
Boracay Island

After Bohol, it’s Boracay Island. Arrived in Boracay in one flight. As we left the airport, we jumped into the motorcycle taxis and went to the port.. From here, you can reach Boracay by boat.

Our hotel selection was great.. 10 seconds from the sea on foot. They set up the hotel’s restaurant right on the beach.. Since it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke on the beach, restaurants and cafes have been established on the beach almost every step of the way.

Another thing that caught our attention was the sand castles.. Little kids are building these castles, how dare they! When you want to take a picture or by mistake, stop next to the castle, they stop right next to you so you can get a tip.. Husband and wife cannot do without fruit. After we buy our fruit bags, we continue to walk around the counter.. A world with meat and fish floating on open stalls, flymen don’t care, they’re in the business. The weather is both hot and very humid. They probably hung a few propellers on the counter so that they don’t get flies

We did our shopping, returned to our hotel, cleaned well and are ready for dinner. White Beach area is officially the heart of this place. On the beach there is nothing. Shops, cafes, bars, restaurants, everything is set up here.. So we didn’t have to go far to eat. It took us 5 minutes on foot to get here from our hotel.. Nylon is being pulled in front of all restaurants due to the tide.. There was a buffet everywhere, you choose the product you want (fish, chicken) and they cook it on the grill.. They even made roasted aubergines, and they tasted like honey without peeling them.. Prices are fixed, no matter what you eat, everyone pays the same price.. There was a fire show in the bar we entered to have a drink after dinner.. Like the children who built sand castles, they were very skillful in the fire show.

2nd day: Ray, one of the hotel waiters, was very interested in us for some reason.. A service, a smiling face so that you don’t ask. Before we came to the Philippines, we couldn’t find much detailed information, despite many internet site and blog reviews.. Ready Ray, we asked him to show us while the local of this place is so interested in us.. I am grateful for his life. Odd, he was working for $100 per month.. We met in front of the hotel in the morning and went to the back of the island.. From there, he arranged a boat for us and we went to a newly built island called Crystal Cove.. A facility was being built on the island, and the construction was not yet complete when we went.. I’m sure it will be a wonderful place when it’s finished. Ray never dropped his camera during the trip.. In this way, we had a lot of pictures together.

There are 2 caves on the island.. They made a ladder to enter one, it wasn’t very different, but the second cave was different.. Had to swim to get in. It’s a dark cave, I didn’t dare, but Orkun entered.

After our island tour was over, they took us to a separate cove for snorkeling.. After the snorkel, we went to another beach, the name of which I can’t remember.. There was nothing but peddlers on this beach. It’s a good thing we thought we’d sit down and have a drink, it’s all over us.

We decided to spend our 3rd day at the hotel’s beach.. When we went to the restaurant to have breakfast in the morning, the sea had come to the restaurant.. There was no trace of the beach. There is a difference between the beach in the morning and at noon.

We went to the sea and walked to the heart of the long white beaches

Children on the beach build sand castles and I said can’t I do it? I started to build our own castle.. I tried so hard but that’s it. The tipless castle would be just that, and I think it wasn’t bad for a first try

No matter where you go in the Philippines, make sure to drink their shakes.. They make excellent juices from fresh fruits. 1 glass is big enough for 2 people.. Mango Shake has become my favourite.

We are going on tour with Ray again on day 4. Today we will go to the cave to see bats. Before I went, I had researched in this cave, you can touch the bats and take pictures with them.. But Ray took us to a place that didn’t matter. 5 kilometers before we reach the cave, a boy stopped on the way, asking for money to enter the cave.. We hold on so we don’t give. Child insists that it is too dangerous to enter the cave without a guide. We say, like, we have never entered the cave, should we pay a guide to enter the cave?. In the end, we could not stand the insistence of the child, well, if we give this much, did the bargaining begin, as soon as we can only take it this far?. We dive into the forest to finally agree on the price and reach the cave.. At the end of the road, we came across a small cave with the entrance, the cave is huge and full of cliffs with enough space between them that a person can enter. By stepping on these rocks, we begin to descend slowly.. After a few rocks went down, I sat down with fear, I didn’t come on a rock, I held it so that you could go.. Oddly enough, there is no one else in the cave but us.. Where did we come from? He says there’s no guide, you’re going to go down while you’re here, or sit down and wait until we come down.. I’m about to cry from anger, my hands and feet are shaking. How am I supposed to sit and wait, the cave is pitch dark everywhere is bat shit, strange strange things are pouring down on me. I didn’t let go of the guide’s hand for a second, and as if that wasn’t enough, I wore the child’s slippers because my slippers were slipping.. Well, it was muddy, but I had to step on the obscure things on the ground.. Thank God we reached the bottom of the cave.. Huge crustacean insects are walking on the ground, bats are flying by touching my hair, I was surprised which one I was afraid of.. At the end of the cave, there was a pool called crystal water, its end opens to the sea, because the sunlight hits the pool inside the cave from the outside, the water took on the same crystal appearance.. According to the guide, every tourist swims in this water.. Of course, Orkun is in the mode of I’ll enter immediately as usual.. Just as I was about to enter, I screamed when I saw a blue snake in the water.. In the guide, he is not a snake, he says you saw wrong, is he crazy?. I say God, if we get out of here before I die, I don’t want anything else. We carried the big machine on our backs in case we took a picture, but where does one not think of a picture?. I could only take 1 frame while going up.. Waiting for us upstairs at Ray

Our next stop Puka Beach. There was neither hotel nor restaurant on this beach.. In fact, there was no one but us on the beach, but this is a very beautiful beach.

Before we say goodbye to Boracay, we go to the hill where we can see the best view of Boracay.

After one last look at Boracay our Philippines trip is ending. With our minds in the Philippines, we have to continue our compulsory holiday route from where we left off.

SummaryArticle NameBoracay IslandDescriptionAfter Bohol, it’s Boracay Island.. Arrived in Boracay in one flight. As we left the airport, we jumped into the motorcycle taxis and went to the port.. From here you can reach Boracay by boat.. Our hotel selection was awesome.. 10 seconds from the sea on foot. They set up the hotel’s restaurant right on the beach.

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