
Capital Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. France invades and colonizes Cambodia and Vietnam while it will be shared by Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam. And France, by making an agreement with Thailand, prevents Thailand from attacking Cambodia.

There was a curfew in Cambodia until 2000, but this ban was lifted after 2000.

The Khmer Rouge. The people of Cambodia have suffered a lot.. The Khmer Rouge unconditionally obeyed the orders of the military committee decision.. Nobody knew who the committee and the Supreme Council were made up of.

Even though the people have a smile on their face, you can clearly see the sadness behind them when you look carefully.. Our local driver doesn’t know how his father died. Was he killed, did he die of hunger, where, … Unknown. He was taken from his family when he was very young and sent to the camps, he suffered a lot.. His mother found her son when he was 7 years old.. Every living person has a life story that hurts and hurts.. In this country, there is pain and tears everywhere.. They were bringing the heads of those who were ordered to kill. That’s why the corpses of that period did not have heads.. You can see the clearest proof of this in the Toul Sleng Museum.

There were people in this country who had no future other than being killed 30 years ago.. That’s why the current generation has no other thought but to live in the present.. Hopes are gone. We stayed at the Intercontinental hotel in Phnom Penh. The hotel was quite central.

Firstly 9.-14. We visit the museum where the items used in Angkor Wat in the century are exhibited. The garden of the museum is also quite beautiful.. Again in the Garden we encounter Shiva’s linga.. Though we see Shiva’s linga everywhere. Shiva’s linga represents the phallus. Underneath is a slit representing the female organ.. Water pouring out from the Linga flows into the slit represented as the lower female organ. Women also drink the water flowing from here to get pregnant.

We ride the motorbikes to the confluence of the Mekong river and the Tonle Sap.. The Mekong flows upwards to Tonle Sap with the effect of monsoon rains for 6 months from June to November.. For 6 months from November to June, it flows down the Tonle Sap towards the Mekong delta.. The only river in the world with this feature. There is no other river flowing in one direction for 6 months and in the other direction for 6 months.

Then we see the Hürriyet Monument.. The Freedom Monument was built to commemorate the liberation of Cambodia from the French in 1953.. Architecturally influenced by Angkor Wat. They celebrate their freedom on November 9 every year.

Then we come to see the Royal Palace and the silver pagoda.. This is a very large settlement.. The royal palace, very large and majestic. There is a ceremonial building, a guest house, a dance performance building and the king’s house in the garden.

Sihanuk is still alive and his son is on duty.. Within this royal complex are magnificent tombs and stupas.

We see the silver pagoda in the same settlement.. 5,000 silver plates, each weighing 1 kg, were used as floor coverings.. 2,086 diamonds were used and the diamonds were 25 carats each.

There are 100 thousand cars and 160 thousand motorcycles in this city.

The color blue in the flag of the country represents the royal family, the color red is the people, the color white is 3 symbolizes religion. Hinduism, Buddhism, and earlier beliefs, animism. Animism means belief in spirits.

The next day we go to the central market.. This bazaar is round and domed. Reminds me a bit of a covered market. It is full of stalls selling souvenirs.. The biggest feature of this bazaar is that this area, which was used as a bazaar before the Khmer Rouge, was turned into a killing field during the Khmer Rouge period.. The bodies were stored here.. After the Khmer Rouge, this place was turned into a bazaar again.

MUST HAVE OF PHNOM PENH:Royal palace, silver pagoda, central market

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