
From Immigrants to Australia: Life in Australia Step by Step!

Glorious days! I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about living in Australia.. Of course, we wish we never left our country But if you still say that you will immigrate to Australia, I have prepared a great interview for you.

There is an article that is not based on experience in Gorkemliyollar. ? Of course, I said If she knew about going to Australia, she would have done just that in her early 20s, Oya would know I want to introduce you to Oya Baga strong>. I have been following him on Instagram for a long time, he went to another continent in pursuit of his dreams and managed to hold on there! In addition, he not only works in Australia, he travels, attends festivals, goes to events, in short, he lives in Australia…

Now let’s listen to Australia from Oya if you want. I’m just as excited as you, because he will tell an exemplary immigration story for all of us, starting the interview

Oya Baga / From Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix / Migration Story to Australia

We are all wondering what you will tell, before you start, can you tell about yourself, how was your life in Turkey, what were you doing?

Hello everyone ! I am Oya Baga, I was born in Kırklareli, I am 21 years old. I decided to finish the last 2 years of my high school life in Istanbul and moved to Istanbul.. I graduated from the beauty and hair care department at Levent Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, but then I could not step into university life due to personal reasons.. I also started my professional life early, worked in various beauty centers and clinics, and improved myself in my profession in a short time.. I have specialized in skin care, laser epilation, weight loss, massage, and I share my knowledge on my blog from time to time.. I have about 3.5 years of experience now.

The Story of Immigration to Australia

So where did this idea of ​​living in Australia come from? Everyone is talking about it, but how did you turn it into a real plan?

The hero of this idea is Cenk after we started our relationship, Cenk always expressed that he wanted to live abroad, we started to dream slowly at that time anyway Cenk He was making plans to come to Australia and he wanted to go with me, we were both willing, I didn’t have much difficulty in making a decision, we just wanted a peaceful life away from everything frankly, even though I was in a good position and earning my own money, Turkey had become uninhabitable for me people’s rudeness Countless bad reasons such as being poor, not smiling, traffic, not being able to spare time for myself, not being able to respect private space, not being able to seek my rights when I have a problem, and not feeling free as a woman led us to take this decision.. We wanted to have a simple life inside ourselves.

What did you do first after you made the decision to live in Australia? So what was the road that took you to the visa? Did you receive counseling, did you have any acquaintances?

After Cenkle decided on this, our first job was to save money slowly. To be honest it was quite a stressful process.. After graduating from ITU mining engineering department, Cenk took the IELTS exam, the first attempt was not successful, he took the exam again and got the score he wanted.. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any acquaintances, so we didn’t consult anyone, after we decided, we didn’t tell anyone we were going except for certain people

I think you had a road map to hold on to Australia before you went to Australia.. What did you dream of, how would you survive?

Even if we made plans, we were so afraid that we could not raise the amount of money we wanted, so we arranged our accommodation for the first 4 or four days through couchsurfing before we went to Australia, then a room from airbnb for 1 week. we had a place to stay for only 11 days because the money we saved was really little.

What conditions did you need to meet briefly to get a work visa?

The Australian government’s grant to engineers We came with the new graduate engineer visa number 476. Our consultant told us that it is the easiest type of visa to come to.

Oya and Cenk / Traveling Australia

First Days in Australia

Can you tell us about your first days in Australia Brand new you were in a world, how did you feel?

I loved this question I can’t remember another time when I felt all my emotions at the same time, the only reason I was so excited and scared was not because we were moving to a new country because Australia was my first It was the country I went to, and I had a plane experience for the first time in my life, and it couldn’t have been more exciting than me

Richard from Australia, where we were going to stay for the first 4 days, welcomed us we went to his house, we were already experiencing jetlag, we were pretty tired anyway It was morning, we started to wander around the city center, we were both looking around with extremely excited and curious eyes.. I was literally feeling like a baby because there is no language, everything is new, there is so much to discover and learn that there was also fear inside me “what if” “what if we can’t hold on” there were thousands of questions like “you are doing here” I was asking myself questions I was trying to motivate by answering then I said calm down you will overcome everything together just focus on the moment don’t stress other days Richard and his girlfriend Sandy took us to the beaches of Australia and took us for a tour at his house We spent those 4 days to the fullest.

Let me present to you the blog page and Instagram account where Oya shares her beauty tips.

oyaninguzellikonerileri.wordpress.com – instagram.com/oyabagaa“

Seeing a Job in Australia

Let’s focus on your career in Australia First of all, I’m curious about your job finding story, then as a Turk, in Australia study What are the pros and cons of ?

Because I don’t speak any English, I worked as a volunteer at a charity organization called Redcross at first. While I was wandering around in the city, he saw the message that he wanted a Massage Therapist, he came to me and said, I was a little hopeless about it. “Forget it when I went to the interview and they saw that I couldn’t speak English, I said I wouldn’t be accepted.” I had low expectations. /strong>. After about 2 days of trying, I was hired directly. I didn’t really expect this at all. I was hired because I had experience..

The biggest advantage of working in Australia is that I take time for myself.. For example, the tax you pay until you earn 18,000 Australian dollars a year is paid back to you collectively in June if you earn more than 18,000 thousand tax dollars, the tax is not refunded, thus providing a level of opportunity for low-income people with high-income people.. When I look at a missing aspect from my own point of view, I am in a better position than the places I used to work.

How are the opportunities to find a job in Australia from your point of view? I mean, what do you say to someone who says I will leave Istanbul and work in Sydney?

It’s a situation that completely changes this person’s profession, I’ve heard a lot of stories here, there are people who can’t find the job they want but can speak English or on the contrary, there are those who have only experience and find a job or not.. There is a lot of work actually, but the problem is that there are a lot of people who can’t find the job they used to do because educated people come, so I have seen people who came back after being disappointed.. I can give the following advice the person who comes should be prepared for everything I think he/she should be willing to work in every job. I mean, I never say this to despair, but he may not find his own profession as he came, there is a lot of competition because there are people from all countries.

Immigrants to Australia: Oya and Cenk

Living Conditions in Australia

I am also curious about your living conditions in Australia, was it really as you expected in the first year, much more prosperous there? Is your level high ?

Even though we had financial difficulties at first, we recovered the situation in a short time and Australia turned out to be a more beautiful country than my dreams.. As I said, the money we earn is enough for us and we can throw it aside at the same time, we support our family from here With an average salary, it is possible to both travel and attend events..

I feel very free, especially as a woman, I’m not afraid when I walk the streets, this is really important to me. People respect each other, there is real peace in the city, wear what you want, no one interferes with your private life, there is respect for your personal space.. Since Australia is a country with a high concentration of immigrants, it is possible to find the food of every country here, even without going to other countries, I had the chance to learn about the culture and food of many countries.. For example, sometimes we get bored, we take materials for picnic with us, we lie down in the park and rest it’s really enjoyable it’s not over yet ! We are very happy that there are large and spacious parks where people can spend time with various music, dance festivals.

I love that second-hand goods are common here. they are good quality but cheaper, it’s great that this culture is widespread here. Australians don’t have a consumption spree, even the richest and the poorest don’t hesitate to buy second-hand items, and it’s possible to donate items you don’t use there.. Australia is a wonderful place for me.

Is it true that there is a peace in the streets and air in Australia beyond money?

Definitely I have never been in my life I am so happy and peaceful

From the Streets of Melbourne

Adapting, Difficulties and English

You have a new job, your life, what was the most difficult thing for you to adapt to? How was the English subject before it was gone, how is it now?

The only thing I had serious difficulty with was learning and speaking English. I didn’t have an iota of knowledge in English, actually I’m still not good at it, but at first I didn’t know anything, I couldn’t understand people, I couldn’t speak We call the Australian accent difficult, it doesn’t end there there are hundreds of people from different nationalities here, everyone has a different accent and I don’t have English. I’m trying to learn by working on my own and I’m trying to understand I was coming home in a bad mood in the first days of work. Thanks to Cenk, he was very supportive, but I had a hard time adapting because everything was all over again for me

When you fell into despair or “ Have you ever said, “Where am I, what am I doing?” When I thought about my reasons for coming, I recovered in a short time

How do you think the Turkish perception in Australia is? So I’m curious about the reactions when you say you’re Turkish. Do they help you

I’m lucky in this regard, I guess I’ve never heard anything bad They are very happy when I say I am Turkish they are even surprised what most people say is that your food is very good

Recommendations, Residence Permit and Citizenship

Interview 2. In the second section, we discussed being a tourist in Australia, residence permit and citizenship. You can continue reading here…

Second Part: On Australian Travel Advice, Residence Permit and Citizenship

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