
From El Sumidero to San Cristobal

Flying from Mexico City to Tuxtla, the capital of the state Chipas. After a 45-minute bus ride from here, we reach the El Sumidero Canyon. We start the boat tour in the El Sumidero canyon. First of all, they put us all in life jackets.. While traveling by boat, we see eagles, vultures, various birds, bats and monkeys.. And, of course, lots of crocodiles… When we see these crocodiles, we realize that the life jackets we wear are actually just an expression.. Because if something happens to the boat, the life jackets are useless, we will definitely be eaten by crocodiles.. The canyon is quite steep and very impressive. There is also the Christopher Columbus cave inside.. After our tour in the canyon, we go to San Cristobal.

San Cristobal, one of the old colonial cities. Narrow streets, cute 2-storey houses with yellow, blue, red and pink colors…

This place is very similar to Trinidad in Cuba.. There are many beautiful boutique hotels.. Many in courtyards. Mexicans and peddlers playing local music in the center of the city add more color and vitality to the city’s colorfulness.

Most of the women who sell are quite overweight and very short.. Walking in this square and the narrow streets leading to the square gave us an indescribable pleasure.

We are coming to the front of the old church.. The church here is embroidered like lace, it’s simply magnificent. The market place in front of the church is just as colorful and beautiful.

We are visiting 2 churches here.. one is 18. century church of Fatima. Hz in the Church. jesus statue brunette. Is it because they are also black?. It is unknown if they also sculpted Jesus as a brunette.

San Cristobal has a lot of amber. Naturally, the area is full of amber stores.. Here we also spent the afternoon visiting the Amber museum and visiting the surrounding villages.

Nuik B&B in San Cristobal and Hotel Casa Selah are among the hotels you can choose during your trip with their affordable prices and easy access.

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