bologna.

Bologna Airport Transportation

You can use buses and taxis for airport transportation in Bologna. After passport control, collect your luggage and follow the Aerobus signs. You can provide bus transportation from the airport with Aerobus buses.. The company has machines in the form of ATMs to buy tickets at the airport exit.. You can buy it by credit card and cash.. It is possible to sell Aerobus tickets online, but you need to scan the QR code of the tickets you buy and convert them into tickets.. So it is unnecessary to buy tickets twice.. These automatic machines are also prone to breakdowns.. 2 of the 4 machines in existence were broken, one did not give collective tickets and the other did not accept credit cards.. The bus could barely get to the Bologna train station in 1 hour.. They make the pricing of children on the buses according to the color.. Free if the child is less than 1 meter tall, otherwise chargeable. (we are serious) Regular tickets are 6 Euros.

If you want to use a taxi, you can reach the center for about 15-20 Euros.. I think it can be tried because the buses do not go exactly from the center, but from a street close to the center, to the last stop at the train station.. You can save both time and effort.

Bologna City Transportation

We did not need public transportation during our stay in Bologna. We only used taxis out of necessity.. Apart from that, distances in Bologna are not very long distances to each other, they can be managed on foot.. Taxis in Bologna are a bit more problematic than taxis..

I think we will not be able to have a smooth taxi experience anywhere in the world.. These friends take a maximum of 4 people to the taxi.. In fact, even though we said we have a small child in our arms, they were not convinced, as they were not convinced, they opened the legislation and translated it into English and showed one of them.. Bravo to you taxi driver! You made me walk as the extra person in the car. 🙂 We kiss the hands of the taxi driver we used when we took a taxi for the hospital on a different day.. The man took us 5 people and left us in the ED.. You are the man! (In addition, Italy in general can be strict, they also charge a luggage allowance of 2 euros.)

If you want to travel between cities, Bologna Centrale (Bologna Train Station) is 20 minutes away from the center of Bologna (Maggiore Square). (1.5 km). If you are not too burdened, you can enjoy walking along the Via dell’Indipendenza.. Flixbus buses also depart from the terminal near the station..

Health in Bologna

I made such an opening in the Bologna Travel Guide to describe an experience that is not actually in my other travel notes, thinking that there might be a need.. We had to look for a hospital in Bologna with the complaint of high fever!

If you need a hospital in Bologna, do not write hospital on google maps and go.. We did it, you don’t. There was not even a hospital inscription at 3 points that looked like a hospital.. An Italian neither knew where the hospital was, nor could he describe where it was.. Then we found the taxi driver, the man above, and he brought us to the nearest hospital.. Taxi fares within the city amount to a maximum of 10 Euros.. (from the twin towers, the hospital just outside the city cost 8 euros)

Also, speaking of hospitals, make sure to get travel health insurance. Take pictures of the fee for the outpatient treatment you do here and the documents on the diagnosed disease and report it to the insurance company on your return.. You will get your money back. For in-bed treatments, call the insurance company directly, contact the hospital and cover the costs themselves.. But your trouble will not end there.. You pay the examination fee for the doctor to the hospital.. For this you have to go to the offices that collect money. Ours was in a building outside the hospital and wasn’t working on the weekend.. We rushed to the institution first thing on Monday to pay the 25 euro inspection fee, which we had to deposit within 3 days.. If this amount is not paid, it will be processed in the passport and you will see it not only in Italy but also in all Schengen entrances and exits.. I’m not talking about punishment..

To talk about the hospital; When we reach the hospital, a patient registration officer makes you wait.. The patient registration officer listens to your complaint and takes you to the waiting room.. You wait for a certain time in the waiting room. Then the doctor comes and calls your name and you go to be examined.. Sometimes we complain about the health system in our country, but there are also problems in other countries.. Italian citizens alone are very tolerant of queues.. They certainly won’t take your turn if they come after you.. At least that’s what we saw.

Let’s say you are healthy, but nothing happens to you.

Language in Italy

As you know, Italian is spoken in Italy and if you do not have intermediate level Italian as ambitious as Güntekin Onay and Fatih Terim (we thought intermediate), you will have to make do with English.. I said to make do because the common language for foreigners is English in this country, but it is difficult to make a deal..

If you have trouble in English, do not hesitate to use body language because the people around you will not have a great level of English either.. The woman at the hospital said you speak English, I can understand, but I will not give a clear answer.. “I can understand but can not speak.” (Oh just my level. He talks too but I can’t understand). In fact, we have a way of describing nausea here, exemplary. Anyway, level matters.. even multi-purpose.

It might be nice to learn these Italian words. As far as I can see, Italian is usually pronounced as it is written (only the middle syllables are a little longer. When you say Perdono it’s like Perdooono, when you say Bologna it’s like boloonya)

Buongiorno(Boncoorno) : Good morning
Chiao(Çauv) : Hello
Si : Yes
No: No (look same as English)<
Buona sera (buonasera):good evening
Come Stai (come stai) : How are you
io sto bene: I’m fine
non male:well here
Benvenuto (benvenuto):Welcome
Perdono(Perdono): Sorry (Tiziano Ferro’s ears are ringing)

Dining in Bologna

Now it’s time for you to have dinner in bologna. we will give the tip. Whatever you see in Bologna, buy and eat It’s very simple, isn’t it? Believe me, this is a city where you won’t regret anything you eat.. But behaviors like I’m undecided can leave you hungry.. Don’t let the crowd in the evenings, especially in the central region, lead you to this feeling.. If you want to eat pizza, buy slices from pizzeria you see on every corner.. they are very tasty. You don’t take much time to eat, you continue to travel..

If you want me to go get my pizza and eat it at your hotel/apartment where you are staying, casa pizza in Via Marseille is just for you. They make the pizza in 5 minutes and deliver it right away.. We took it and came home. Vegetable, margarita and 4 cheese. All of them were beautiful. Prices are margerita 2.5, others 5 euro. You can already see many people walking around with pizza boxes in Bologna.. Casa Pizza Google Location

Here, let’s share a tip we learned from Lean traveler Fırat.. Type pizza al taglio on Google Maps and search. The closest places that make slice pizza will be listed.. You hardly have a chance to eat bad pizza in Bologna. Yes you will be a chubby individual in Bologna. Lets continue.

If you want to eat something pasta style, Osteria del orsa is Bologna’s most famous. Even if there is a queue at the door, wait. Osteria Google Location They have good pasta. You may only need to pay attention to a few tricks when choosing pasta.. If you don’t eat pork like me, watch out for bacon, salami and ragu on their menu.. In Italy, bolognese sauce is made with pork.. Do not choose these products. If you want to be even more sure, ask the waiter for support.. Besides, Lab16 is a take sit style place with many alternative options, not a take away from its bar. Lab16 Google Location If you want to sit and eat at a place without forgetting, many restaurants are at 14:00 – 19: 00 does not work. In fact, this is the eat what you find thing that I want to tell you above.. Otherwise you wait for the time to be 19:00.

Stofilia Rina , which looks like a pasta paradise with its handmade pastas, may be one of the most prominent restaurants in Bologna. Stoflia Google Location

In addition, there are Marceto, which you can find in every Italian city, that is, there are markets that work every day in a way similar to the neighborhood markets we have.. In addition to various products, these markets are places such as hamburger shops in shopping malls, order, sit, sit and go.. If you don’t have much time, you can find many alternative dishes from pizza to pasta here.. You can go to the Mercato di Mezzo not only for food but also for a walk.. Google Location Another mercato located in Bologna is Delle Erbe.

Also, I would like to point out that there are cover applications that we don’t like.. You sat in a place. You looked at the dishes, viewed their prices and placed your order.. Meals arrived, when you come to the account payment section, you will see strangely priced cover/service fees on your receipt.. Sometimes 5%, sometimes more, sometimes fixed cover fees per person are annoying. for your information.

Let’s reinforce the eating and drinking suggestions with small notes:

  • Would you like to eat pancakes in Bologna? Bombocrep may be the place you are looking for. Google Location
  • Would you like to have toast in Bologna? You can consider the toasts of Breaking Toast as a different option from the breakfast type of Italians who have breakfast with croissants.. Google Location
  • Anna Maria An alternative family restaurant where you can taste Italian delicacies. There is information about prices on their website.. Google Location
  • Would you like to eat fish besides classic Italian delicacies? Nicola’s might be the place you’re looking for. Google Location
  • Trattoria Del Rosso is one of the most reviewed spots in Bologna. You can evaluate it among the options to go according to our location.. Google Location
  • Serving plates decorated with fruits from croissants to desserts to pies, Pappare’ is also a suitable place for alternative breakfast and meal snacks.. Google Location
  • Want to eat ice cream in Bologna?. It is possible to find ice cream in Bologna every month of the year and Italians are masters of this business.. Although not as much as Rome, Stefino Organic Gelato, the most popular Bologna ice cream shop, Cremeria Cavour, La Sorbetteria Castiglione with its range from ice cream to desserts, Gelateria Gianni, which will confuse you with its ice cream varieties, are waiting for you..

Where to Stay in Bologna? Accommodation

Choose places close to Maggiore Square for accommodation in Bologna. In addition, Bologna’s most lively streets and streets are Via dell’Indipendenza, Via Rizzoli, Via Ugo Bassi. The points close to these streets, which are the widest and closed to traffic, are suitable for accommodation..

We stayed at Studio Vita located in Via Marsala with its location close to these streets.. We had no difficulties with its location very close to the center.. You can book via Agoda, the search engine we use.. Search Hotel on Agoda to search and inquire about rates on Agoda. Alternatively you can choose dell’Indipendenza street. This is a street that connects the center with the train station..

Places to Visit in Bologna

After the long-lasting Bologna Travel Guide, we list the Places to Visit in Bologna. For this, we have also prepared a map that shows the places you can open on Google Maps below.. You can easily go where you want by clicking. You can use google maps offline without internet. Bologna Attractions Map to learn how to use it.

1. Piazza Maggiore

Piazza means square in Italian. You will see many piazzas both in Bologna and in Italy.. Piazza Maggiore is the most famous and central one in Bologna. There are unique buildings and structures in this square.. Let’s look at them now.

2. San Petrino Basilica

The most striking building in Piazza Maggiore is San Petrino. You will see that San Petrino is not completed despite its size.. We learned that the Pope opposed the construction of such a large church.. The building, which was started to be built in 1390, was partially completed in 1630.. You can also benefit from the terrace of this place and see a view of Bologna from the top.

3. Palazzo dei Notai

It is a red colored building in Piazza Maggiore known to have been built for the profession of notary public.. It is decorated with objects symbolizing arrow and dip in front of the building.

4. Palazzo dei Banchi

16 built in Piazza Maggiore. This building, which dates back to the 19th century, took its name from the moneychangers (banchi) who bought and sold valuable paper.. Nowadays, it stands out as one of the most interesting structures of the square and is photographed.. One of the purposes of the building was to cover the distorted structure on the back.

5. Palazzo d’Accursio

The building built in Maggiore Square was the home of law professor Accursio. The building purchased by the municipality 13. It has served from the 19th century until 2008.. With the clock tower built in later periods, the beauty of the square and the magnificence of the building were folded.. The building also houses the municipality’s art collection. You can visit it for free.

6. Biblioteca Salaborsa

The other building overlooking Maggiore Square is Salaborsa.. The building, which was used as a business center, was later converted into a library by the municipality.. The ceiling of the building, which draws attention with its arches and columns, is decorated. You can also see the ruins of an ancient city for free under the glass floor..

7. Palazzo del Podesta

Another Palazzo in Maggiore is Podesta. Podesta 12. It was built in the 19th century as the mansion of high-ranking officials.. When the capacity of the palace, which also has a tower, was not enough, a palazzo, Re Enzo, was built at the back.. While the bell tower is used in extraordinary situations, we encounter a mystery of the columns that make up this tower.. When you turn your face to the cross pillars and whisper something, the person across you can hear it.. We witnessed the row of prying eyes doing this action.. Try it yourself. (We couldn’t figure out what kind of interaction.)

8. Neptune Fountain

The fountain in the middle of the square was built by the sculptor Giambologna by order of the Pope.. 16. The bronze statue, which is a work of the century, is surrounded by an ornamental pool and surrounding mermaids.. Right behind it is home to a huge Christmas tree in December 2019.

9. The Twin Towers (Asinelli and Garisenda)

The twin towers, the symbol of Bologna, rise on both sides of the statue of San Petronio, considered the patron saint of the city, in the small square at the end of Via Rizzoli.. The tall tower that is Asinelli was built by the Asinelli family.. It was built in the 16th century. (Whatever wealth has come to Bologna, almost all the buildings were built on this date) Later, it was bought by the municipality and used as a watchtower.. The tower, which is 97 meters long, consists of 500 steps. You can climb it if you wish.. Since there is not much action to be taken in our eyes, we were content to look at its majesty from below.

The other shorter tower, Garisenda, is 60 meters long.. used to be higher but shaved against the risk of collapse. both towers are said to have a slope like the tower of Pisa. 21 of the towers, which were built as the status symbol of the period, remain today.. (I think the current period contractors can build as many floors as possible) For those who like more heights, let’s present the song Skyscrapers by Teoman.

10. Archiginnasio

The University of Bologna, founded in 1088, became the first university in the western world.. The Pope of the time has this structure built in 1562 to gather the scattered sections together.. The porticos of the building, the walls and floors are decorated with magnificent ornaments.. You can visit for free. The building is located behind the Basilica of San Petrino in the square..

11. San Pietro Cathedral

San Pietro Cathedral is a building built in 1184 on Indipendenza street.. We visited the cathedral at 16:00 on Sunday, December 15.. There are two prominent elements in the cathedral.. His collection, one of which was turned into a museum with the remains seen on the glass floor under the cathedral floor, and his piano in the cellar.. The other is the bell tower, one of the largest towers in the city..

Although it will take some effort to climb the tower, a very beautiful view will be waiting for you at the top.. (5 euro entry)

12. La Piccola Venezia

La Piccola Venezia, translated as Little Venice, is a small canal trapped inside Bologna. It’s so small that we didn’t even notice it passing by here.. There is also a small window in the canal on Via Pinella street to watch.. As we went at night, we couldn’t see much because there was no lighting.. You can visit according to your time.

13. Piazza Santa Stefano

3 separate streets stretch right behind the twin towers. These streets are famous for their red particos. These streets are Santa Stefano, Maggiore and S.. is Vitale. You will see graffiti, colorful and fancy shops, pizzerias and galette shops in the squares stretching for meters.. In fact, the longer you stay in Bologna, the more places there are to see..

At the end of the street, you will reach Sata Stefano square.. There is a basilica known as the seven church in this square.. You can visit this place for free and if you are lucky enough to come to the weekend, you can see the flea market.

14. Bologna’s Porticos

There are Porticos, which you will often see on your visit to Bologna and where you can take great photo frames that surprise you at first. Foils, whose Italian is Portico, have covered all the pavements and offer a symmetrical view to the environment with their wonderful combinations that have been lined up like this for years.. One of the best parts is that you don’t need an umbrella.. We’ve caught some beautiful examples of particos below (with slide)

The numerous porticos starting from the train station and stretching along the main square are accompanied by the porticos between Via Marsala and San Stefona.. You won’t be able to get enough of taking pictures among hundreds of wooden, carved porticoes.. Don’t worry about which one to see.. So many that you can make a sound that will elicit your reaction every time you see it.. Also take a good look at the streets around every corner. You will encounter graffiti or even narrow streets.

15. City Gates of Bologna

The old city of Bologna was surrounded by walls. In time, the walls were destroyed, but the city gates remained intact.. Of the 10 city gates known, the best condition is the Porta Galleria near the train station. Just across it is Montagnola Park and in front of it is the magnificent staircase Scalinata Del Pincio .

Likewise, Porta Saragozza located in the southwest of the city is more magnificent than the other gates. Already at the gates of the city, they overlook the highway surrounding the city.

Bologna in Brief

  • The thing I often say about Bologna is how much time you have.. You can see museums, streets, particos (portico or foil), city gates as much as you have time, and you can do km until the black waters land on your feet.. One of them is Madonna Di San Luca located outside the city.. You can reach the building, which is a basilica, by passing more than 660 leaves.. We did not go here because we saw enough basilicas, but we marked its location on the map of places to visit.. You can evaluate it according to your time..
  • Another basilica is San domenico. There were three statues of Michelangelo in the church, whose value we learned later.. Take it in your notes.
  • While you went to the twin towers, you must have noticed the Palazzo della Mercanzia right next to it.. You will see a lot of these Palazzos in Italy that make you watch them with fans..
  • We were not at all satisfied with the recommended venue Café Pastry Gamberini, which we have read in many places and has been operating since 1907.. The desserts we ate were tasteless, the espresso, the 8-drop hot chocolate, you know, was bitter. Besides all of them, we paid 30-odd Euros and felt sorry for our money when we said cover tip.. It’s not worth going to.
  • If there are many historical items in a city, wouldn’t there be an archeology museum? The Museo Civico Archeologico is located in the side street of the Basilica of San Petrino in Maggiore Square.. We recommend you to take a look.
  • One of the prominent activities in Bologna is the theater and opera house of Bologna Municipality.. What would it be like to watch an opera with its 4-storey balcony and columnar beauty? For the program: http://www.tcbo.it/
  • There are also tours in Bologna where you can join tasting tours without dealing with all the details.. You will have the chance to taste many tastes of Bologna in the activity that starts with breakfast and continues with participation in pasta courses.. Details : https://www.tastebologna.net/classic-bologna
  • The wines of this region are also famous. Highlights include Pignetto and Sangiovese.
  • Bologna’s bolognese sauce is famous.. But they call bolneze ragu. Bolognese sauce is made from pork in the region.. If you are sensitive like me be careful. Choose Tortelloni. Or you can just say vegetarian, or you can say you don’t want pork.

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