
Dutch Consulate

There is a meeting with the consulate at 9.35 in the morning. We got up early and took the road to Istiklal again. Luckily, as soon as we got off the subway, the historical tram caught our eye, and it is standing there at the stop. We jumped right in. (I’ve been beating t’s head for a long time because we haven’t always been able to get on but somehow.) (Although I think he still had a hand in those not getting on, but anyway =)) We’re at the consulate at 9.20. I was taken inside and waiting in the waiting room. Of course, I overheard their conversations in the previous ones. Everything was going normally until that moment. There was no excitement. A thrill began when they said to meet at tourist number 10. Fortunately, after the first 1-2 questions, there was neither excitement nor nothing.
I think it went well, but the results will be known on Friday. Another wait. I took advantage of C’s appointment at the Dutch consulate and immediately dived into the side streets of Istiklal. While he was being asked absurd questions by the consulate, I wanted to take a walk instead of sitting in a cafe. My route was unclear. There were beautiful houses and historical buildings in the side streets. I used to go to whichever street looked beautiful to me. I completed the route by going down the side of the Dutch consulate, passing in front of the Italian consulate, passing through a street with old houses with bay windows, reaching the street of Algeria, and from there, in front of the Galatasaray Hamam, to the flower passage. There isn’t much to tell. I think photos will suffice.
CAMBRIDGE Economic Travel Guide

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