
Cyprus Travel Guide: Exploring the Baby Homeland

Are you ready to discover the unknown face of Cyprus? Let’s agree that Cyprus holiday and Cyprus trip are very different things.. There are so many places to visit and see in Bizim Puppy Vatan! Friends who have been to Cyprus before but have not traveled every inch of this land, let’s take you like this.. With the Cyprus Travel Guide, we learn about the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus all over again.

It’s right under our noses.. After an hour and fifteen minutes flight from Istanbul, you find yourself at Ercan Airport.. We asked ourselves why the name of the airport is Ercan.. Turns out it was the surname of a martyred officer.. There are so many traces of the war in Cyprus that at some moments we really shuddered.. The war is over, but there is a serious Greek / Turkish hostility. The borders are clear as if they were cut with a knife, but people live by looking at this border every day.

First of all, I would like to clarify your questions by giving some interesting information about the TRNC.

  • The TRNC is a country that is only recognized by Turkey. country.
  • You are traveling from International Lines.. But you can leave the country with your ID.. Even if you come out with a passport and then want to get a visa from Greece, you are likely to have problems.. You do not receive an international departure fee stamp. Since we are under the state of emergency, you need to have your flight ticket and photocopy of your ID approved at the airport.
  • TL is being spent in the country, banks in Turkey are operating.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes are very, very cheap in Cyprus.. Gas is also relatively cheap. Casinos and nightlife The cornerstone of the tourism industry, the country’s livelihood. If you are going to shop for alcohol in Cyprus, I recommend that you choose the markets in the city that say Off License instead of Duty Free.. Prices are much cheaper, by the way also open to negotiation. If you are returning to Sabiha Gökçen Airport, you have the right to buy 3 bottles of alcohol per person, and 4 bottles of alcohol to Atatürk Airport.. You won’t have any problems at customs with these numbers.
  • Turkish is spoken. They just use the letters “K” as “G”. I don’t understand how such a dialectal difference came about.
  • Cyprus Casinos are overcrowded.. Eating and drinking is free inside. You can play games and hang out for hours with 100 TL.. But if you’re going to play, “I’m going to lose this money.” enter with your eyes, don’t be greedy, I’ll tell you later.
  • The weather is hot 70% of the year. Especially the beaches on the Karpaz side are very beautiful.

To summarize the History of Cyprus, the third largest island of the Mediterranean, Cyprus for years, until the Republic of Cyprus was established in 1960, Venetian, Ottoman, under the auspices of England. Greek-Turkish relations in 1960-74 were the harbinger of war.. As a matter of fact, the Greek massacre that started on December 21, 1963 and lasted for 10 days was called Bloody Christmas.. In 1974, Turkey organized the Cyprus Operation and 37% of the island belonged to the Turks.. Immigrants from Turkey were brought with incentives. Today, the TRNC is not recognized, but Southern Cyprus is a member of the EU.

If you are going on a hotel holiday for Cyprus Transportation, I would say agree the airport transfer with the tour company you bought the hotel from.. Taxi is very expensive. If your intention is to travel like us, renting a car is a must.

You will use local companies for Car Rental in Cyprus. No famous brands like Sixt, Avis, Budget. You can rent a minimum of 80 TL per day and a minimum of 3 days.. They don’t have a habit of getting insurance and provision. They have a very old-fashioned process.. You can contact by clicking here.
In Cyprus, traffic flows in the right lane, so the steering wheel is on the right.. It was very difficult at first to get used to it, but we used it without any accident.. The roads on the island are always one lane and there is a speed limit.. There are cameras everywhere.

Your choice for Accommodation in Cyprus will either be very luxurious hotels, for example Elexus, Noah’ Flour Ship, Savoy, Merit Hotels, Kaya Artemis, y are also three more suitable ones, with the logic that I will go to sleep anyway, as we did. you will prefer star hotels. We chose to stay at the Manolya Hotel in Lapta, 15 minutes from Kyrenia.

When we say

The Famous Dishes of Cyprus, the first thing that comes to our mind is Peach. kebab. This kebab without peach was the work of Chef Ali.. Made from minced meat, onions and parsley. We ate at Niazi’s Restaurant and loved it.. Firin Kebab was also very successful.
We tried another famous dish, Avcı Böreği at the delicious seaside Ezic Restaurant in Kyrenia.. We ate halloumi cheese in the Gardens of Babylon where we went for breakfast.. Mixed breakfast for 30 TL in the botanical gardens was very successful. Our evening meals cost an average of 120 TL.

Cyprus Travel Guide:
We decided to start the first day of our trip from Famagusta, that is, Famagusta.. We overturned the lush green flowery roads of Cyprus and threw ourselves into the Salamis Ancient City. Although the history of the ancient city of Salamis dates back to the 11th century BC, it was only unearthed after the completion of the excavations in 1974.. The echo of the Ancient Theater is incredible. One of the apostles of Jesus, St.. Barnabas used to preach here.

As a matter of fact, when we left here, we went to Barnabas Church. It turns out that Barnabas was from Cyprus.. (The apostle who saw Sumela in his dream) Unlike the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus is described as a good person, not as the son of God.. Entrance to the church and museum is 7 TL.

When we landed in the center of Famagusta, we visited Venice Palace and Namik Kemal’s Dungeon. He stayed in this dungeon for 38 months when he was exiled to Cyprus due to the public reaction to the Vatan Yahut Silistra game.. The dungeon is tiny and there is only a bed facing the courtyard of the Palace.

This area is located within the historically rich city walls.. We loved Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque. Real name St.. Nicholas Cathedral. Many churches in the region have been converted into mosques by putting minarets on their tops.. The tree in front of the mosque was the Cümbez tree, and it was the oldest tree on the island.

The forbidden zone seized and evacuated by Turkey during the Peace Operation Maraş is a neighborhood of Famagusta.. In fact, the most popular tourist spot in Cyprus. Non-military no longer allowed inside. For this reason, it is known as a destroyed paradise.. Sharing your photos is not allowed.. There is a life stopped inside.

On the way back to Kyrenia, that is, Kyrenia, the last stop of the first day was Bellapais Monastery. A complete viewing point. We thought we were in Italy. It’s a very authentic place.. Then we went to the port of Kyrenia, had dinner and ended the day.

The second day of our trip was based on Nicosia, that is, places to visit in Nicosia.. We were impressed by the Museum of Barbarism, our first stop in Nicosia.. This is the home of a family whose wife and three children were killed for being a military doctor during the war.. Bullet marks on the wall, blood in the tub, even the soap they used.. Everything is preserved as it was at the time of the event.. It hurts inside. Any kind of war is very bad for everyone..

After leaving here, we passed through Kyrenia Gate and reached Great Han. We saw the Selimiye Mosque. We drank the Cyprus-specific CON coffee, which was not as roasted as Turkish coffee, in Asmaaltı Coffeehouse.

We didn’t have time, but the Blue Mansion, Girne Castle, Sunken Ship Museum, and Saint Hilarion Castle are among the places to visit.

You can follow me and many more of my photos on my instagram and facebook.

Have a nice trip.. Greetings to the Baby Homeland Cyprus!

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