
Goa Travel and Travel Guide

Goa … I’m tired. I’m out of life. I’m weak. my soul has grown old. I’m still afraid. I’m hungry. I’m more worried than I’ve ever been in my life. Something happened. i don’t know what happened. I started questioning things. Mayhem, chaos, nightmare, filth, smell… Something happened. I realized the existence of a mysterious feeling in the world that I didn’t even know existed.. To all my fear and hesitation, I said, “Should we go back!” Despite my surprise, I realized something, my friend.

How can such a filthy, disgraceful, disgusting country be so impressive and beautiful? Well, it’s filthy, it’s filthy as well. Why can’t I run away. Why can’t I escape from this hell called India without even looking back, with the dust behind me, never to return? let me tell you my friend. I’m falling in love…

Palolem Beach-Goa

As I’m leaving Mumbai, I’m slowly falling in love with the country’s order and culture we used to. Neither the inexperience of those early days, nor the fear. Little by little we got used to order and chaos.. I honestly don’t understand how people come here alone.

I have to admit; After arriving in Mumbai on the first day, I would have fled India if it weren’t for Ali.. But now, I don’t want to go anywhere but India. hit me. And bad…

1. Getting Started in Goa

After 2 days in Mumbai, we head to the state of Goa, which has the most beautiful beaches in India.. After experiencing the dilemma of whether to go by train or by plane, we decided to go by plane, so we arrive in Goa after an hour and a half flight.

By the way, before reading these articles, if you are going to India. , I definitely recommend you to read my “India Travel and Travel Guide”. There I told everything I knew about India.

These Are The Ordinary Things In Goa

The plane started to descend further. As you begin, you realize that you have come to a green geography.. Everywhere is covered with palm trees. Small lakes, narrow roads, long yellow beaches.

I, who already hate the city life, realize that even though we stayed in Mumbai for 2 days, I yearn for calmness and peace.. This is actually the most important reason why we came to Goa.. Why ? Let me explain.

Roads to Goa

Goa is actually a hippie paradise, the place where the craziest parties are held. Perhaps the freest geography of India. Well, we said hippies after all.. you know. they are comfortable guys. Here is the stopover for those looking for an exotic holiday in Goa.. Also in India. Don’t be surprised right now. There is not only poverty and filth in this country. Its greatest wealth is nature after all.

Goa, which we reached after fighting by the window, has a tiny airport.. I’ll even admit it’s the smallest airport I’ve ever seen.. We are in the trouble of picking up our luggage and throwing ourselves directly at the villages and beaches.

As in Mumbai, we first pay the prepaid taxis at the airport in Goa.. A little expensive 1000 Rupees. Because we will be going to Palolem Beach which is about an hour away.. It is said that it is the most beautiful and the most peaceful place.. Where are we at peace…

The weather is still humid and hot. As soon as we put our heads outside, I feel it all over my body. As the sound of “Namaste” ends in my ear, our smiling taxi driver Hinchte crackles “Welcome.”. Soon the reason appears in my mind: Because this is Goa. The state of the happiest people, the most prosperous in India. How can these people who live in sea-sand-sun and nature not be happy…

We jump into the taxi.. A little better than the rash. We’re terrified along the way. They drive so madly that their cars, these old roads, which are like narrow country roads, are even more exciting because of the drivers who are speeding on them.

“Don’t worry.. Don’t worry. I am a good driver!” I can’t approach this situation as positively as the taxi driver who says. Then he explodes the phrase: “Incredible India. Incredible India”…

2. About Goa

Goa is a place where small villages, lush nature, lakes, birds and forests rule.” a place to say. I think the happiest place is where even your breathing changes, and the Indians, who always smile and shake their heads slightly, are happiest.. How is it possible not to notice that. State of Goa just as it says. Home of happy people.

Goa Attractions Map

I said Goa is green. That’s why the name Goa actually means “Long Grass” in Hindi.. One of the richest lands in the country in terms of biodiversity. Region with the highest per capita income in India. Why ?

Because Goa is intertwined with tourism. The most popular yoga destination on the west coast of India. Many city centers are located in the north of Goa in Goa, which still has a Latin spirit since it was under Portuguese rule for 450 years.. Actually Goa, the discovery of the 68 generation. We had those hippie brothers and sisters, you know?. What they found is a very valuable treasure.

In the past, hippie groups came to Goa for exploration and purification.. Hippies who came here because it is one of the most beautiful regions with the most beautiful beaches of India, would settle down and leave only when the monsoons came. like they had fun. The same tradition continues today.

But it’s a popular destination for tourists who try to emulate them, not hippies.. Many yoga centers and touristic facilities are still in service between October and May.

History of Goa

Goa itself was very, very different from other places I’ve seen in India. Ok, cows are sacred here, again Indian women are wearing saris, the types are similar to Indians, but this place is full of Indians who believe in Catholic religion, where you can see the traces of the Catholic religion very heavily.

The Portuguese, who came here in the 1500s, exploited these places until 1961.. Of course, they left behind many historical buildings and even their religions.

Palolem Beach-You Can’t Witness This Landscape In Too Many Countries In The World

In fact, Goa was a place known as the capital of the Portuguese Empire. Goa was what Lisbon was then.. But over time, as the Netherlands gained the upper hand in the sea, Portugal lost its former power and naturally Goa began to stay away from its former glory.

Have you just noticed; We are talking about countries like Portugal-Netherlands.. Wherever I go, these Europeans have pissed off the whole world.. Now they’re talking about human rights, you know?

Anjuna Beaches. It gets so crowded during peak season.

Still nothing has changed. They still don’t exploit. Now they are doing 21st century colonialism. For example, Switzerland is the country that does not produce any diamonds in the world and makes the world’s largest trade.. From where ? From the mines dug by the hands of the poor people in Africa.. Well, I won’t take too long.. Otherwise, I have a big bleeding wound in this regard…

This is the way the world is.. it’s like this everywhere. Here, especially as you go further, the perspective of the person changes completely.. You learn to judge from many different angles. When I was establishing this site, I said that I will tell you what I know.

So I am calling out especially to my younger brothers.. Don’t go for a walk. Travel to learn, improve yourself. Think of it as a relay race.

Palolem Goa

A documentary on television that we are already behind in these things You can understand from the insufficiency of our number, the lack of resources on the internet! When you come to such countries, do you know what the most important word you will learn will be?

“Prosperity!” Therefore, your priority should always be to increase the welfare of humanity.. Do not separate religion-language-nation. love people just because they are human. If you have these feelings, Goa or even India would be a great route for you.

3. How to get to Goa ?

How to reach Goa ? First, know this; Every beach name in Goa is actually named after that village. In other words, you will be able to reach many beaches in Goa by staying in these villages or by staying in hotels-bungalows on the beaches.. So let’s start. How will we travel around Goa !

It’s Good To Fly…

Airport ; We came to Goa by plane from Mumbai.. We used Dabolim airport. We rented prepaid taxis at the door, and went to Palolem beach, which is about an hour and a half away.

We paid 1,000 Rupees for the taxi.. If we had not hired a taxi; We could also go to Palolem Beach by bus.

We would first go to Vasco by bus, and then take another bus to Madgaon.. We could also change another bus from Madgaon and come to Palolem.. But instead of trying so hard, we decided to take a taxi directly.

If we had come to Palolem by bus, we would probably have paid half the amount we paid.. But, so that the day would not die, a taxi made more sense in order to hurry a little.

I explained how I found cheap flight tickets abroad and which search engines I used in my “Best Flight Ticket Search Engines” article.. I definitely recommend you to read it.

Train ; You can come here from cities like Mumbai-Kerala-Delhi. Your stop will be Madgaon train station.. This place is located in the south of Goa. 40 km from Palolem, 50 km from Panjim. From Madgaon, you can reach Palolem by bus.

If you are going to get off in North Goa, you will be using Thivim station.. After landing, you will go to the town of Mapusa, where you will be able to go anywhere you want by bus.

Bus ; You will use panaji terminal. From there you will go to Mapusa, then take a bus to Arambol or Anjuna. If you come to Palolem, as I said, you will come to Madgaon and take the other bus to Palolem.. It is known as the region that treats tourists best in India and I agree 100%.

Buses in India

City ; as I said, you can use all city buses. But my biggest advice to you is that if you have a driver’s license, you should definitely rent a motorbike.. The rest of traveling by motorbike in holiday resorts with such coastal towns is a big lie.

In addition, if you rent a motorbike, you can visit any village you want, and when you’re tired, pull to the right and over the yellow sands. you can sit and witness the stunning sunset.

We didn’t rent a motorbike. We were a little shy as we went to an Asian country for the first time.. Because neither of us had motor licenses.. Let’s call it anxiety. But later on, we did not travel without a motor in either Thailand or the Philippines.

In many Asian countries, the motor is as valuable as a part of the body.. Therefore, even if you do not have a driver’s license, you will not have any problems as long as you wear your helmet.. Daily motor rentals also vary between Rs 300-500.

It is very common to provide transportation by motorbike in India

We did not rent a motorbike. We were a little shy as we went to an Asian country for the first time.. Because neither of us had motor licenses.. Let’s call it anxiety. But later on, we did not travel without a motor in Thailand or the Philippines.

In many Asian countries, the motor is as valuable as a part of the body.. Therefore, even if you do not have a driver’s license, you will not have any problems as long as you wear your helmet.. Daily motor rentals also vary between 300-500 Rupees.

4. Where to eat and drink in Goa ?

What to eat in Goa ? The only place in India where we did not go hungry was Goa. Off, I wish those fish were still enough to eat until I’m full! Is it just seafood? Coconut, a wide variety of tropical fruits, shrimps, squid and colorful fish can all be tasted, 500-600 Rupees is easily enough.

Palolem Beach-Food is Delicious. Direct Beach Restaurant. It’s the only one anyway.

So something like 8-10 dollars.. This figure is actually too much.. You can eat sweets called “Bebinca” in Goa.. You can also consume “Cashew Nuts”, which are similar to cashews.. This is not just for Palolem, but for the entire state of Goa.. Whether you go to Arambol or Anjuna, you can taste plenty of these dishes in the state of Goa.

Goa- Our Always Preferred Fish

There is also a famous chef’s restaurant in Goa. It’s called Chef Soumyen’s Kitchen. We couldn’t go, we didn’t have the opportunity, but if you have time, definitely go.. A place that did not waste dozens of awards. It’s expensive in Indian conditions, but a meal will cost you around $20.

If you don’t have a problem with money, definitely stop by.. Many people recommended this place.. There are also many Italian and French restaurants in the area.. I’m not even talking about Indian food anyway. You can check out my article on the eating and drinking culture in India.

5. Accommodation in Goa

Where to stay in Goa? First of all, it is useful to think of Goa as 2 regions. North Goa is the center of entertainment, South Goa is a place of calm and tranquility.. So you decide according to your expectations.. We were the ones looking for sea-sand-sun and calmness.. We’re old, we’re old! No, that’s not why it’s not.

It’s Good to Get Wet on the Beaches of Goa-The Monsoons Sudden in Summer

we came. So there was no party, no fun. we couldn’t go. I’m throwing mud because we’re old or something. Don’t look at me. If you come across it, whatever you do, join these crazy parties.. It is very nice. Many of my friends are gone. You will not regret it. Let the sunshine !!!

If you are going to stay in the north; Crazy parties are held on the beaches of Anjuna, Baga and Calangute. So you can stay close to these places.. But you should definitely choose Anjuna.

Because it is a cleaner area than the other 2 beaches.. Speaking of festival, the thing around here is the end of December.. be your news. Daily accommodation prices are usually around 400-500 Rupees.. Click to see the hotels located in North Goa.

Goa Palolem-These are always happy

If in the South which we stayed in Palolem beach area, the address of calmness and peace. In addition, Agonda beach is another region with a very beautiful beach.. Also, South Goa is much cheaper than its north.. You can stay for 300-500 Rupees per person.. Click here for hotels in South Goa.

I explained how I stayed abroad economically, how I rented hotels-hostels and houses cheaply, in my “Economic hotel search engines” article, line by line.. I definitely recommend you to take a look.

6. Entertainment – Shopping – Nightlife in Goa

Where to have fun, shop and experience nightlife in Goa? The most important thing to know is, what is Goa? are you waiting? If “I can never do without fun!” If so, your address is North Goa. As I said Anjuna sides are nice. However, especially in December, prices are 30% more expensive.

Goa Beaches-This is a fishing town

For shopping, wherever you go, you will see small boutique shops.. Handicrafts, jewellery, colorful clothes are sold in these small boutiques.. But remember, always bargain.

As I always say, when shopping in India they try to sell a product worth Rupees 10 for Rupees 100.. They do their best, especially because they perceive tourists as “rich”.

However, you can dive at the diving centers in the region between November and April.. You can even join the dolphin watching tour organized just before sunrise in the morning.

Look, this could have been an interesting experience.. we couldn’t wake up. So we had to cancel. If you are into gambling, there are 6 casinos in Goa. Thought I’d write it in case you want to go

7. What are the places to visit in Goa?

Where to visit in Goa? Now. First of all these guys have very nice “Goa Tourism” sites. Let it always stay aside. If your English is good enough, it will be very, very useful. Click to see. As for places to visit:

There are more than 30 beaches in this state, not even counting the big and small ones.. you jump in the car. You open the windows. You take the wind behind you. Experience indescribable beauties. In the evening, you sit under the palm trees and enjoy the colorful sunset.

Goa-India (Yes, it’s so dirty. But you will see such places as well.)

Whenever I go to such places, one finds himself in a dream that he never wanted to wake up from, even for a moment.. You know, sometimes you’re torn between waking up and not waking up, but you prolong your Sunday morning as you enjoy it! Goa is such a place.

It gave me such beauty that I did not want to open my eyes, nor did I want to wake up.. I didn’t even want to get out of bed, let alone wake up.. It was so beautiful, so peaceful, so relaxing.. One of the most beautiful stops in India. Goa…

Goa Attractions Map

Goa is actually divided into 3 main regions : Goa Velha (Old Goa ), Panjim (New Goa) and Margao (Madgaon) districts make up Goa. If you want to live, relax and feel Goa to the very marrow of your bones, don’t do anything or rent a motorbike.

The daily prices were 300-500 Rupees.. It is also the most expensive. We didn’t have a license. Sometimes the cops can be fair and they want tribute. So we didn’t want to risk it. But if you have the opportunity, I say experience it 100%.

Before I tell about the places to visit, I would like to mention the regions in Goa for a little preliminary information.. Since it has a long coastline, I would like to tell you that maybe you can go to places I have not seen, or you would prefer the places I will list instead of going to Palolem. I don’t want you to deal with the same occupation.

Places To Visit In Goa-The Route We Follow

Arambol Beach :  I’m starting from the far north. I will tell you region by region in order. center of hippies. I say “Let the sunshine !” saying. that’s right here. Parties that last until the morning, endless music, dancing, fun.

This is all happening on these beaches.. Especially in December, if you throw a needle, I become a crowd that does not fall to the ground.. However, as I said, it is a little more expensive during these periods.. Let me know.

Arambol Beaches Entertainment Center

Anjuna Beach : This is party beach too. It is said that even the heaviest parties are held here.. November-March period is known as the busiest period.

As it is a popular place for travelers, accommodation costs are high during this period.. Also on Wednesdays, Flea Market, that is, the public market or the flea market, is a must-see.

Calangute and Baga : located in the south of Anjuna. This area was the first stop of those famous hippies.. Once upon a time, they used to have parties, frenemies, and even swim naked on the beach in an atmosphere of freedom. Baga has lost its former glory. Now the new generation started to flee to places like Arambol, Anjuna and Palolem beach, and we were one of them.

Baga Beaches

Panjim : Government buildings and shopping centers are always located in this area. Actually the center of the state. You can sail to the Indian Ocean with the boats that sail at sunset in the evenings.. Around 100-200 Rupees per person.

Old Goa : 16. A small town with churches and cathedrals from the 19th century. It is a place where Portuguese colonial influence is dominant and once a capital.

As for ; Se Cathedral, Palace of the Inquisition, Convent of St.. Francis of Assisi Archaeological Museum is one of the must-see places in Bom Jesus Basilica. Almost all in the same area.. So after reaching this area, you can visit all of them on foot.. I’ll be explaining them below.

Old Goa

Palolem beach : South Goa is calmer. Especially Palolem beach (meaning Paradise beach) is magnificent.. Before, if time permits, the kilometer-long beach of Colva should also be seen.

But Goa’s pupil is Palolem in the shape of a crescent moon.. It was a place where we could die of peace with its golden yellow sand, lush palm trees, colorful saris and Indians wandering on the beach, and fishermen sailing to the sea morning and evening.

The most beautiful thing is the one that has not lost its texture. There was nothing concrete on these beaches. There were only makeshift huts and businesses made of bamboo wood.. There was neither a toilet nor a bathroom.. But we were lucky. The hotel we chose had everything and was 2 minutes away from the beach.

Palolem Beaches-Goa

Our itinerary on Day 1

Palolem Beach : After a grueling taxi ride , we finally reach Palolem. On the way to Palolem from the airport, there were interesting country roads where cows blocked our way 3 times, little children going to school, narrow roads and the usual irregularity.

But we saw such beautiful beaches. which, believe me, does not care for a moment about this disorder.. The lush forests and the fascinating beauty of the palm trees were already enough for me.. It all started so well. Just as planned…

Our Indian Brother Who Always Makes Us Laugh. King of Taxi Drivers

After arriving at the hotel in the evening, we immediately throw ourselves to the beach, which is 2 minutes away.. We do not intend to miss the sunset! I have traveled thousands of kilometers to see this beauty that soothes the soul while changing from red to orange. At that moment, when you look at the photos for a long time in front of your eyes, you feel very different when you come to the place you dreamed of!

I don’t know how to explain it!. You feel like you’ve accomplished something very important. The Indian Ocean in front of it, the endless palm trees behind it, the summer months…

Not without meeting the Indian children playing ball on the beach just as the sun is setting and having a little chat with them! When you come to a country, the first thing you should do is talk to the children.

They are the smiling faces of a country.. Just like 12-year-olds, we enjoyed this beautiful beach, running ball with them and breathing.. we are tired. we’re out of breath. But we had a lot of fun.

I’ve even included a video I took with the kids so you can see it.. Back then, Galatasaray had a match in Turkey.. This video I shot for support is one of the most memorable moments of my India trip.. I think those were the rare days when I laughed the most and had fun with feeling.. These are always happiness!

After the first day’s road fatigue and tiredness from playing matches, we say let’s have a nice meal in the evening.. After eating wonderful fish in the restaurant where we sat with the sound of the waves, we lie on the beach and enjoy ourselves.. I don’t notice something. Were there that many stars in the sky ?

Our Day 2 route

South Goa: We wake up early in the morning. Today we will explore the beaches nearby. We do not dare to rent a motorbike. I’m saying! We were timid back then. There was anxiety.

So we don’t risk it, we rent a small car. A makeshift, old-fashioned vehicle. Our bargain, which started with “Brother 2.000 Rupees”, ends up with 1.000 Rupees at the end.. A lot of money in country terms. But there is nothing to do. While I’ve come this far, those beaches cannot be explored before.

After leaving Palolem, I don’t know how to describe the beauties I saw along the way.. What we saw yesterday on the way from the airport in North Goa to Palolem was just the beginning.

The real beauties are in South Goa. I wouldn’t believe if they said. We cross the Kali River and travel the area up to Mountain Beach and then Nature Beach.. The beaches, trees and nature we see along the way are so beautiful!

Our driver is also a magnificent man. Although he always turns on foreign music to the end and does not make us feel peaceful, it still makes us laugh all the time.

Even while we are having fun with the monkeys trying to take the coke we have while passing through the forest, it is better than us. laughing a lot. Why ? Because people are much happier here than in all other states of India !

After traveling for about 6-7 hours, we now decide to go back. If you happen to be here, don’t get hung up on the names of the beaches.. All roads pass along the coasts anyway, and you can turn right in the view you want and enjoy nature.. So just come all the way from Palolem to Nature Beach.

If you have time, you can go further south. But as I said, all the beaches in this geography are magnificent.. You will also see plenty of churches in many villages you visit.. Many churches will look exactly like the photo I’ve attached below.. Goans are religious people.

Churches Located in Goa

In the evening, as the day slowly begins to rest, “Let’s go back and enjoy Palolem a little longer.” we say. The landscapes we see while turning are the kind that one cannot let go.. How beautiful it is to live, how beautiful different worlds are, how beautiful Asia is…

After we return to Palolem, we see a crowd. We start by saying no. The waters receded 20-30 meters. We are walking barefoot this time in the area where the sea was just yesterday. offffff. Anyway !

Then I realize what the crowd is doing. They use the fishing system that is prohibited in our country.. After throwing the nets 200-300 meters in the open, they drive the nets by using the ropes they pull from both sides and all the fish in the area are dragged ashore by crawling from the dredged area.. This method, which is very common especially in underdeveloped countries, is banned by many countries, mostly because it harms fish nests.

We start with the fishermen.. After more than 1 hour of hauling, the part of the net known as the bag finally reaches land.. They catch up to 50 kilograms of squid and some fish.

By the way, Indian Ocean squids are not as tasty as ours.. I think it’s because of the salt in the sea. It’s a bit like a lake. Where are our Fethiye fishes… I have attached the video below for you to see how the Goans are fishing.

We got a little tired today, as we traveled well during the day and woke up early.. We say wander around the beach and lie down for a while. Then a man approached. He directly said in Turkish: “Gentlemen, do you have a lighter? “

We are also used to it, as if we come across one of our places every day in Goa, India, I don’t know how many kilometers away from Istanbul. ” we said. At that moment the coin fell. We started the conversation and we met with brother Şahin…

Brother Şahin, a former white-collar employee who went on a world tour. Although he went back to work after his world tour, but I wanted it to be as if I was talking about it at that moment.. He went to South America.

From there he spread to Asia and his next stop was India.. we talked as we talked. He even invited us to dinner in the evening and we ate in a very nice atmosphere consisting of Spanish-Israeli and us Turks.. The world is really very very small. You never know where or with whom you will meet.. Let me also greet my brother Şahin from here….

Sahin Abi (The Long Bearded One) We Met in Goa and other travelers

3. Our Day Route

North Goa: Today is our last day in Goa and we’re visiting the Old Goa area we are planning to travel. Then we will go to the , airport and fly to our next stop, Jaipur.. Reaching the Old Goa area by taxi, 16. We are planning to see this area where there are churches and cathedrals from the 19th century.

A bitterness does not overwhelm us! If we had known it would be this beautiful here, we would surely have planned to stay much longer.. Like I said, we couldn’t tour North Goa. Maybe we should have spent 3 days there.. Next time no more.

Old Goa Region

Old After arriving in Goa, in Old Goa, which was under the influence of Portuguese colonialism and was once the capital of Goa; Se Cathedral, Palace of the Inquisition, Convent of St.. Archaeological museum of Francis of Assisi, must-see places in Bom Jesus Basilica. Almost all in the same area.. Therefore, once you reach this area, you can visit all of them on foot.

After walking around Old Goa for 3-4 hours, it was time to slowly head to the airport.. We were on the road to Jaipur, with a bitterness in me, with the beautiful memories I left behind me.

Those children with smiling eyes, always warm-blooded people, immaculate Goa, with its nature and fascinating beaches, would be one of the places I will never forget in my life.

Despite all the filth of India, it is one of the rare places that offers you the beauties that open your heart when called, This was the end of our route and it made me come back in the best years of our lives with the best memories.. Goodbye Goa. I promise I will get back to you again…

8. How many days to stay in Goa?

Let me admit. “Sea. How many days should I stay in Goa? If you ask me, I think “You should stay at least 1 week!” i would say. I do not know. For some reason I loved Goa very, very much.. Maybe I love going to cities like this when it comes to sea-sand-sun because it’s from Fethiye, and when it’s a cheap holiday destination.


So honestly, I suggest you stay as long as you can. we were 3 days. It was very difficult to leave Goa.. If you have the opportunity, I would say stay at least 3 days each in both South Goa and North Goa.

9. Things that should not be done in Goa

There are so many things that must be done in Goa! In fact, only for Goa, “10 must-see beaches.” I can even write a letter. But still, I’ll list as many things as I can to see and experience while in Goa.

Goa-India (These are always happy. )

  • Without staying in Palolem Beach
  • Without renting a motorbike and traveling all over Goa from start to finish
  • If you can’t rent a motorbike, rent a car and see all the beaches
  • If you go during the season, without having fun at the parties on the beaches of North Goa
  • If you go in the summer, without getting wet in the summer rain
  • Without mingling with the people of Goa and chatting with them
  • without tasting the caught seafood (especially the grills are great)
  • Visiting the Old Goa region and seeing the daily life of the Goans
  • Without enjoying the sunset on the beaches
  • Tasting Indian food
  • Before playing ball with the children on the beach
  • While you’re here, don’t come back before you’ve been in for at least 3 days

. Goa, which is one of my favorite places in India, is one of the places I would go once again if I had the opportunity.. Goa was a wonderful place where I could walk under the lush palm trees hanging over the country roads, chat with the Goans, play ball with the Indian children on the beaches, grab my evening beer and enjoy the sunset for hours. “Go.” Before the world is fully explored, if you go to India, especially Mumbai, I would definitely say stop by Goa.

10. When to go to Goa?

When to go to Goa? November-March is known as the ideal time to come to Goa.. “The weather is both beautiful and more suitable for sea lovers,” say Goans, who always smile. The best time is the end of December, which is the new year time.

The best time to go to Goa, especially from November to March

Goa, where especially party lovers come running, welcomes travel lovers from all over the world during this period.. If you come here in the summer like us, you will have 2 advantages: First, the prices are much cheaper than other periods.. The other is you can enjoy getting wet in the summer rain…

11. What are my suggestions for you that I did not do in Goa?

  • Since we stayed for 3 days, I couldn’t tour every inch of Anjuna-Calangute and Candolim beaches in North Goa
  • I couldn’t rent a motorbike and visit the villages one by one

Sadhus – India

  • I couldn’t take yoga classes. Goa is known as one of the most ideal places to study yoga in India.
  • I couldn’t sail to the Indian Ocean by boat to see the dolphins.. It wasn’t the season.
  • I couldn’t have the party-fun. As I said, we were after peace.

12. My Goa Travel warnings

  • If you go during the summer months, monsoons can hit suddenly
  • Make sure you have a driver’s license if you rent a motorbike. Cops can be coyotes.
  • Never shy away from local restaurants because of their looks.. It is delicious.
  • Sellers try to sell products worth 10 Rupees for 40-50 Rupees.
  • Taxis are expensive during peak seasons.. If there is an opportunity and you know how to drive, be sure to rent a motorbike.
  • It can take hours to go from one place to another.. Don’t be fooled by the map. The roads are bad.

Goa-India (One of My Happiest Moments)

Human, Sometimes he doesn’t want to return from the cities he went to.. He finds himself. He is melting into peace. “They used to say that the world was beautiful, but I would not have thought that it would be this beautiful!” those fascinating lands.

I Wrote Dozens of Articles About India. These are:
1. Mumbai travel guide

2. Taj Mahal Agra travel guide
3. India travel guide
4. Places to visit in India
5. Jaipur travel guide

Here is Goa, one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. For some reason, it was a state in India that I fell in love with, with its nature, beaches, forests and people.. It was very, very difficult to come back from Goa. But I promised myself. That one day I will go to Goa again. next stop. India’s city of palaces. jaipur. You can continue with Jaipur Travel Guide.

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