
Fairy Tale Village Under Our Nose: Adatepe Travel Guide

May has come, spring is starting to feel better now. The mountains and plains turned green, flowers bloomed everywhere, the waters began to rush from the peaks to the foothills.. So it’s time to escape for 2-3 days and throw souls and bodies into nature’s lap.. But you have to hurry, summer is at hand… It is useful to see as many places as you can before the holiday routes pass from the mountains to the sea.

After this general introduction, it is now time to offer you a small escape point.. This is a village, but a village like a fairy tale. A village in the middle of the Ida Mountains, close to the sea, and at the foot of the Altar of Zeus, most of which has been restored, consisting of stone houses with pink and blue windows, large courtyards and gardens, dating back to the historical Trojans.

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Yes, this is Canakkale Adatepe Village, a part of … It is a picturesque village that has come by carrying the memories of ancient times, has never been spoiled, on the contrary, it welcomes its new guests with a beautiful smile…

Now, here you are with photos. Let’s take you on a pleasant journey…

Why Go to Adatepe?

There are many reasons to go to Adatepe and see the region.. If we start with the priorities for me, the texture of the village comes first.. Since it is a protected area, the village is completely protected.

There are approximately 250 structures in the village registered to the Board of Monuments.. 80-90 of them have been restored and there is life inside.. You can go to the village just to see these stone houses.. Some of these houses have been perfectly restored.. They offer an amazing visual. Some keep their old ways.. Others are in a dilapidated condition and are waiting for new people who will help them.

Walking the stone roads of the village, taking lots of photos, drinking a nice Turkish coffee under the historical plane trees, climbing the Zeus Altar, seeing the Stone School, Tasting the olive milk and watching the view from Hoca Rock… It is worth going to Adatepe for each of these.

Things to Do in Adatepe

As I mentioned above, first of all, you can visit the village step by step. go around. Walk on the stone roads, which are not allowed to be repaired because they are a protected area, feeling the history of hundreds of years…

You will see very beautiful stone houses while walking on the roads.. Have a good look at these…

The village is a paradise especially for photography enthusiasts.. Stop at every corner, in front of every house, on every street, and take a photo.

Take a sunrise walk. Even if your daughter says ‘Daddy, can I come too’, don’t say ‘the road is a bit long, you don’t come’. Take it with you, walk the mountains together :))

There are two huge plane trees in the village square. Below these you will see tables. Sit and drink tea, coffee or something cold. In fact, take a book in your hand, read it in silence…

The prices are extremely affordable. Tea 1-1.5 lira, Turkish Coffee 3 lira, cold drinks 2-4 lira. Flatbread, raw pies and similar foods are both delicious and at average prices.

There are olives, olive oil jams, soaps and various souvenirs you can buy for your home in the venues.. Olive oil is usually 16-18 liras, olives are 10 liras.. The prices of soaps made from olive oil vary between 2.5 liras and 7 liras.

Persimmon Coffee

There are only 15-16 households in the village that can be called natives.. Usually old uncles sit under this plane tree.. chat with them. Again, one of the locals of the village, Uncle Ismail, has a place called Hurmalı Kahve in the square, where you can take a breather.

To take this photo, go to Hoca Rock above the village. get out. If that’s not enough, continue on the road and reach other villages on the hill.

Must see Taş Mektep, which was founded in 1943.. This building, which was the village school until 1996, has now turned into a workshop where various art trainings are given.. If you are interested, make a reservation in advance and join the studies here.

Altar of Zeus

Make sure to go to the Altar of Zeus. About 200 meters from the square. After entering the gate, about 800 m. walk to the altar dedicated to Zeus and get to one of the most beautiful views you’ll ever see. The whole Bay is at your feet. By the way, it is useful to have water with you when you go to the altar.. And don’t forget the hats.

You can like the village very much and say ‘we should buy one of these houses’. But when you hear the prices, your reaction will probably be ‘it’s gone’. Because the prices of the ruined houses for sale in the village start from 300 thousand liras.. Those that are built are generally over 500 thousand liras.. For example, they say 450 thousand liras for the house in the photo.

There is also Hüseyin Meral Olive Oil House and Art Gallery in the village, which sells ‘olive milk‘. Make sure to stop by here, too, and learn from Mr. Hüseyin how the British call the ‘oil flower’, how olive milk is obtained, which can only yield 1-2 kg from 100 kilograms of olives.

Adatepe Olive Oil Museum’ travel what. But keep in mind; This museum is not in the village but in Küçükkuyu…

I did not participate, but there are various jeep safaris as well.. You can get information about these and hit the mountains with jeeps.

If what I have told you is not enough for you, visit the village’s own website, Adatepe Village Website, for a little more historical and cultural information…

Adatepe’ Where to Stay in the Village?

There are a total of 4 boutique hotels in the village, three of which are in operation and one of which is about to start working.. There are 45 rooms in total.. The hotel we stayed in was the Hunnap Han, a 300-year-old building.. Serving as a hotel since 1997. Owner Ural Bey is very knowledgeable about the region and guides the visitors in a good way by arranging a guide for sightseeing tours, if necessary, according to their wishes.. It is especially enjoyable to sit in the courtyard, eat, drink, read, spend time and play with the hotel’s dog, Chef.

There are two separate facilities called Zeushan and Adatepe Pension on both sides of the village square.. I can’t say anything because I didn’t stay, but it looks like a very pleasant place from the outside.

If you don’t want to stay in the village, the closest place is Küçükkuyu, which is 4 km away.. There are lots of hotels, motels and hostels for every pocket here.. If you wish, you can stay here and go up by car.

What to Eat in Adatepe?

I haven’t come across a unique dish of the village.. But you can have good meals at the venues in the square.. If you want to sit a little wider and have a more enjoyable meal, please keep in mind that Hünnap Han’s restaurant menu was quite delicious…

How to Get to Adatepe?

I used the Tekirdağ-Çanakkale road. You can reach Küçükkuyu by passing through Eceabat and following the İzmir road from there.. You can reach the village with a 4 km climb through Küçükkuyu.. You can also use the ferries departing from Gallipoli without going all the way to Eceabat to get to Çanakkale.. These go to Lapseki or Çardak. About 30 km from where you land, you reach Çanakkale.

By the way, if you have time, you can stop by Troy on the way to see the Trojan horse and visit the ancient city.

About the Author: Eren Güler

After trying Boğaziçi University Chemistry Department and then graduating from Istanbul University English Economics, she suddenly found herself in the media.. In fact, he always thought he was going to be a banker or a stockbroker.. He worked as an economics editor in media organizations for 14 years.. The last 7 years of this were spent in Hürriyet.. He now works in the research industry.. Although he has been an economics editor for years, he is very interested in tourism, travel and gourmet business.. He always wants to write travel articles if he can.. Let him go, travel, see, eat different dishes, write… He likes these very much.. Maybe he will become a travel-gourmet writer in the future, who knows…
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Twitter: @erenguler

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