
First Meeting with the Underwater World: Discovery

Although I am from İzmir, I am not a water bird at all, perhaps because of my mother who has a water phobia.. After entering the sea, I prefer to go back within 10 minutes; ‘Cause I’m either cold, tired or bored. But when winter comes, “Let the summer come, let’s go to the sea now!!” I will be the one who cries more than anyone else because swimming is different, my love for the sea is different! If I have a mask on my head and flippers on my feet, I can swim until my back is the consistency of a lobster.. I would swim to see the biggest fish, then I would have a small tachycardia when I came across a garfish, of course, with happiness That’s why, for me, the best thing about swimming is not swimming, but seeing living things in their natural environment.. The underwater world is full of surprises, it is not clear when we will encounter it, but what we can see with the mask-palette duo (i.e. snorkel) is generally limited.. I tried to overcome these limits by doing promotional dive, and then the first thing I did was to run and get a badge.. I wanted to share this experience with you as well.

What is a Discovery Dive?

First of all, let me state that there are many different names of the demo dive.. Those who directly use their name abroad call it discovery diving or it is called discovery diving.. As it can be understood from here, introductory diving is a type of scuba diving in shallow sea, accompanied by an instructor, by people who do not have a diving badge; it is a kind of trial, it is the first acquaintance with underwater.

It is necessary to undergo a certain training, both theoretical and practical, in order to get a diving badge.. But if you don’t know what it’s like, especially if your self-confidence is a little weak, you may not want to go headlong into training.. Before starting this training, we can say that doing an introductory dive is a good start for those who are wondering what scuba diving is like. offering the opportunity to discover vitality. For example, I did my first introductory dive in Maldives. Maldives is one of the richest and most colorful diving spots in the world.. I wouldn’t be able to go there and see with my own eyes the underwater that I’ve been watching in documentaries for years.. By the way, let me tell you, there is a lot of life you will see without diving in the Maldives or other tropical beaches.. “We put on our masks on the beach, we saw a lot of fish swimming, that’s enough.” Don’t think like that, because you see 7 layers of it in diving.


How to Discovery Dive?

First of all, you agree on the day and time with the center you have chosen to dive.. It may vary depending on the location and intensity, but it is usually very difficult to arrange a dive in the same day.. They give a day after one day at the earliest.. You will meet with the instructor on the agreed date. The instructor gives you a brief briefing before the dive.. How to communicate underwater, how to breathe correctly, how to clean the mask when it fogs up, ear equalization, etc.. Clarifies key issues such as. This information can be made before setting off, or while on a boat or boat.

After that, you enter the water with the instructor.. The first 5 minutes are spent waiting for you to adapt underwater.. This period may be longer; Don’t worry, don’t take action until you’re completely relaxed.. In the meantime, you may be expected to evacuate the mask.. If everything is going well, you can start flapping fins There is nothing to worry about during the dive.. In the introductory dive you have made with the instructor, you can go down to a maximum of 10 meters. What does this mean? If you feel bad, it will take 5 seconds to get on the water.. In addition, the trainer is always with you, moves by holding you, makes the necessary air adjustments for your balance.. You just look to your left and right and flap your fins. This is such an easy and enjoyable experience introductory diving.

You can also feel comfortable with the instructor; Not everyone who comes in front of you can be a diving instructor, they can’t! For this, they go through dozens of trainings and are put to the test.. Just as no one without a license can make an individual dive, no diver who does not have a license for discovery diving can do a discovery dive, even if he has had 1000 dives so far.. This means that the people you entrust yourself to are not only experts in diving, but also divers who have undergone special training for discovery diving.. (Photo source: Pixabay)

Who Can Do Discovery Dive?

A health problem that prevents diving Anyone who is not can do an introductory dive. If you have a serious cardiovascular or ear condition, you may need to consult a doctor for approval before diving.. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be a good swimmer, in fact, some diving centers do not even require the ability to swim, because the materials you use in diving can keep you on the surface of the water. You only need to flap your tracks to move through the water.. Being accustomed to moving and exerting effort helps you have a more enjoyable time underwater.

Different diving systems have different age limits.. The lower limit may vary as 10 or 14 years old depending on the dive center you will choose.. Generally, there is no upper age limit, but some dive centers may set the upper age limit around 55-60 years in order to avoid risk. Where You Can Dive. This is Turkey’s first underwater national park. It has a very clear sea, the view is very clear. It is home to many different species due to its rocky structure.. It is also said to be a breeding and spawning site for many of the species.. A diving experience you will have here can be unforgettable for you.

* Kaş

Although it is said that its former wealth is gone, Kaş is the number one diving center for most divers.. It is a good advantage that there are so many places where you can do an introductory dive as it is popular.. The downside is -in my opinion- it’s crowded.. Having too many people and boats in the area where you go for diving means that underwater creatures are scared away.. However, what you will see in Kaş with an introductory dive is enough to make you addicted.

* Bodrum

Another outstanding spot where you can dive in is Bodrum.. In the center, which is the choice of many local tourists for their summer vacation, diving is not the first among the activities that holidaymakers do.. I don’t think you should be one of them, if you happen to be in Bodrum, don’t leave without experiencing this experience.

* Karaburun

Karaburun, like Gökçeada, has a rocky underwater structure and a clear sea.. Therefore, it is a blessing for divers from Izmir in terms of underwater vitality.. Karaburun also has many diving schools.. It is one of the places where you can do an introductory dive with peace of mind, as well as a successful training point for those who intend to take this business one step further.

Well, have you decided to make a first in your life and do an introductory dive this summer? As I mentioned above, it is definitely not an activity to worry or fear.. I’m always the weakest link in activities like this, for some reason I can’t do it at all, I always have a setback. That’s why I say this to those who ask: If I can do it, I’m sure everyone can.

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