
Differences Between Hotel and Hostel

Hotels, which are preferred especially during summer holidays, are sometimes used for business trips.. Although people generally want to stay in hotels, sometimes it attracts a lot of attention in hostels due to its location and sometimes its economy.. We start our article in which we will give detailed information about the difference between hotel and hostel, by defining them first.

Pensions are places that serve people’s basic needs along with their accommodation needs.. They provide service by the roadside or in the city at affordable prices.

Hotels are places that contain all the services a person seeks and mostly have special options such as pools and Turkish baths.. Rated from 1 star to 5 stars.

Hotel Ratings

As we mentioned, hotels are rated with stars.. It would be wrong to talk about the difference between hostel and hostel without understanding the meanings of these stars.. Therefore, first of all, we would like to give some information about the stars and their meanings.

  • Hotels with 1 star have a minimum of 10 rooms, toilets, bathrooms, breakfast rooms, lobby and a general hall.. They generally work as half board.
  • Hotels with 2 stars have a minimum of 20 rooms and beverage service, apart from the features found in 1 star. It has 30 rooms, an elevator, heating or cooling systems, a meeting room and living rooms. There are room service, TV, barbershop, entertainment venues.
  • The hotels with 5 stars are distinguished from the others by features such as at least 100 rooms, safe, parking lot, pool, disco, 24-hour room service.

After these details, we can move on to give information about the difference between hotel and hostel.

The Difference Between Hotel and Hostel

There are serious differences between hotels and hostels. There are serious differences between the facilities offered by the 5-star hotels and the hostels.. Now, let’s share these differences with you in items.


Hotels have more facilities than hostels.. For this reason, it is an undeniable fact that it is more expensive than the hostel.. It leaves the hostel with options such as pool, room service, full board accommodation..


You can spend a good time by staying at the hotels all day. You can eat and have all your meals to the fullest. Apart from this, hostels usually offer only bedtime.. Apart from that, you can drink tea and other drinks from the lobby.


Along with concepts such as all inclusive, you can agree with the hotel in the first place. You will not have to pay more than the amount. However, you will pay extra money for the use of all facilities other than accommodation in hostels, including beverages.


Hotels are rated according to the number of stars. and they are in a constant work to move to the next star.. However, these are not available in hostels and you need to stay to understand the difference between any 2 hostels.


Hotels are located in the forest as well as in the city. they are also found in the field or by the beach. Transportation is always easy and they have a good view. However, hostels are located close to the center in the city.. For this reason, you have the chance to see these places you usually encounter in the center, as well as at gas stations on the way.

⇒ Things to Consider When Choosing a Hotel I Boutique Hotel ⇐

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