
Everything You Will Need Before A Trip to Nepal

I often say that we have been trying to travel nature-oriented for a long time.. Due to the changing world and climate, we are worried about not being able to see the natural beauties that are trying to exist today after 10 years.. However, at the beginning of 2018, we decided to make some changes in this regard, and with the effect of moving to Bahrain, it became our priority to explore geographies close to the region.. After the culture shock we experienced in Saudi Arabia, we thought we would enjoy having a similar experience in a different country.. For this purpose, I don’t think there could be a better choice than Nepal, which we decided to go pinpoint.. At the end of a 9-day Nepal trip I have saved a world of things to write, no one said, “Oh, you’re exaggerating!”

• About Nepal

• What to Do in Nepal?

• How to Get Nepal Visa?

• How to Get to Nepal?

• Currency

• Accommodation in Nepal

• Internet Availability and Credit Card Usage

• Eating & Drinking in Nepal

• Shopping in Nepal

• When to Visit Nepal?

• Other Information About Nepal

About Nepal

The roof of the world is located at the foot of the Himalayas and the Everest summit, which houses this tiny Asian country between India and Tibet, the 2015 earthquake that destroyed the country, the only country with a non-rectangular flag It is the birthplace of Siddharta Gautama (Buddha), the founder of Buddhism philosophy. we know with. In Nepal, where 80% of the population is Hindu, the local people continue to protect their centuries-old traditions while maintaining their humble lives with limited means.. One night, the crown prince went insane and killed 11 people, along with the king and queen, and tried to commit suicide himself.. Afterwards, at the end of 7 years, which passed with riots and internal turmoil, it was officially passed to the parliamentary regime.. Today, a woman sits in the chair of the presidency.. Communist-origin Bidhya Devi is among the few female presidents of the world.

Let’s not forget to mention her flag.. While all the countries of the world switched to the modern type rectangular flag adopted by Europe, Nepal said “This is our culture” and protected the flag it has been using for centuries.. This alone is proof that they are protecting their culture and a reason to plan a Nepal trip. There are many different perspectives on the meaning of the flag of Nepal, which consists of 2 overlapping triangles: There are sources that say it represents the Himalayas, and there are those that say it represents the coexistence of Hinduism and Buddhism.. The guide we arranged in Bhaktapur said that it only reflects the roof section of the pagodas in Nepal.. It is a different experience to watch the people pass by while sipping my coffee in Durbar Square and to examine the colorful clothes of the people.. Definitely the most smiling people I’ve ever seen live in Nepal. “When will we be back again?” The only reason we make plans like this is to unintentionally shout “Namasteeee!” to everyone we come across. It’s not the positive energy that makes us call, of course.. It has so many places to visit, see and experience that there is no way you can finish it if you combine a 5-day annual leave with weekends like us.. Still, I think it is one of the countries that deserves small beginnings the most.

What to Do in Nepal

The peace of Hinduism and Buddhism You can visit dozens of temples built in this direction in Nepal.. Those who have traveled to Asia before know very well that visiting a still-living Hindu or Buddhist temple is not like visiting a church.. Each of them has a different story, each time you encounter a new ritual and find yourself in a completely different world.

Another important activity that you can do during your trip to Nepal (I may even insist that you do not return without doing this) is another important activity. trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas. If you are confident in your performance, if you have the time, you can join the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) or Everest Base Camp (EBC) trekking, which takes about two weeks.. If you don’t have the strength, but still want to get some mountain air and see the sweetest state of Nepal in one of the different mountain villages, there are places where you can arrange a jeep from the city center and go.

Another touristic activity of Nepal is rafting. Although it is not suitable for everyone to cross the raging rivers fed by the melting snow from the Himalayas, let me give information for the interested person.. Like every activity here, rafting is done at the ends.. There are even tours where you load your food and tent on the boat and row for 10 days.

As an alternative to a cultural tour in Nepal, there is also a safari option for those who want to do something alone with nature in the forest.. In Chitwan National Park, you can take a canoe tour among the crocodiles on the river, walk or arrange a jeep to see a rhino (or a Bengal tiger if you’re lucky).. Please don’t get excited too soon. Safari is a sensitive point for us, we normally never miss such an opportunity, but after long research we gave up going here.. First, there is so much elephant exploitation in the environment and I can’t even stand to see it; secondly, I haven’t come across anyone who has seen tigers on blogs or on Tripadvisor, but interestingly, everyone has seen those two rhinos! We did not find it appropriate to go because it did not suit us.

You can listen to the details about the trekking in the Himalayas in the video below.

How to Get Nepal Visa?

Nepal requires visa for both general and green passports. All you have to do is fill in the Application Form at the entrance to the country, go to the cashier and pay the visa fee according to the number of days you want to receive.. When you get the receipt and go through passport control with 1 photo of any size, you also get the visa.. It is not known whether we landed at 09:00 in the morning, all of these processes took 10 minutes because there was no one.. But if you come across a crowded time, this period can be up to 2 hours.. Attention: You must have a pen with you and your flight information to write on the Application Form.

15-day visa $25 / 30-day visa $40 / 90-day visa $100

How to get to Nepal?

Non-stop flights from Istanbul to Tribhuvan Airport in Kathmandu are available on THY and take an average of 8 hours It takes time, but as you can imagine, the prices are exorbitant.. My advice for cheap flights is Fly Dubai, Air Arabia, Etihad and Air Asia companies. I strongly recommend that you do not use Skyscanner until a second update because I have witnessed that it does not share any suitable results for these companies.

For the Nepal trip we have planned, Air Arabia via Sharjah on the way out, on the way back. we used Fly Dubai via Dubai. The luggage you will send to cargo other than 10 kg cabin luggage in Air Arabia will be subject to an extra charge.. Sharjah Airport may be the worst airport I’ve ever seen in my life; the toilets are filthy, most of the restaurants serve Indian food, it is so crowded that you will have trouble finding a seat while you wait, there is also no wi-fi and sockets.. Considering these, Fly Dubai, which transfers from Dubai, may seem a little more comfortable; You have the right to 20 kg of luggage, all other features are paid.. If you are used to traveling with Pegasus, you should not find these two companies strange.

It is useful to carry the printout of all the flight tickets you have booked to Nepal with you.. Before the security check, ticket checks are made both at the entrance to the domestic lines and at the entrance of the international lines, where you will use the return flight.. So you have to show your ticket first to enter the airport.


Nepal’s currency is Nepalese rupee (NPR). 1 dollar is 104 Nepalese rupees, but wherever you want to pay in dollars instead of rupees, without exception $1=100 NPR. Therefore, it is always more advantageous to pay in rupees, especially for large amounts.

You can exchange Euros or dollars at exchange offices, but it seems impossible to exchange Turkish lira. (Since there are places in India that convert TL, such an expectation may arise for a trip to Nepal.) Exchange offices do not take commission, but there are slight differences in the rates to the region and they do not cause much damage.. You don’t need to go door to door exchange office, you can exchange money wherever you need.. However, for those wondering, let me rank the worst-rated places from the best to: Hotels, Pokhara city centre, Kathmandu Airport international, Kathmandu Airport domestic, Thamel, Boudhanath Stupa surroundings.

Nepal Accommodation in

It is useful to explain this subject under two separate headings: Hotels in the city center and Guest (Tea) Houses on the foothills.

city hotel in Kathmandu or Pokhara. You can pay attention to these points when choosing : Is there a generator against regular power cuts? Do you have 24 hour hot water? Is there internet connection throughout the hotel? Is the bathroom new?…In a standard hotel in the heart of the city that meets these needs, double room prices, including breakfast, vary between $ 20-30.. When you go and see it, you will be surprised how many hotel alternatives there are.. If you wish, you can also act as you choose when you go without making a reservation in advance.. If you are not looking for comfort and are planning a completely low-budget trip, it is possible to arrange a bed in the hostel for 1-2$ per person per night.. (I explained the details of the hotel we chose in Kathmandu and Pokhara travel guide articles.)

Let’s come to the Guest Houses… When you go trekking in Nepal, you can visit both mountain villages on the route. There are numerous Guest Houses where you can take a lunch break and stay overnight.. All unassuming, places that only provide a bed and blanket but have a terrace with a view you won’t want to leave. A price policy has been determined by the committee, and no business can exceed these prices; A double room’s nightly price includes a maximum of 1,000 rupees ($10) if it has a bathroom, or 500 rupees ($5) if no bathroom. Breakfast, dinner, water, towels, toilet paper, soap etc.. Extra charges are charged for all other needs you can think of, but it may vary depending on the location.. Wi-fi is free You can go to all of them without reservation, because especially in trekking without tour, the plans are confused; you walk fast, for example you want to spend the night in the next village.

Internet Availability and Credit Card Usage

trip to Nepal. Free wi-fi was available in all hotels we stayed in, guest houses and all restaurants where we took a lunch break.. I don’t buy a SIM Card in any country I go to because I don’t need a situation urgently. Even if there is a problem with the internet, I rest my head for a few days, but there has never been a time in Nepal where we were without internet for days. It is possible to pay by credit card in any place, but a commission of 4-5% is added, including hotels. Let me state that they want to add a commission even to the payment of the hotel we booked through Booking.

Eating and Drinking in Nepal

If you insist on trying local flavors in a country that draws attention with its abundant spicy foods you may have some trouble. As a person who can’t eat bitter in life, I don’t know why I got excited and made a 1 page local menu before my Nepal trip.. I could only try Dal Bhat, momo and samosa among them.

Dal Bhat, Newari dish native to Nepal. A type of meal served with a plain pilaf in the middle of the plate, and appetizers or vegetables around it.. Almost every restaurant has it.. I couldn’t eat it because the people around it were bitter, but Uğur consumed a lot, especially at the guest houses where we took a break during trekking.

Momo, a Tibetan dish somewhat reminiscent of Uzbek ravioli.. If it wasn’t for the bitterness, I would say it’s the most delicious food I’ve had in Nepal.. There are varieties with vegetables and minced meat, boiled or fried.

Samosa, is a deep-fried pastry with mashed potatoes and lentils.. It was so bitter inside that I could only eat the crispy part of the outside.. It’s my problem, of course, if you like bitter, you’ll be happy to eat it.

If I need to talk about the meals I ate during my trip to Nepal… Every dish you can think of has coriander leaves in it, why? I don’t know. Even international dishes were so bitter sometimes that even Uğur could not eat it.. So, are we back hungry? Of course not! In the center of Kathmandu and Pokhara, there are dozens of great restaurants serving international cuisine.. We ate amazing pizzas, hamburgers, noodles. Portions per person in a high standard restaurant are at most $ 4-5 (I have mentioned the details in Kathmandu and Pokhara travel guides.)

As long as you do not stay in a very luxurious place, the breakfast content in hotels is standard: usually eggs , sausage or bacon, potato with vegetables, marmalade and oil. Depending on the place, Indian-style beans and egg rolls can be added, but don’t expect to find cheese & olives.. You can also use one of the German Bakeries for breakfast, which you can find everywhere.

I think the most expensive thing in Nepal is alcohol, prices are higher than ours both in markets and places. even high. Everest, Gorkha and Nepal Ice local beers. Its price ranges from $4-5 but luckily it comes in 500ml bottles. The cheapest drink we drank was the locally produced Danish cider Somersby.. We paid a maximum of $2 per bottle.

The points I would recommend you to pay attention to when eating in Nepal are as follows:

– Try not to consume uncooked food as there is a risk of disease in the waters.


– I advise you not to eat meat in a restaurant you do not trust. As far as I can see, the meat is always exposed in the butchers.. If you are going to order meat, confirm the cooking rate and give it.

– Tea and coffee come naturally with sugar.. When ordering, you should say that you want sugar-free and dairy-free 3-4 times.

– Do not consume water other than packaged water.. In mountain villages, they try to fill and sell the plastic bottles themselves, be careful.

– 10% service charge and 13% VAT are added on top of the prices in the menu in most restaurants.

Shopping in Nepal

The most remarkable products in Thamel in Kathmandu and in the whole city center of Pokhara mountain climbing and trekking gear. Very affordable There are countless stores where you can find a world alternative to the prices, but most of the branded products are imitations.. Prices vary according to the quality, but when buying, you should take a good look at the stitching, brand printing and zipper details.. There are shops that try to sell a low quality product at a high quality price.. You should not forget that the prices given are stated by adding the bargaining share.. For those who definitely want to buy original products, the most reliable places are the brands’ own stores.

Other products you can buy when you go to Nepal are as follows: shalwar or dress made of local fabrics, hand-knitted bags, shawls made of yak feathers, handmade singing bowl, organic Nepalese coffee, spices…

When to go to Nepal?

Mossoon period between June and September in Nepal, that is the lowest season. But it is said that there was a system of precipitation only in the evening, rather than a standard Asian monsoon.. The peak season is October and November, which allows for many activities with the sparkling sky after the rains are over.. If you are going during this period, you may encounter slightly higher prices.. December, January and even February are not preferred because the weather is a bit cold, but it is still a visitable period.. The biggest problem during this period is that if you don’t stay in a good hotel, you can spend the night cold in the room because most of them don’t have a heater.. Another alternative for those who do not want to go during the high season is between March and May, when the weather starts to get warm.

Other Information About Nepal Trip

* Nepal time It is 2 hours and 45 minutes ahead of Turkey time.

* If you are one of those who like to plan minute by minute, you should put this habit aside in Nepal.. Because at any moment, for any reason, disruption can happen.

* Bargaining is like standard procedure around here, feel free to do so.. But frankly, there is not an environment where you will get tired of bargaining.. We did not come across a seller who chased after you at the point we did not want to buy.

* Even though we only had one night of power cut, it is a known fact that there are regular power cuts in Nepal.. Especially in the evenings, you need to be prepared for this.

* Nepal is not a country with a problem in terms of security.. Still, it’s a good idea not to wander too far.. There is a very sweet nightlife in Pokhara and Kathmandu.. Everywhere is lively and colorful. You don’t have to worry about going out in the evening.

* The sockets are multi-hole in a way I’ve never seen before.. So they made such a thing that all types of plugs fit.. That’s why you don’t need a converter.

* No risk of malaria except in areas close to the Indian border. We did not take any precautions during the trip, nor were we vaccinated.. However, it is useful to consult the Travel Health Center when planning a trip to Nepal.. “Where Are Travel Vaccines Made?” CLICK to read the article.

* A country so comfortable to visit that you don’t need to go on tour. There are no types on the streets who talk, chase you, make you nervous, try to defraud. Facilities are limited but people make an effort to please you. It is also one of the countries where you want to live the moment.

* Namaste! – The word everyone uses to greet or thank in Nepal. But beyond an ordinary “Hello” it is said from the heart, and “The light within me greets the light within.”, “Your soul honors my soul.” have similar meanings. Even foreigners in Nepal say “Namaste!” Greetings.


Kathmandu Travel Guide and Places to Visit »

Pokhara Travel Guide and Places to Visit »

An Alternative 8-Day Trip Plan for Nepal Tourists »

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