
El Salvador Travel Notes -1-

My one breath view of El Salvador, where I stayed for 16 days;

The street where 1 policeman fell to 5 people in a Spanish-speaking country and there are squares. The cops are always on the alert and ready to attack or attack at any moment.. Since the use of guns is very common in the country, there is a “no entry with gun” sign at the entrance of almost every restaurant.. Let alone the restaurant, it is possible to bury this warning sign even in the parks between the streets.. Home to MS-13, the world’s most dangerous gang. People are so afraid of this gang that when they talk about them, their voices are immediately turned down, they are afraid to even say the name of the gang.. While MS-13 has a serious say in the name of the country, there are serious armed conflicts between the gang and the government now that the new government wanted to clear this gang after the same people ruled the country for 25 years.. The people, who are still in the throes of the civil war that started in 1980 and lasted for 12 years, will probably struggle with these problems for many years to come.. The population of El Salvador, which is the size of Ankara in terms of area, is 6 million, but there are 2.5 million more people living outside the country.. Most outsiders live in the US illegally. In addition, because thousands of people who fled the country during the civil war and lived in the USA now return to work in their country, it is possible to see that even old men speak English with an American accent in unexpected places.. Although they produce very high quality coffee, it is difficult to find those good coffees in the country since all of them are exported abroad.. Half of the men are macho. Although old women love macho men, the new generation is far from macho. I have never seen women from young to old who love such a cleavage anywhere else.. The retirement age is 60-65 but the average life expectancy in the country is 50-55 years.. It is said that public hospitals are very bad and if you want treatment, you have to go to the private sector.. The state only pays for a few major drugs, that’s all.. They even say that if you go to a state hospital, whether you have the flu or terminally ill, the doctor gives everyone the same medicine and sends them back.. Women breastfeed their children on the street, in the restaurant, on the bus, everywhere.. This situation is already common in Latin America, but I have never seen such comfort anywhere else as here.. Everywhere is full of fastfood chain stores. Even in the village, it is possible to see those familiar hamburgers or pizzeria.. Since almost all the locals were killed during the civil war, the food culture disappeared along with the living culture in the country.. Again during this civil war, the country was gradually equipped with the US food culture with the “help” brought to the country by the USA.. I haven’t seen much of their local food, except for the dish they make by putting cheese, chicken or similar things in a small, round phyllo and they call it pupusas.. I can call your daughters beautiful. It is said that 85% of the country is poor and 15% is rich.. There is such an unfair living standard and material distribution that it is impossible to make sense of it.. Namely; While you can go from one end of the country to the other for 3 USD by public transport, an ordinary fastfood menu is 6 USD.. Meanwhile, during the civil war, America did not neglect to leave its own money to the country over the years while bringing aid to the country.. So the country does not have its own local currency, the currency used is US dollars. Although there are 10 TV channels in total, none of them have a serious program.. It is said that there are always ridiculous TV competitions and serials. Some streets are full of garbage because they find it normal to throw all kinds of garbage on the street.. Even though they are very bad at football, their men are extremely fanatical.. So fanatical kitties can even fight among themselves while watching the Barcelona-Real Madrid match.. Working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, and getting a salary of 200-250 USD is normal for these places.. The average salary of a teacher is 325 USD.. People do not have any social security, as most of the workers are not paid for their insurance.. Despite all these negative conditions, people are very friendly.. Since they are not a touristic country, they also show a special interest to foreigners.. Most of the country’s citizens are Catholic.. At night the streets are so dark and quiet. You get chills even if you’re on the busiest street. It was one of the few countries where I walked by checking my back.. Except for the Santa Ana Volcanic Mountain, which has a crater lake in it, there is not much to see.. For those who are interested in surfing, although it is said that the best place to surf in Central America is the beach in the pacific ocean, the said beach is stony and in my opinion it is not a very attractive place for swimming.. Although almost everyone in Central America said “it’s too dangerous there, don’t go”, I didn’t have any problems. If you don’t go to silly places at night, if you don’t deal with illegal things, you will minimize the chance of anything happening to you.. Public transport and street food are cheap for us, fast food is expensive. Both the rich and the poor want to fill their bellies in fast food chain stores.. As the sane people I spoke to said; They think they are living the life they see on TV by eating here, or they want to look like that.

16 1.5-minute summary of my day trip;

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