
Getting Caught Smuggling the Delhi Metro

I had no intention of getting on the Delhi metro illegally, but unintentionally I got on illegally and got caught.

When traveling abroad, especially during my student years, I have gotten on illegally due to the ticket check frequency of public transportation vehicles, but I can’t do this. I usually do it consciously and aware of the risk I take.. I would definitely not find it worth a try in a place like Delhi metro where security controls are tight and there are cameras everywhere, especially in India where the ticket price is 10 rupees (45 cents).

Delhi Metro

When Elena and I set off from Jaipur to New Delhi, we had arranged our accommodation in New Delhi.. Our Indian friends had agreed to host us.. As I would continue with Siddartha towards Rishikesh, she was going to the Manu’s, and Elena was going to the house of a yoga teacher whose name I can’t remember now.. Although the houses were close to each other, the stops we were going to get off were different.

Since I could not withdraw money in Jaipur and I gave my money for the bus ticket and tuk tuk fare, I had 60-70 rupees, about 3-4 liras left.. But anyway, I’m walking around with the thought of finding an ATM when I get off.. When I stood in line for a ticket at the IFFCO Chowk subway stop, Elena said I have a card, let’s go with it.. There is something similar to the card systems we use in Turkey in the Delhi metro.. Elena got this card because she’s been to Delhi before. He had the card read, I passed, but when he had the second read it, he could not pass himself.. He gave the card to the clerk at the box office, said that he could not pass, the attendant made a few transactions and passed the card at Elena.

While I was waiting for the subway at the station, I couldn’t believe my eyes.. It was as if I had come out of that miserable India and had arrived in a completely different place.. People’s clothes, appearance and even behavior had changed.. Everyone waited in single lines to board the subway, no one got on before the people on the subway got off.. While I could not reach such a level of consciousness in Turkey yet, when I saw it in India, I said no more.. Delhi metro has both women’s and mixed wagons. Curiously, I got on the wagon reserved for women.. He probably escaped from the crowd of other wagons and when I saw a man sitting there, I realized that the incident was not such a big deal.

I said goodbye to Elena at the Khan Market station.. Since Sid and Manu were going to come and pick me up, I had to let them know, but when I got out, I had to let them know because the phone wasn’t picking up on the subway.. When I came to the turnstiles for the exit, I realized that I would have a problem, but I couldn’t predict how big it would be.. Turnstiles, unlike ours, opened when the card was swiped.. So it is impossible for me to pass without a card in my hand.. The ticket price is determined according to the distance between the stations and when I saw the turnstiles, I realized that it was deducted from the card balance on the descent, but it was too late.. I went to the security guard with all my cuteness and told me that I couldn’t log out. When he asked for my ticket, I told him that I didn’t have a ticket and my friend had it read, and he took me to their chief.

Smuggled Boarding Punishment

When I told the same story to the chief, he told me that I had to pay a fine that I could not ride as a fugitive.. So I said I didn’t ride as a fugitive and I retell the whole story from start to finish. He also said that I could not ride illegally and that I had to pay a fine.. By the way, the ticket fee is 15, the penalty for illegal riding is 100, the money on me is 70 rupees.. So I stated that I wanted to pay the ticket fee.. The chief said I can’t ride illegally again and I have to pay a fine. Well, my intention is clear, I say sell ticket, he says no.. I say I don’t have money, I won’t pay the fine. He says you will pay fine. There’s no yav. I don’t have money on me. The man says noah, not the prophet. It’s as if there are no Indians in front of me who say we can handle everything, but there is a Nazi officer.. If the system works like that, I went into slacking mode because your security guard hadn’t let me out of there.. He didn’t eat either. These dialogues were repeated 3-5 times from the beginning and lasted for about 15 minutes.. Men will call the police because they don’t believe me when I say no money. After a point I got nervous. I took out the wallet, emptied all the money in front of the man. I started to cry. I’m crying “my first time in Delhi”, “it’s my first day in Delhi I don’t know your damn system, why should I put myself in this situation in front of you for 10 rupees, sell me that ticket”. i’m crying and i’m crying. Everyone passing by on the subway is looking at me and the chief. If the cops will come, I switched to let them come, but I don’t want to fall into the Indian police station either.. A thousand and one things come to life in my eyes.

The man looked at the money that came out of my wallet.. “Where will you go when you get out of here?” he asked.. I told my friends would come and pick it up by car. Madam, it is our duty to assist you on your first day in Delhi.. I’m looking at the guy’s face, wondering if he’s kidding. man serious. Thank you I passed. If you were going to spend it, man, why did you make me cry all this time, I’m muttering to myself.

As soon as I got out, I called Manu and Sid, who are both lawyers.. They didn’t believe me when I told the story. It’s impossible, you can’t pass, they definitely won’t release, they gave a reaction like are you eating us. They said that under normal circumstances, if I didn’t pay the fine, the incident would end at the police station and I was very lucky.. They still make fun of me by saying “my first time in Delhi üüüü” whenever they think of it…

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