
Dancing with the Masai Mara Indians

More detailed version of my article published in Hürriyet Seyahat

Masai Mara consists of savanna, wetland and forestland between Tanzania and Kenya. a region. The people living here are also Maasai Indians.. The Kenyan government only allowed the Masai Indians to wear their own clothes, work and carry weapons such as a wedge.

  • Click here if you want to read what you need to do before you go to Kenya. >Click if you want to read my great safari adventure in Masai Mara National Park.

Click if you want to read my Kenya lake safari adventure.

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Life in Masai Mara Village

Masai Mara Village very close to our campsite. When I look at the steppes on my way, I see that a bag is attached to each tiny bush.. I want to go out and clean. Children welcome us in the village. One does not know which one to embrace.. I pray that they can touch one by one and have a good life.

Those who are in such misery. I’m chasing the flies in your eye on your face. People are ashamed of their dreams around here. What is under our feet is not soil but dry dung you know.. If a seed falls, it will sprout in the air.

Someone in the village comes out and informs us. Here, men of a certain age cannot get married unless they hunt a lion and swim their mane.. Hunting is prohibited nowadays, and if someone kills a lion or something and is caught, they’re directly executed.. They didn’t even give his body to his family.. They’re just giving away the stuff they’re wearing.. But they still tell it like that.

Only Masai Indians can walk around and work in their local attire.. Can carry wedge. Adapted from a real life story, the movie “Out of Africa” ​​with the Turkish name “My Africa” ​​contains short but very striking information about the Masai natives.. The so-called developed countries that assimilated and enslaved African aborigines during colonial times could not only tame the Masai Indians.

For the Masai Indians, yesterday or tomorrow none . life is moment. That’s why when you imprison a Masai native, they die in a short time because she doesn’t think she can get out of that jail one day.. That’s why they’ve always been free. I’m the liar of the movie. Of course, we don’t know if they still think the same way today.

He explains that he learned English very well from missionaries when he was little.. A very unnecessary explanation because Kenya’s official language is English and Swahili is the indigenous language. At the same time, 48 different languages ​​are spoken, such as Kikuyu. Each tribe has its own language. Education in schools is in English.

The narrator tells us that when boys reach a certain age, they have to kill a lion in order to get married, and they have to swim their mane and bring them to the village.. There were people who stayed in the steppe for years.. They still talk about this tradition as if it continues, but we are in a dilemma because we learned earlier that hunting is prohibited.

Fire without fire they teach how to burn. I try for ten minutes and I can’t light the fire they burn in one minute.. It will be difficult to live here.

Men and women sing songs and dance to us in their own language.. After the frightening sounds of men, women’s voices are like bird sounds.. There are many tribes in the Masai region and the patterns of the covers used by these tribes vary according to the region.

Masai Mara Native House

It is a woman’s job to build a house made of mud and straw. The family chooses the woman to marry and makes the house a mud woman.. The more cows you have, the more women you can get.. In fact, we can say that it is a kind of solidarity because women do the hard work.. the more children the better. The goal is to continue the lineage. I’m thankful that I don’t live there.

They have surrounded the part of the village square where they house animals with thorny bushes so that wild animals do not attack. They house the puppies in a section inside the houses.. I don’t know how right it is to call them houses.

When you enter the house, there is a barn.. There is a common area in the kitchen, a bench for sitting, there are sections separated by curtains without a door where the family and children can sleep.. Light comes from a tiny place like a prison window. Eye can’t see inside, it’s too dark. A fire burns on the ground in the middle. A few bowls, a few covers. That’s all the stuff.

Shopping in Masai Mara

A native of Masai accompanies me throughout the village. Women set up a market in a place I can call the village square.. sells trinkets. Wandering around with me bargaining on my behalf. We wander around the village wondering how many cows I will have and which wife I will be.. We do not know the authenticity of the jewelry they sell as necklaces made of real lion teeth, but they are definitely beautiful.. I hope the real lion is not a female.

You can visit this village by paying five dollars per person.. According to them, the money collected from these places is distributed equally to all villages.. Such a pool has been created. They divide you into groups of 4 to show you around the houses and they always try to sell something while telling.. They did not insist on selling in our house, but my friends bought it very expensive for help.

I was prepared because I read something on the internet in this direction before I went.. I didn’t think there were people living in the village we visited. I got the impression that it is a village arranged for tourists like us.. Locals already wear shorts and t-shirts under their local clothes.. He has digital watches on his arms, besides his jewellery.. Cell phones are used. He removes the cover and puts it in his pocket.

Masaili women’s ears are pierced when they are babies, and over the years the holes are enlarged by constantly putting pieces of wood.. When they’re adults, they put beads in those holes.. Thus, it is immediately clear that she is a Masai woman.

If you ignore them, the atmosphere is like a journey to the past.. I would really like to go to the villages of the people who live here, except for a touristic trip, but we cannot go there with that many people.. I know that one day I will do that too.

When we first came to the village, the men were dancing and singing to us.. Shows who’s jumping the top. Before visiting the houses, we watch the songs and dances of the women.. The frightening voices of the men are against the joyous voices of the women.. Here, the highest jumper can get women without paying the price.. I witnessed with my own eyes that it was suspended in the air. I think women are the superpower of the world.. He blows the man like that.

Masai Mara School Visit

We’re going to visit a school now. When we went to school, we came across a ceremony.. Schools never close here.. They get a report card from three to three months and there is a two-week vacation. We leave some of the aid we take with us here.

We also provide financial aid, but we have reserved most of it for Zanzibar. The people there needed more.. I’m crawling to the kids at the ceremony. hugging. People here normally become serious people and pout when they are photographed laughing.

So that’s the fashion, but I manage to make you laugh.. Now that it’s all over, we’re on our way back. When we thought of the stable road, we got goosebumps, but the road is interestingly short.

Since we went to the equator, the stable road had doubled on the way.. We are tired, we are in dust, but we are very happy. We laughed a lot and had a lot of fun.

Masai Indian Ken and Me

Women selling trinkets surround the car as we pass by. They throw it into the car.. Then a war begins for his money. all the women in me. While I was dealing with trinkets, friends took a photo of another guide friend of our guide Keffa. Girls love Ken.

Looking at his photo I wonder if he’s single. Keffa laughs. Says you’ll be a white woman from Masai Mara. I say I can’t live here I’ll take it. And this is how the love that will last for days begins. I’m always joking.. I say “The beads are ok”. We are talking about henna night with the girls. I ask how many cows I have. We always joke and laugh. On the way back they bring Ken to meet me.

When the man can’t look me in the eye, I realize that what was a joke to me is very serious to them.. I’m sorry. If I say yes, he will come with me.. It is very surprising to see a man who is still ashamed to look you in the eye in this era.

After his return, he sent me pictures of the lion’s mane on WhatsApp for a long time.. I thought they were taking it so seriously and trying to get rid of the geography they live in.

Şanlıurfa, Göbeklitepe, Halfeti Trilogy

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