
Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfall Nature Park

Erfelek Waterfalls was declared a Nature Park in 2011. Erfelek Waterfalls, officially known as Tatlıca Waterfalls, is 18 km from the town of Erfelek and 44 km from the city center of Sinop.. The waterfalls, which are very close to Tatlıca village of Erfelek district, were named Tatlıca for this reason.. It consists of 28 waterfalls, large and small, in a forest area of ​​45 hectares.. It has been 21 years since Erfelek Waterfalls in Sinop were found.. It was discovered by chance during the construction of the dam in 1997.. Unbelievable. I think those living around you know for sure.

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How to go to Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfall Nature Park?

You can go from Sinop or nearby cities for a day, but to go from distant cities like Istanbul, it is necessary to make a several-day program.. We are going to Erfelek Waterfalls from Kastamonu on the coastal road. When we go on the coastal road, our car becomes pitch black due to the newly poured asphalt.. That’s why we can’t go fast. It takes hours.

We take a break in the evening at a wonderful place overlooking the Erfelek Dam.. There is a place on the road where you can drink tea with this view.. Then we spiral down. I don’t know where I first saw the photograph of Erfelek Waterfalls, when I fell in love with it.. My biggest dream is to be able to camp against one of those waterfalls.. Being able to sleep and wake up by setting up my tent against one of the waterfalls and watching it.

While I’m in these dreams, we come to the door of Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfall Nature Park (that’s its full name). The attendant at the door says it’s closed and can’t let us in.. How so? Well, we were going to camp. Camping is prohibited here.. Last year a family saw bear cubs. took a photo. Shared on social media. Seeing this, the authorities banned the camp this year.. it’s a shame. I came here with a dream of camping. Worse still, we are caught off guard.. We stay in the middle of the evening.

Camp by the Erfelek Dam Bank

Frustrated, we drive by the edge of the Erfelek Dam. We have to find a place for ourselves before sunset.. The views are magnificent. Even though we are a little disappointed, we pack up quickly and enjoy the views.. We like the place we arrive at when we pass over the dam.. We found our campsite. We set up our tents quickly.

When we explore around, we see the biggest blackberry garden I have ever seen in my life.. Crimson, juicy, fragrant… This must be heaven. We eat our dinner while we light our fire and listen to our music as the sun sets at the dam.. No such pleasure. It’s nice to have friends in one’s mind.

It’s clear we’re going to have a bit of a windy night. Somehow, we say we watched our view and take the tents into the nook. A sweet sleep awaits us. A deserted place. If I were alone, I would never dare to camp, but we have a problem-free night.

Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfall Nature Park

We say good morning to a beautiful view in the morning and Erfelek Tatlıca, which was left unfinished yesterday evening. We take our breath at the Gate of Waterfall Nature Park. Door entrance 14.50 lira by car. No extra money is charged to the people in the vehicle.. If you are entering without a car, 4.5 TL per person. You can enter with your vehicle.. There is quite a large parking area.. We aim to come early in the morning and stand out from the crowd.. We pass through the area where the restaurants and the park are. In this section, there are WC, market, etc.. You are alone with nature on the hiking trail.

There are over 100 bird species here.. The waterfall at the entrance pours from 20 meters. The highest waterfall of Erfelek Waterfalls. It’s pretty crowded here.. Everyone’s after photos. Just at this moment it starts to rain. I think our dream of swimming in waterfalls will remain until another spring.. We head towards the wooden stairs and start the track.. It looks like we’ll have to climb a lot of stairs.

Our adventure of walking the 2-kilometer waterfalls begins.. After looking at the first few waterfalls both from the viewing terraces and by descending next to it, the road splits into two from the stairway.. From the beginning, we planned to pass the part called the hard track.. The other wouldn’t cut us. It wouldn’t suit our glory. For sunny and hot weather, you should definitely have shorts and swimwear with you.. The water of the first few waterfalls was warmer. The water gets colder as you go up.. I couldn’t put my place other than my foot. For this reason, this information is something only you can experience.

What awaits you at Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfalls?

It is in your best interest to wear non-slip shoes with which you can enter the water.. Because in some places you may have to cross the water.. The floors are pretty slippery. Those who do not want to enter the water can also wear rain boots.. If you don’t take a phone, but if you want to take my phone with you to take pictures, you must either go with a waterproof bag or case.

You pass through extraordinary landscapes while crossing waterfalls one by one.. It’s a journey to the source of the water. We always went down in our canyon training, but here it is the opposite.. We climb waterfalls. cliffs like stairs. In the sections where we have difficulty, the ropes that were previously tied to the track come to our rescue.. The stones are quite slippery, the strings are a bit short.. demands a lot of attention. Some places are really challenging.. Those who are not in good condition should never take this road.

I am talking about 28 large and small waterfalls.. There are signs encouraging you on the way. It says here that you can go to the source of the water and not come back this way.. These are pretty witty posts.. There are numbers about which waterfall you are at.. You can count down, calculate how far you have traveled and how many are left.

Our favorite 18 is the waterfall.. We can’t leave the waterfall for a long time. The fact that this place is in Turkey is very strange. I usually see such beautiful places but only their photos on international routes.. We also have such beautiful places, their conversations are returning between us.. It hurts me not to be able to swim here, but the weather is rainy and cool.

First Waterfall Accident of the Year

There are others who walk with us from time to time.. I think Metehan comes out first when climbing the 20th waterfall.. taking my photo. Rose comes after me. I see the rope getting tangled in the rock. While the pendulum is going to eat, Rose throws the rope from the rock and falls into the gap of about one meter with the empty rope and leaves the rope.

Your back falls into the water from at least 4 meters down.. we stay. It’s not that easy to get off. The people behind us are growing. They take it out of the water. There is a huge log in the water where it fell.. full of brushwood. Thankfully it doesn’t get stuck anywhere.. After a while, he can move and get up with Metehan’s help.

Nothing would have happened if he hadn’t let go of the rope, but he thought the rope broke and left.. We’re getting a little upset. We have to move forward as it is harder to turn back. There are 8 more waterfalls to the source of the water. From there we have to turn around.. We need at least an hour to reach civilization.

There was a business at the source of the water.. I think this business wrote those encouraging articles so people don’t give up.. There is everything from buttermilk to pancakes. Make sure to take money with you. Maybe you think I’ll have a cup of tea and breathe.. we are not so hungry. Let’s get some rest and head back. We don’t have to go back the same way. You can come back from the source of the water, through a beautiful path through the trees.. You can visit all of them in two hours.. These two hours are valid for waterfalls.. After visiting the waterfalls in Erfelek Tatlıca Waterfall Nature Park, you can have a picnic and spend the whole day.

We are caught in a crazy rain on the way back.. We don’t have any dry place left.. The ground is muddy and slipping further. we are fine again. Those who come with children are devastated. Setbacks come as they come. We’re a little frozen and wet like rats when we get there.. All we want is to warm up and be able to wear something dry. When Gül tries to change, she realizes that she cannot move her arm.

I say, “We are going to the hospital”. Since we set off, we have been walking around as Azdavay State Hospital, Sinop State Hospital.. Lamb chestnut is very famous here.. we didn’t get it in a hurry. Maybe you can find the opportunity. We were able to get a chestnut chocolate dessert though.. she was also very beautiful. Metehan, who sees the Hamsilos sign on the way to the city center of Sinop, tries to enter.. He forgot that we went to the hospital. We laugh a lot.

Sinop State Hospital

We enter the emergency room of the hospital and tell our troubles. When we say it was a doctor, it was an x-ray, we find ourselves in the plaster room.. Unbelievable. They call it tissue damage. thank god no broken. While our doctor was preparing the cast, he says the first waterfall fall of this year has come.. A lot of waterfall cases come to the hospital every year.

Don’t be intimidated when you read these.. Be careful, climb without haste, wear non-slip shoes. I think you can go out without anything. We were also very lucky. It is a great miracle that such a fall can only be survived with tissue damage.

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