
Cinarcik and Near A Beautiful Route

Leaded and Double Falls, While I was looking at the Falling Waterfall for a few days, a friend calls and says let’s go.. Whatever message I send to the universe, it takes 24 hours to come true. Whenever there is a waterfall in summer and winter, I can’t stand still.. When the weather starts to get slightly warmer, we find ourselves on the path of countless waterfalls in Çınarcık.

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  • Click if you want to read my adventure Ballıkayalar Waterfall.
  • Click if you want to read my adventure at Güzeldere and Samandere Waterfalls.
  • Click to read my adventure at Hacilli Waterfall.
  • If you want to read my Oylat Waterfall adventure, click here.

Waterfall lovers will love this two-day route that can fit into the weekend.. The plan to set out in the morning finds noon when the weather is cloudy.. We use the Topçular ferry to go to Çınarcık.. We pay 100 TL round trip.. You can make the return anytime within a year. Just don’t lose the card and ticket given to you.

Normally, 100-200 pieces per cm3 in homes and indoor areas. in gardens and parks in rural areas, depending on the green ratio and geography. Contains 500-1000 negative ions. This figure goes up to 5000 in mountains and forests.. There are 10-15000 negative ions in water edges, sea, lake, waterfalls.. When the water is abundant in the waterfall regions in Yalova, it reaches up to 30,000.. This creates a complete doping effect and becomes the main factor in the treatment of many diseases.. Yalova and its surroundings are very good in terms of air quality. Especially Samanlı Mountains, plateaus and waterfalls have high negative ion values.. This is a real treasure. Without the negative ions, which we call the vitamins of the air, which are very necessary for human health, we will wither and dry like flowers in a pot. explains how I let myself go into nature whenever there is a turbulence. Of course, I did not know these reasons, but every time I go out to nature, I would not return without loving the stone and soil and touching it.. I used to say, “Nature heals me, roads take care of me”. Turns out there is a scientific explanation.. I wasn’t shaking in vain. I used to tell myself that I reset myself after every outing.. Turns out it was true. Come on then, we’re going to get lots of negative ions and reset.

Çiftlikköy Black Church

I always search the internet for my destination. This time I do it in Çiftlikköy I come across an old structure called the Black Church. We must see it while passing by. Don’t type it in the navigation, it leads to the wrong place. Black Church stays on the sea side on the way to Yalova. After getting off the Topçular ferry, turn right on Özdilek when you come to Çiftlikköy in Yalova direction.

When you go straight you will see a coffee on the left. Here we asked the emmimgils in that coffee. They described us the place. Turn left after that cafe, pass the police station, this is the Black Church inside the Capital 1 site. Do you know any other folks who built a site on top of historical buildings and protected areas and turned them into parking lots? Site security lets you in without any problem.

A surprise awaits you when you walk to the left.. We see a structure similar to the Ani Ruins surrounded by buildings.. It’s really beautiful. My friend is more confused than me. “I’ve been coming and going for 20 years.. There’s no place I don’t step. I don’t know” he says. It’s very difficult to get a clean photo because cars are parked around it.. They planted grass in it. Luscious looks very nice. There are apartments around it.

It is not possible to understand what kind of a site was allowed to be built right next to such a building, and who gave it.. According to the site security, this remaining structure was actually the place where churchgoers gathered.. The original church was destroyed. I don’t know how much is true.. Am I the only one who likens it to the Ani Ruins??

During the crusades in 1097, some of the Latin armies passed through this town while passing through the Iznik Road.. Ciftlikkoy is an important place in terms of history since it is the place where Helena, the mother of the former Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, was born and named after the City of Helenopolis.

Ciftlikkoy, which we always pass by after we land in Yalova. Would you look at. While this site was being built, who knows what was discovered as these places were excavated, and who knows what kind of history lies under the unexcavated places.. The weather is raining and opening. Just like we have a chance, the moment we get in the car, it’s a great rain, no drops when we get down.. Did I mention I was lucky?

Sunset in Çınarcık

We want to reach Çınarcık before the evening. There was a magnificent sunset. We want to catch it. I have never been to Çınarcık even though I have traveled so much.. How weird. If you follow the Çınarcık signs after Yalova, it takes you away.

It has such a beautiful view from the top.. Before you go down, make sure to stop there and watch and take a photo.. When my friend does not understand my request, we pass by.. It’s a dream to watch the view from there.

We wander through the old streets of Çınarcık, climb the hills and look from above.. The sea seems endless. We go down and catch the last hour of the day from the beach.. One is full of peace. The next day, we fall on the waterfall roads.

When we go to Erikli Waterfall after passing Teşvikiye Village, we reach artificial waterfalls when we go left rather than right.. Yes it’s an artificial waterfall but beautiful. There’s also a pond above. Across the water, Zindan cafe. Motorists understand. This Zindan Cafe was once the breakfast route of bikers.

How to Go to Erikli and Double Waterfalls?

Erikli and Double Waterfalls are next.. After Çınarcık Teşvikiye Village, turn right to the Erikli and Çifte Waterfalls sign.. We’re going down a pretty rough road. Since the season has not started yet, the roads are quite bad.. The soil has slipped, the roads are full of holes, even the road has slipped in places, but the point you have reached is worth it.

Erikli, Double Waterfall road

If you are not careful, your four wheels may fall into a separate pit.. As such, it goes very slowly.. This means enjoying nature and not missing any sights.. Fortunately, my little girl did not let us down.

There is a restaurant where pancakes are made at the point we arrived.. We should leave the car there and walk the rest of the way.. I am walking over a suspension bridge towards Erikli Waterfall.. Who doesn’t know my love for suspension bridges? I’ve been here before, but I didn’t have a photo of the bridge.. Isn’t it beautiful?. Since the weather is not warm yet, there is no one but us.. The peace and serenity I dream of. After a beautiful walking path, two huge waterfalls await you.

We walked here for a maximum of 15 minutes.. The fresh air that I breathe into my lungs, the gurgling waters… When we reach the top, climb the very cute stairs and meet the Kurşunlu Waterfall.. Flow rate is quite high. Because we’ve just come out of winter.

After climbing a few more stairs, Double Waterfall is here in all its glory. We came here years ago because I was very curious about this place, but because my friend next to me said “let’s go” and we didn’t know about the waterfall above, we left without seeing it.

Isn’t it ridiculous? Upstairs as close as neighbor. I don’t think there’s anything I hate more than the word come on.. I have a special love for waterfalls. It’s unexplainable.

Şenköy Koca Çınar

After taking a lot of photos, I sit for a while and listen to the silence in the sounds of water.. I’m pulling the air into my lungs. Leaving was not easy.. There are more things we want to do today.

So we get up and we go down again, twisting the rough roads.. On our way we pass a village. Its name is Şenköy. There is a huge sycamore. Like a room. We go in and out and take pictures. They say that a meatball seller once settled here.. They made it hard.

How to Go to Sudüşen Waterfall?

To go to Sudüşen Waterfall, first Thermal connected to Yalova Need to reach. From there, follow the Üvezpınar sign. There is a sign somewhere on the road, but I don’t think it’s enough.

The road here is not looking for the Double Waterfalls road either.. even worse. We are winding along with the fog cloud landscapes.. The soundtrack of the movie Autumn in Our Music. Hey, it’s a music feast that starts with the Black Sea.. It fits the environment very well.. It’s like we fell into that movie.

The road view is so beautiful. Entry to Sudüşen Waterfall, which is 8 km away from Termal, is free.. A cafe has been built. I think there is food.. Just like there are no people in Erikli Çifte Waterfall, this place hosts as many Arab tourists.

Even though we had a little difficulty in taking pictures without people, the scenery we saw was worth it all, even though we got wet from the violence of the waterfall.. It’s pouring from so high that the water is raining down on us like dust. We get wet but we don’t understand. My friend says that the stairway for the waterfall is new.

It didn’t exist before.. The transition is easy, but it seems to have spoiled the nature a little.. They also built a platform on top of it.. I guess so you can sit and drink tea and soup. It’s almost evening now.

Yalova Termal

I want to swim in the warm thermal waters before I leave the region.. There is no one who has not heard of Yalova’s thermals.. Me too, but I couldn’t come. There are many historical artifacts in the area, which has been declared a protected area with a history of 4000 years.. Even the baths are historical monuments. It is a place consisting of a hammam, pool and various bathrooms scattered in a lush area with a huge gate.

When Atatürk discovered this place during his time, he had a hotel built here.. He planted many trees. What’s on the trees and what’s their age. You can enter with your car by paying 7 liras.. There isn’t a lot of room for the car though.. First we walk around a bit. We like the lush greenery. There are various bathrooms.

I’m not lazy and try the foot bath. Water passes under a tunnel like place. You need to put your feet in the water. It is impossible to touch the rock, which is heated by boiling water in an icy stream.. The water that comes out of it boils like a stone flame, the water around it is like ice.. It’s very strange.

There are also parrots trembling in front of an electric stove in this cold.. Tropical animals are warming up with an electric stove in this cold so that we can pay 20 liras and take a photo.. There was also a parrot at the Sudüşen Waterfall.. I feel sorry for them.

Yalova Termal, Outdoor Pool

When we say eye bath, foot bath, it’s time to swim in thermal waters.. Most of them are closed as we went a little late. It’s okay since my eyes are already on the outdoor pool. Baths at different prices. Tuesday and Thursday is the public day of the Sultan Hamam. Open between 7.30 in the morning and 10.30 in the evening. Outdoor pool 40 lira. You can stay for 3 hours.

The pool has a temperature of 38 degrees.. Even though it is cold outside, the evaporating water does not make you cold. Although I like hot water, it was too hot even for me. There are also indoor parts of the outdoor pool.. If you don’t want a towel, they don’t give it.. you ask. Unable to lock the doors of the changing rooms. You have to leave your stuff there and leave.. I couldn’t feel very comfortable because men and women were mixed.

It is not possible to enter the indoor pool, which they call the real healing. There are only men inside, no women. So is the bath. There are too many arabs. When I can’t feel comfortable inside, I say “You already wanted an outdoor pool” and throw myself into the pool. There are people who come here for 15 days for treatment purposes.. It is good for many things.

Hotel prices vary. It is useful to seek and learn.. We chat with the people staying there at the pool. In general, there was a group of people around 60 years old, as well as families with children.. I’m doing a water ballet in hot water in the cold weather. No need to move too much. Man’s heart is constricting. It’s not good to stay too long. When it’s time to go, the preparations begin.. I have to take a shower and run away because people are boiling inside and they look disturbingly.

Even at that, they wait at the door and disturb. There are hair dryers. Despite everything, I spent two days in modern waters and the final in warm waters.. I’ve become like cotton. We entrust our hungry stomach to Köfteci Yusuf and slowly make our way to your home.. Another little escapade comes to an end.

From Australia to Bali

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