
Doctorate in Germany: How to Get a Medical Equivalency for Germany?

Working as a doctor and doctor in Germany recently for both medical students and assistants and specialists currently practicing medicine in Turkey a topic of interest. HOW TO GO TO GERMANY AS A DOCTOR? In our article, dear Özlem, who achieved this with her husband, shared her knowledge and experience with us.. Of course, there is an equivalency among the conditions required to work as a doctor in Germany, and getting a medical equivalency in Germany takes some time and effort. Therefore, in this article, I recommend that you carefully read the information Özlem will give on How to get a medical equivalency for Germany.. I leave the floor to him

Although there are some differences between states in Germany, foreign The requirements to work as a national doctor are largely similar.. We talked about the equivalence process in general terms in our article we prepared together with our dear “Life and Travel”, since it is a subject that receives a lot of questions from you.. In this article, I will tell you what it takes to get a medical equivalency first, and then how we followed along with my wife from the very beginning to getting the equivalence.. I hope it will be a useful article for those who want to go to Germany as a doctor.

The First Requirement for Working as a Doctor in Germany: Language (German)

To work as a doctor in Germany, there are two different you pass the language test:

1. General German exam: administered by organizations such as TELC, Goethe Institute, TestDaF or ÖSD. Questioning your listening, reading, grammar and speaking knowledge as content; An exam consisting of 2 parts, oral and written.. You must have a B2 level German certificate.

2. Medical German exam: Medical German Exam (Fachsprachprüfung), held by the medical chambers of each state (in some states there are other institutions responsible for carrying out these exams), taking history from the patient, documenting the story and dealing with the patient an exam consisting of 3 steps in the form of a doctor-doctor interview. You need to have a C1 level German certificate.

So if you say Is it possible to work as a doctor in Germany with just knowledge of English, not really.. That’s why you have to start learning German somewhere.

What is Required in addition to Language Documentation for the Equivalence Process?

You have two options for the recognition of your medical education in Germany:

a) One of the oral and practical departments where you are responsible for your 6-year education to take the knowledge exam (Kenntnisprüfung)

b) how many theoretical hours and how many hours for each lesson of the training Applying to an expert together with your transcript showing that it is practical and a report card showing the educational goal and content in detail for each course of the years you have studied, which has been requested since July 2016 (Gutachter).

The expert compares these documents submitted by you with the educational content of a student who studied in Germany during the years you received medical education and identifies your deficiencies.. If you do not have any deficiencies or if these deficiencies can be compensated with your professional experience (for example, in your 6-year education, your deficiencies in surgical courses were determined, but you received general surgery specialization training and presented this to the expert as a document), in this case, you can get your 6-year medical equivalency without taking the exam. you have the possibility. However, if your deficiency is detected above a certain rate, you will receive a negative response after the expert examination and you have to take the exam I mentioned above (Kenntnisprüfung).

What is a Temporary Work Permit (Berufserlaubnis)?

After obtaining the B2 level general German language certificate and C1 level medical German language certificate, Germany Although you do not yet have an equivalence with the staff letter and employment contract obtained from the director of an institution competent to provide specialist training in Turkey, you can get a temporary work permit with your application to the doctor’s office, and with this permit, you can work under the supervision of a doctor for 24 months.. However, at the end of 24 months, as I explained above, you must have received your equivalency through an expert or professional knowledge exam; otherwise, your temporary work permit cannot be extended at the end of 2 years.

Following the cadres from websites such as www.aerzteblatt.de or www.indeed.de, where institutions throughout Germany announce their doctor’s needs and conditions. You can apply and apply.

Is Coming to Germany as a Specialist Doctor Considered Equivalent?

If you came to Germany after completing your specialization education, after getting your 6-year medical equivalence through an expert or an exam; For the evaluation of your specialization training, you need to submit your assistant report card to the physicians’ room you are affiliated with.. In this process, the education given in the relevant branch in Germany is compared with the education you have received.. There are certain criteria that must be completed for each branch: the number of patients treated, rotations, interventional procedures, etc.. being compared. If the deficiency is not detected, you can directly take the specialization exam of the relevant branch.. If a deficiency is detected, which is usually the case, after working as an assistant for as long as you need to complete, you are entitled to take the exam for the equivalence of expertise again.

To briefly schematize:

How long does it take to get medical equivalency for Germany?

How long does it take for these processes to be completed, unfortunately, there is no exact time.. Processes that can vary significantly from state to state and even from day to day. We also have friends who get the equivalence within 3 months after completing their language documents, there are also those who took the exam because their temporary work permit expired after 2 years and could not get approval from the expert.. But what I can definitely recommend about the process is to have high language skills and knowledge, and then of course to be patient and believe in yourself.

I would like to briefly tell you about my own process.

1. We started the German course

You can find a long explanation of why I want to come to Germany in my first article. After the decision of Germany, I enrolled in a German course with my wife in Ankara in 2017.. We started from A1 level as we have never spoken German before.. At that time, we tried to attend classes for 4 hours, 2 days a week, in 60-hour packages, paying around 750 TL for each course.. The most important point when learning German from scratch (as in any language) is to repeat the lessons day by day as well as follow the lessons regularly.. However, unfortunately, we could not fully participate in the classes, as our specialist training continued and we had too many shifts at that time.. Therefore, we could not get full efficiency.. However, we somehow completed the B1 level until the end of the summer of 2017.

2. We arranged rotation in Germany

Afterwards, my wife and a friend contacted our university lecturers. We wanted to see Germany and the German health system more closely and to have clearer information about the equivalence process, and we arranged a 3-month rotation at the “Hannover Medizinische Hochschule”, which started in October 2017.. If you continue your specialization education in university hospitals, you have the right to work abroad as an observer for 2 months and 29 days, and you can continue to receive your salary from your hospital.. This 3-month training was added to our training period with the decision of the board, with our opinion at the end.. In other words, we received an extension for 3 months and we did not have any disadvantages during the thesis process.. However, if your education process continues in a training and research hospital, there is no such application for these institutions.. Therefore, unfortunately, you have to take unpaid leave during this period.. Since my wife was studying at Sami Ulus Children’s Hospital, she had to go on unpaid leave at that time.

For my colleagues who are considering living abroad, they have to make rotation arrangements, process and environment themselves for a while. I recommend seeing it with your own eyes.. However, hospitals generally do not accept Tourist Visa (Schengen visa) for these rotations that you have planned clinically.. So you need to apply for national visa. We also applied for a National Visa after getting accepted from Hannover, but we got a visa refusal because we could not present the B2 language document requested from us.

Visa processes vary greatly from person to person and from period to period. there can be processes; Therefore, the fact that we were rejected does not mean that someone else will also be rejected.. I’m just sharing my own process with you When the national visa was rejected, we first got very upset and then looked for a way out.. I applied for a gray passport with the assignment letter I received from the university.. (Service passport)

3. During the rotation in Germany, we learned the process better and improved our German

After a tiring visa process, we were able to rotate in Hannover for 3 months. Of course we were shocked when we saw the Medical German on the first day we went! Not Latin, not English at all! It’s a different world! At that intensity, no one turns to you and explains in English, and our German, which we went to by completing the B1 level, was never enough Still, I think we have benefited greatly.. Reading, listening and trying to understand epicrisis every day helped us understand this language better after a while.. During this time, we had the opportunity to get to know the equivalence process closely and to meet and talk with people who have gone through these processes.. So it was extremely efficient. However, I think it would be more efficient if I had improved my German at a higher level.

If you ask how much the rotation in Germany was, the trips we made every weekend during this 3-month period and the rental fee. We spent 4500 Euros (2 people).

I made my decision when I returned to Turkey in 2018.. I wanted to apply to one of the states of Hessen or Schleswig Holstein because it was relatively easier to get expert approval with the curriculum for equivalence in these states compared to other states.

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4. We continued to learn German

After we returned, we started the B2.1 course, but B2 was too heavy because I did not take the B1 level very efficiently.. We have also completed the B2 level until the summer, but I can only say to complete the dry.

Even though I definitely don’t feel at a good level, I took the Telc B2 exam in the summer of 2018 to try it.. (The exam fee was around 160 Euros at that time.) This exam consists of 2 parts, you need to achieve 60 percent success in both parts of the written and oral parts.. Even though I passed the oral part, I got 5 points from the written part Then I started my thesis writing process in 2019 and I couldn’t concentrate on German after the final exam.

I did not want to give up my specialization education completely I enrolled in a language course at Hacettepe University’s School of Foreign Languages.. I tried to attend classes as regularly as I could.. After I got my specialization, I repeated the written part of the TELC B2 exam (If you take the exam again within a year, you are exempt from the exam part you passed before). But this time I got 2 points too

5. We moved to Germany

My wife got the specialization equivalency at that time and one of her applications for doctorate in Germany was accepted.. (I also mentioned my wife’s process in our first article.) She moved to Giessen, Germany in June 2019 and started her doctorate education.. My obligatory post-expertise service has been in Adilcevaz district of Bitlis.. I worked as a Child Health and Diseases Specialist in Bitlis for 3 months until my husband’s residence permit was issued.. Afterwards, I resigned and moved to Germany on a FAMILY REUNION VISA.

Family reunification visa was concluded in 3 weeks.. For this visa, we had to declare my wife’s residence card, the square meter of the house she lived in, and her income status.. (The size of the house you will live in is required to be at least 12 square meters per person.) In addition, sometimes an A1 German document may be requested.. Since I did not have a document, they took a short written exam at the consulate.

Before I came to Germany, I decided to take the B2 course again in Germany, so I agreed with the university where my wife did her doctorate. I spoke and pre-registered. When I arrived, I took the placement test again and started the B2 course.. I attended the course for 4 hours every weekday for 8 weeks. (The German course fee was 550 Euro.) After completing B2, I continued the C1 course at the same institution (I paid 550 Euros again.) After completing the courses, I took the Telc B2 exam again in Germany.. This time I passed without difficulty with a fairly high score. (I paid 230 Euros for the exam in Germany.) So to be successful in the language, you really need to concentrate and study regularly

6. I applied to an expert for medical equivalency

After receiving my B2 certificate, I submitted my documents to the expert examination center (HLPUG=Hessisches Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt) in May 2020′. I also delivered. Applying to an expert is not the only way (as I mentioned before) for equivalence.. You can also take the exam directly (Kenntnisprüfung). But the exam appointment comes about 1 year after the application, speaking for the state of Hesse. If there is a rejection answer after the expert examination, you have to take the exam again.. That’s why I wanted to try the expert way first.

The documents requested from me when applying to the expert: My residence permit, my spouse’s residence permit, Telc B2 exam result document, my spouse’s residence permit in Germany Employment contract, medical diploma, detailed curriculum and transcript showing the courses we have taken during my medical education, my specialty diploma, my assistant report card showing the education I have received during my specialization education and the number of patients I have taken care of (you can get it from the hospital where you did your specialization education) and from the chamber of doctors in Turkey. “Good Standing” certificate I have received. (These documents are valid for family reunification visa applicants and vary from state to state.)

7. I took the Medical German exam

The next stage was the “Fachspracchprüfung” medical German speaking exam as I mentioned above.. This exam is held by several different institutions for the state of Hessen and you can find the list of institutions that provide the exam service at the following address.. So I decided to take the C1 medizin FSP exam (again belonging to the TELC institution).. Actually, there are courses for exam preparation, but because the courses were canceled due to the corona virus pandemic, I talked to a hospital near our house and arranged a “Hospitation” for 2 months in the Internal Medicine department.. In this process, I had the opportunity to prepare for the exam practically.. I took the exam in July 2020 (the exam fee was 450 euro) and passed.

8. I received my medical equivalence certificate

I sent my exam result to HLPUG by mail, as of 25 September 2020, my expert examination was concluded and I was entitled to receive a medical equivalence certificate (Expert examination fee. About 350 Euros were requested for the first time).

But as I said, processes change rapidly from state to state, person to person and day to day.. That’s why I can only give you detailed information about my state and my own process, unfortunately.. After all, one learns in a way after getting involved in the business.

One ​​of the most curious questions you asked me on social media, How much are the salaries of doctors in Germany? Are you really satisfied with the work environment and working in Germany? How many patients do doctors see per day in Germany? How can I get the competency equivalency? Will I need to be an assistant again? I will share my answer to your questions after I have experienced it myself

Dr. Özlem Şatırer

The colorful Instagram where Özlem shares wonderful posts I recommend you to visit his profile: ozlemm.cimen

If you have moved to any country abroad and you want your experience as a doctor in Germany to be useful to people who want to follow a similar path, [email protected]. Don’t forget to follow Life and Travel on social media for comprehensive travel guides and information about life in Germany

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