
Curious About Schengen Visa

I will tell you about those who are curious about the Schengen visa , which is the key to the doors of Europe for us.. I prepared the question titles in the article based on what should be known during the visa application.

I write all the information I have told you with my experience in more than 55 countries, it should be useful I start with the wish

How Many Days to Get a Schengen Visa?

Schengen visa will be finalized within a week as of 2022. This period may vary from person to person, depending on political conditions.. The consulate does not guarantee you a period of time.. ( visa finalization periods can take up to 1 month during the coronavirus period)

I suggest apply at least 1 month beforehand, just in case. In this way, you can easily get your visa

On the Streets of Switzerland with a Schengen Visa / Basel

How Many Days Is a Schengen Visa Issued?

There is no clear period for Schengen visa. Depending on your application, visas can be issued from a few days to years of validity.. Generally, first-time applicants for a Schengen visa are granted a visa only for the days of travel they specify. The time may increase for later applications.

I’ve heard of someone in my close circle who got a 2-year Schengen visa!

At Bologna Station / Italy

How Much Money Should I Have in My Account?

This the subject is pregnant with legends Every head has a different voice. The important thing is that the account is in a natural flow, rather than the money in the account. 50 thousand liras will work better in a regular savings account where 100 thousand lira is found and suddenly withdrawn or deposited! You must have an amount close to. This money is for you to cover your expenses there.

One of the Nice Details in Verona

First Entry Country Procedure in Schengen

When applying for a Schengen visa, you must first Which country you will go to, you need a visa from that country. I don’t want to buy Schengen from Germany and go to Italy

This rule is not very strict! So you have a chance to enter, but you can also come back through the door.

In addition to all these, entering a different country will be an indication that you are not complying with your travel planning and you can have a negative impact on your next visas. It will have an effect. It’s okay to change country in free roaming after entering the Schengen area.

How Many Times Can I Entry From Berlin / Schengen Area

With One Visa?

This is actually what you get Depends on the type of visa. Schengen visa has “single, double and multiple entry” ones.. I say it in English because this is written on your visa

If you have a single-entry visa, you can only enter the Schengen area once. You can enter and exit twice if it is a double entry, or as many times as you want within the validity period if it is multiple entries.

The thing that is confused here is that the important thing is that there are entrances and exits to the Schengen area.. For example If you have been to Spain, you can go to France and Portugal as you wish. However, if you go back to Turkey or go to Russia, when you come back 2. You need to log in once.

How Long Can I Stay at the Most from My Trip to EU Member Croatia and Dubrovnik, Not Included in Schengen?

This is one of the misconceptions. First of all, you can stay there for the duration of your Schengen visa. If this validity period is more than 6 months, different rules come into play. you do not have permission to stay. This does not mean that we will come back after 90 days and stay in Turkey for a day and go again

Your stay must not have exceeded 90 days in the last 180 days for that day!

Michelangelo Florence and I from

I Have a Visa, Can I Apply to Schengen Again?

Actually, you cannot apply in general. This application is only allowed if your Schengen visa is about to expire.. You are subject to the same procedure when you apply again. However, you can be more flexible about the documents you have to submit.

My Passport Has Expired But My Visa Is Still Continuing

I experienced such a situation with my visa to America.. If your visa is still valid, fear not, you still have a visa!

What you need to do is to take your old passport with the visa along with your new passport to Europe. When you offer both, you will be admitted to the country easily

Traveling in Switzerland / Basel

My Schengen Application Was Denied, What Should I Do?

I’ve been hearing this sentence a lot lately.. Visa refusal is a serious problem contrary to what is thought. Countries don’t usually state the reasons for refusal, but it wouldn’t be hard for you to guess.

The majority of visa refusals are actually technical errors made in the application.. False or deceptive document statements, or unclear itinerary. Other than that, you may not be able to provide the qualifications.

I will write a separate article for those who experience visa refusal in the coming days and I will talk about the way to be followed in this case.. For now, I recommend you to read my article titled Things to consider when obtaining a visa. Because, based on that article, you can see the deficiency in yourself and find the source of the problem.

My Trip to Berlin, Germany / Interrail 2013

In this way, I have answered frequently asked questions about Schengen visas.. If you have more questions, please let me know in the comments section. I try to answer sincerely in a very short time.

If you haven’t read it, How to get a Schengen visa

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