
Çandır Hill, Radar Gökbel Hill and Dalyan

It has been 27 years since I first went to Dalyan Çandır. Çandır is such a place that one can’t help but go many times.. This time, the reason why I went to Çandır was to go to the magnificent observation hills and to see Dalyan from the top.. Exactly two years ago, a friend sent me a photo one day.. “Spring is this you?” said. There was a girl in a landscape that saw Dalyan from above.. From his shoes to his hat it’s me but not me. That’s when I first saw Dalyan from above. I had a boat tour in Dalyan when I went.. I had seen the royal tombs from afar and swam at the famous Iztuzu Beach.. Now our task is to explore these view points and have fun. Turning Dalyan upside down.

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Places to See in Dalyan:

  • Radar Gökbel Hill view point
  • Kaunos King Tombs
  • Çandır Hill view point
  • Sultaniye Thermal Spring
  • Dalyan boat tour
  • Iztuzu Beach
  • Sülüngür Lake
  • Koycegiz Sweetgum Forest
  • Ekincik Bay
  • Koycegiz Lake
  • Round Tea

Where is Dalyan?

Dalyan is a neighborhood of Muğla’s Ortaca district with a population of approximately 5 thousand. Of course, this population is valid for the winter months.. There are many tourists coming in the summer months.. Both domestic and foreign. Dalyan was established on the main water channel connecting Köyceğiz Lake with the Mediterranean.. There is the world-famous Iztuzu Beach, one side of which is freshwater Dalyan and the other side is the Mediterranean.. This beach hosts the Caretta Caretta Turtles in summer.. For this reason, not every part of the beach is open to tourism.

When to go to Dalyan?

The season in Dalyan opens like April. It’s closing like November. If you want to see the Caretta Carettas, you should come in July-August.

How to Get to Dalyan?

If you are going to Dalyan by plane, you should fly to Dalaman airport first.. If you have purchased hotel accommodation, hotels usually have a transfer service.. Otherwise, you can rent a car or use a more expensive taxi.. Distance from Dalaman to Dalyan Airport is 28 km.. You can download the application by clicking here to find the most suitable ticket and the most suitable hotel.. A great application that also offers you city suggestions such as shopping, history, cultural trips.. I use it on my travels and I see it very useful.

It is possible to reach Dalyan by bus.. It is best to go with your own vehicle, of course, but you can also reach it by hitchhiking.

I am passing through Fethiye with my own vehicle, since it coincided with the end of my Turkey tour. First we will go to Radar Gökbel Hill. At one night we’re still on the road. I was on the road for almost two months. So tired now. We see that there is still half an hour in navigation and we decide that we need to arrange a place to stay.. There are pancakes one after another on the road. We’re considering stopping at one and asking if we can pitch a tent near it.. For this purpose I’m on my way to one. There are slippers at the door. I knock on the door but no one comes. When I look inside I see someone sleeping. I’m calling no, I’m knocking on the door no. Nobody wakes up.

Terrace Pancake and Breakfast House, Gökbel Dalyan

There is another camellia right next door. A floor table in the middle, cushions on both sides. I say “my strawberry” (my travel mate). “Let’s sleep here. Let’s not mess with the tent. “We sleep and sleep with dog noises. Everyone is awake when we wake up in the morning.. Our aim was to wake up early and go to Radar Gökbel Hill before the heat, but we failed.. We get up and collect our sleeping bags or something, for fear of something dermis.. With phones to be charged and porwerbanks in my hands, I hesitantly enter the restaurant section.

I say, “it’s too late.. I called out, but you didn’t wake up.” Children are those who sleep outside. They have never heard. “Two women, it’s too late.. I’m starting to explain “to be safe” but understand my embarrassment and say “it’s okay. You did well, my sister interrupts me.. They got up at 5 am. They saw us but didn’t make a sound to sleep. Such fine people.

I order two pancakes for breakfast and return to our camellia. Below is a wonderful view of Dalyan. A family runs this place.. Their youngest daughter, Sare, comes and sets us up.. “What’s that? what’s this?” He starts half-talking. We love it as the pancakes come. Our stomachs were full, but our souls were more than satisfied.. I’m on my way to experience these beauties actually. The sights I’ve seen are a bonus for me. These beautiful people will save the world. If you go, even if you are not hungry, have a cup of tea and meet these people with good hearts.. love sare. Terrace Pancake and Breakfast House phone number: +90 535 203 73 40

How to Get to Radar Gökbel Hill?

Radar Gokbel Hill is white on the hill called you will see a building. It was the Türk Telekom building. We are on our way to Radar Gökbel Hill. I got information from many people.. I asked those who went. I wrote my notes. This time I studied my lesson. I ask where I had breakfast for the last time.. The little sister of the house tells again. I forget all those notes, what I learned, and only what the girl said remains in my mind.. It is also wrong.

When you type Radar Gökbel Tepesi in the navigation, it takes you to Iztuzu Beach.. You cannot climb from there. You must turn left at the 5 km turn called Şahin Tepesi Restaurant. All you have to do here is go as far as the road takes you.. At some point, the asphalt road ends and the dirt road begins.. If your car doesn’t come out, you have to park and walk.. They said it was at most 300 meters.. This is your own way to go.

You can’t get here by public transport. You must either have a car, rent it or take a taxi.. Another option is the 4×4 safari tours organized here.. You can arrange these tours from Dalyan.

Radar DO NOT GO TO Gokbel Hill! Requirements

So what did we do? Shortly after turning left, they said the road diverges to the right.. They said dirt road. We take the first dirt road we come across.. Of course the car doesn’t come out.. We go right back and drop it by the side of the road.. we wear our boots. The elder sister of the house said that you can walk something like 300 meters.. Thinking that we will walk 300 meters, we dive into the trees. We’re walking on small paths. Goats have left their works everywhere. We’re following them.

Walk dad, walk, but that 300 meters never ends. We find ourselves doing some rock climbing.. “I say, the road here is not that difficult.. Above is the building of Radar Gökbel Hill. How did they erect that building there? They didn’t remove the material from here on the back.. There is bound to be a way.” Logic is correct but memory is zero. walk dad walk. climb dad climb. I can see the white building of Radar Gökbel Hill’ from afar, but it is on such steep rocks that it is impossible for us to climb there.

Meanwhile, we pass through countless Dalyan landscapes.. we take photos. As soon as we find a chimney, we start the descent.. It’s very difficult to go back the way we walked and I’m not sure we can find the same way. We’re out of water. We see Iztuzu Beach from the top. My goal is to go down the road that leads there. Even if the rock is rock, we manage to go down very steeply.

Is it possible to hitchhike in Dalyan?

The next thing to do is to find the place where we left the car.. I have no intention of walking that far.. I already went down the road to hitchhike. Of course, I couldn’t calculate that no vehicle would stop.. No one stops at first. Just when you’re about to give up hope at the end of a lot of driving vehicles, someone stops. When they tell the subject, they leave us all the way to the car.. Thank god I figured out where it might be on the map. I found it like I put it with my hand that I already put it with my hand. there are good people. Otherwise, I don’t know how we would have walked that road with that tiredness and without water.

After so much research and learning how to get there, I am amazed how I forgot how to get there.. I was so angry with myself. I think it was from tiredness. We were very tired, but we had the chance to take a 5-hour trekking in places where no one had set foot and look at this beautiful view from different points.. If you’ve patiently read this far, now it’s Çandır Hill. I want to look at the same view from both sides. On the same day. That’s what it’s like to be thirsty in the heat of August.

Dalyan Ferry Port – Mermaid Ferry

The distance between Radar Gökbel Hill and Çandır Hill is 110 km. When you write, it directs you to return to Köyceğiz Lake completely, but I researched it, I won’t forget it this time.. There is a car ferry going from Dalyan to Çandır. If I said ferry, don’t think about the car ferries in Darıca.. A boat like a raft of several cars. This time we write Dalyan Ferry Pier in the navigation. It takes it without fail.

When we arrive, we ask where we can buy tickets.. There are no tickets. You get on the little boat by car. Only a few cars take. The captain is lurching. There is no other vehicle but us.. Not waiting for it to be full. It’s moving right away. You give 20 TL (2020) to the captain. It doesn’t even take you five minutes to cross.. There was no time to take a photo, so it’s that short.

The weirdest thing was that he docked the boat upside down and I got off the ferry backwards.. Vehicles waiting outside had to give way to me. It was so funny. I had taken a similar ferry at Şahinkaya Canyon before, but it took longer.. You can click here to read that article.

We can get rid of 110 km road by crossing this easily. Look, the information here is very important.. Otherwise, you will have to go that 110 km and return to the lake completely.

Dalyan Kaunos Rock Tombs

Dalyan Kaunos Rock Tombs I see your signs. I saw it from afar when I took a boat tour twice before. It used to be forbidden to see from the land. Someone said that you can also go by land.. Why shouldn’t I see it up close? ‘Cause we’re almost on our way. We immediately change the navigation destination and write Kaunos King Tombs.

Takes us to a small village. The place where the navigation says you’ve come is the gate of a cemetery. I see the Kaunos Rock Tombs from afar, but I can’t find how to get there. When we dive into the cemetery and move towards the graves, we come across a wall and a wire fence.. Behind it, I can see the Kaunos Rock Tombs and the walking path. God, why do I find it so hard to reach everywhere I go today? Can these wires stop me? Climb, skip the wires, then climb the wooden walkway.

Kaunos Rock Tombs were founded in the 4th century BC. Used in Roman times. This was a very important commercial port city at the time, but over time, it lost its feature of being a port as the sea filled up.. The Kaunos Rock Tombs, which are on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List, are really impressive.. You can visit the theater and living areas of the ancient city while you wind down the road above.. We did not travel.

It’s very strange that we don’t have anyone. After taking our photos, we walk towards the entrance instead of skipping those wires again.. I can’t see anyone when the wooden walkway, which we can walk in 5 minutes, is finished.. Turns out it was closed. There’s a padlock on the iron door. It’s a joke but we have to jump from here too. I still don’t know why it’s closed. It’s closed on Mondays or places like this. It’s Friday. must be on. So you see, the navigation took us right in front of its door.. we have not seen. When you enter the village, look around so you can see. Don’t go into the cemetery and look for an entrance like us.. It seems that I am not very successful in finding a place today.

Those who come by private boat can anchor their boats around Delikli Island and reach Dalyan Kaunos King Tombs by small boats.

How to Get to Dalyan Çandır Hill?

Is our ordeal over for today? Of course no. Now we need to find Çandır Hill, which is not registered in the navigation. This place has no name. Where is Çandır Hill? How to get to Çandır Hill?, you need to do a lot of research.. The information I have is as follows: First, we will go to Çandır Village.. When you type Çandır Teras in the navigation, it will take you to the village.. The location that comes out as Çandır Terrace is actually a restaurant.. Don’t wait for it to take you to the view point.

When the road ends in the village, you have to turn right.. After going for a while, you have to turn right again.. While going on the dirt road, you have to follow the beach signs all the time.. You pass by several beach signs. The photo with the view of Dalyan under this sign shows you where to go with an arrow.. subject to understanding. If I’m the person looking at this sign, if I’ve been wandering around like a chicken with its head cut off and lost myself, I’m on the wrong road again and getting lost.

I almost went to the beach again.. Musa, whom I found on Instagram, is constantly on the end of the phone, giving me directions.. Thank God we came across a car on the road at that time, it was in front and we were driving behind.. The man has gone three times before. lost again. not found. He was coming from the way I thought to take. When you see that photo, proceed in the direction of the arrow and at least don’t get lost.

The road is broken. very corrupt. completely earth. I went with a non 4×4 vehicle, but believe me, I sacrificed my car in most places.. Take this information into account.

You have to pass through an iron gate because the view point is private land. The door is usually open. There is a house with a pool inside. When you see the The Peace Village sign, you are at the right place.. The owner of the land is very helpful. Opened its doors to everyone. He had iron railings built on the side of the view.. Seats have been placed. You can even have a drink if you want and the prices are very reasonable.. They weren’t one of those people who sold the scenery. You never have to drink anything. No one is imposing on you unwillingly.. It’s the beautiful people that make a place beautiful.. Owner has plans for this place but it has been declared a protected area. Let’s see what time will tell.

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Candır Hill Dalyan View

We are moving towards the view. Unbelievable. Yes, the Radar view of Gökbel Hill is also beautiful, but this place is in the top five among the landscapes I have seen so far. I can even say that Çandır Hill is the most beautiful view in Turkey. We are in a hurry to take a photo because we coincided with the sunset time.. In front of me are the mountains that I have been trying to climb since morning, Iztuzu Beach just below, a vast sea ahead, fresh water Dalyan like a maze of twists and turns, boats rushing in it, a setting sun behind me… “What did you run all day? I say, “Be Bahar”.

The last planned point of the trip, which is approaching two months. A final but what a final. After taking countless pictures, we spread out on the seats set against the view and have a drink.. On the one hand, we are talking to the boy who served us.. The child was a relative of the landlord.. There is such a tiredness that at that moment. I say “can we stay here tonight?” After all, we will camp somewhere, but I am not in the mood to go back to those dusty and broken roads and look for a campsite.. The kid makes a few calls and says “okay”.

I can’t believe I’m going to sleep and wake up to that view.. I can’t explain how peaceful I am. I can’t find words to describe my happiness and peace as I took my hammock from the car and tied it to the tree and laying on that hammock and watching this magnificent view in the slowly darkening air.

The view is beautiful in the moonlight at night. Because they say it’s beautiful, I wake up from time to time and look at the view, but unfortunately, I can’t see that view because there is no full moon.. I wake up at sunrise and look again, but I don’t want to get up and take a picture.. I’m taking some photos into my memory. Only belongs to me. When I think about that moment, even with my eyes open, only memories belonging to me.

It happens against this view at our breakfast.. We have no way to go. By the way, the visitors of the view are never missing.. Once again, we did not fall into a photography frenzy.. A truly depressing sight.. Someone took his friend to a tree to be photographed. So much…

The last day of my fellow traveler. I say, “Let me take you to the mud bath”. We immediately look at the map and head for the nearest mud bath.

Dalyan Camp, Caravan

You can camp in many places in Dalyan.. You can also travel by caravan. As with many facilities, Dalyan is a paradise for self-sufficient campers and caravans.. Many locations in my article are suitable for both camping and caravans.. Choose and like.

How to Go to Sultaniye Hot Springs?

We passed by Çandır because we were there, but you will most likely come via Köyceğiz.. Do not think How to get to Sultaniye Hot Springs. Leave Koycegiz and proceed over Hamitköy as if you are heading towards Ekincik Bay. You will see the Sultaniye Hot Springs sign on the way.. After deviating from the sign, go another 500 meters. Sultaniye Hot Springs await you there.

The way to go with this tool. You can reach it by boats departing from Dalyan on the other way.. In addition, daily tour boats stop here or other mud bath places.. When you look at the tour content, you can see which mud bath he went to.

Sultaniye Spa Working Hours: 7:00 in the morning and 22:00 in the evening

Sultaniye Spa Telephone number: (0252) 266 00 77

The Benefits of Sultaniye Thermal Springs

Sultaniye is the hot spring with the highest radioactivity in Turkey. Its rate is 98.3. Hot spring water with calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, calcium sulfide and radon at 39 degrees. It is also good for rheumatism, sciatica, skin and gynecological diseases, but most importantly, high radioactivity has rehabilitative properties.. I have personally experienced that it makes nerves like cotton.. Of course, this won’t happen all at once.. You need to stay here and get long cures. Rooms available to stay. You can call the number below to get current prices.. Our aim is to rest, clean and have fun after a long journey.

Sultaniye Hot Springs

The navigation takes us to the hot spring, which is already on our way, without any errors.. We drive down to the lakeside. Before I enter the hot spring, I throw myself into the lake. The water of the lake is very warm. It’s not cooling at all. We start chatting with the people who stayed there.. An elderly couple came from Germany. They use the minibus as a trailer. Someone else stays in the tent on his car. There are benches by the lake. My aunt, who came from Germany, joins us and says “let’s go to the spa”.

The entrance fee of Sultaniye Spa is 7 TL. (2020) It has an outdoor pool in line with the lake at the first entrance. Then domed indoor hot pools. One is for women and the other is for men, but mixed for men is used.. After the outdoor hot pool. We enter all of them in turn and it’s the turn of the mud bath.. need to be very careful. ‘Cause the ground is slipping. You should rub the mud on your body and wait for it to dry.. Then you bathe in the showers. Yes it smells bad. The smell of sulfur is everywhere. While our citizens turn their noses up because it smells bad, tourists enjoy the job.. You must remove the silver so that it does not darken.

There are 4 bathrooms you can enter, two closed, one open and one open by the lake.. One of the closed bathrooms is for women. The other is for men, but the male side is mixed.. Except for the first entry, the others are hot. Do you enter hot water on a summer day? I can hear you say. I go in summer and winter and believe me it is very enjoyable. The pool at the entrance is cooler and in line with the lake. If you drink water from the spring right behind it, it treats internal diseases.. If you can stand that awful smell and taste.. They said he had diarrhea. You should take the water home and try it at home. Definitely not on the road.

There are historical ruins behind the open hot pool. Half a column in the pool. So you are inside a historical spa. The people of Kaunos established this place two thousand years ago and used it as a hospital.. Isn’t it awesome?

This is the stopping point for boat tours.. How many Russian tourists came. how they have fun. They get covered in mud and take funny pictures.. Then they hop into the lake. There is a snake in the lake so you know. It doesn’t do anything, but if you’re afraid, don’t jump into the lake.. I’ve seen a few with my own eyes.

Sivas Doctor Fish

There shouldn’t be anything we don’t try. Sivas’s doctor fish are next.. They treat many diseases from psoriasis to fungus.. There are prices that increase as time increases, such as 15 TL for 6 minutes and 20 TL for 10 minutes (2020).. we are dipping our feet in the pool talking whether it is 6 minutes or 10 minutes. As soon as you dive, the fish are attacking.. It hurts and I get so sick that I scream “6 minutes”. How can I last 6 minutes?. You get used to it, though.

You can buy drinks from the cafe by the hot outdoor pool.. prices are reasonable. Soda ayran is the best drink of such places.. It’s freaking hot. There is also a restaurant section.. The brother we met by the lake praised his pita so much that we said we should eat it, but the pita master was leaving too early.. we can’t eat. You can eat it with meatballs or fish.. Meatball fish 35 TL, pita 12 TL (August 2020)

Dalyan Boat Tours

Since I took a boat tour twice in my previous visits, I always visited by land this time, but for those who want to go, the information can be found here. let me write. Individual boat tours start at 10 am.. ends at 5. Boats leave from Dalyan. You’re moving along the canal. The price of the boat tour includes the Kaunos King Tombs (usually seen from afar), mud bath, Iztuzu Beach swimming break and food.

0-6 years old free, 7-12 years 50%, adult 110 TL. (2020) If you are staying in a hotel, you usually provide hotel transfer or you should talk about the transfer with the boat tour you have agreed on.. When I wanted to join this tour before, I agreed to transfer from the hotel to Dalyan.. I got what I wanted, even if they sidelined it later. That was a long time ago, of course.

Large boats are not allowed in Dalyan. Since it damages the reeds and turtles, transportation is provided only by small boats.. These boats do not have facilities such as WC.. If you want to eat blue crab on the boats, you can eat it for an extra fee.. I think you should definitely try it.

Iztuzu Beach

It is one of the rare places where 4.5 km long fresh water and salt water meet.. An English woman owes the beach to stay so untouched.. The whole world knows the woman whose real name is Joan Christine Fairey Haimoff, as Captain June.. A woman who was born in England, grew up in Africa, lived on a sailboat in her later life and fell in love with Dalyan when she saw it.. The brave heart that stopped those who wanted to build a hotel here with international campaigns and declared it a protected area.. what an amazing woman. I’m excited even typing. He even got Turkish citizenship. We need people like this. If it wasn’t for him, now Iztuzu and Dalyan would have been ruined long ago.. I regret not going and meeting now.

West part of the beach Dalyanagzi Beach and you can go by boat. The eastern part is Iztuzu Beach and you can go by car. They differ even though they are on the same beach. The middle part is reserved for Caretta Carettas.. Includes a hospital for injured turtles and Captain June’s cabin. Iztuzu Beach was awarded the best open space in Europe in 2008 and the best beach in Europe in 2011.

It is forbidden to make noise, light a fire, or turn on lights because Caretta Carettas spawn on this beach.. Caretta nests are detected and marked. For this reason, you cannot stay until late at Iztuzu Beach.

Iztuzu Beach Hours: 8:00 in the morning to 20:00 in the evening

I did not go this time because I went twice before, but you should not miss. You can swim in the sea on one side and then plunge into the fresh water. That’s what I did.

Sülündür Lake

Sülündür Lake, also known as Sülüklü Lake, is the view you always see when you go to Radar Gökbel Hill.. Radar As you go to Gökbel Hill or go to Iztuzu Beach, you pass around this lake one way or another.. I think this is the place for forest and lake lovers.. There are tables in the forest area around Sülüngür Lake.. If you want, you can set up your hammock and have a picnic.. You can wander around the lake, which is 2 km long and 1.5 km wide.

Köycegiz Sweetgum Forest

Do not return without seeing the sweetgum trees that grow only in Köyceğiz in the world. Trying to protect the forest, which is 10 minutes away from Dalyan. It also has a feature that heals wounds quickly and is used in perfume.

Ekincik Bay

Ekincik Bay is right next to a village with the same name.. You can swim here as an alternative to Iztuzu Beach.. Daily boat tours stop here. You can go here by your own means by land or by boat tours.. Also, this is the breeding ground of Carettas.

Koycegiz Lake

You can do many water sports in Köyceğiz Lake. You can soak up the day while canoeing. I think it is an activity that cannot be missed.. They said it is forbidden to fish, but you still ask.. Maybe it’s not banned everywhere.

Round Tea

Round Tea was a place I heard the most from my brother. I give up pushing after some research. I learn there are facilities, restaurants here. You can go for a meal, a drink and meanwhile to cool off.. You can swing towards the water on the swings placed in various parts of the Round Stream.. Those who know me know that I love untouched places.. Don’t go because I don’t like you. It is absolutely beautiful.

  • I would definitely say spare at least five days for Dalyan.. Just enough to live to the fullest and give everything its due.. It may even be less.
  • We are leaving Çandır Hill with incredible memories. You must see it before the world changes. I hope the land owner does not get bored of this interest and close the doors and I hope this place does not turn into a crowded place.. Please note that this is private land and be careful.

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