
Gocek Bays and Beaches: 16 Most Beautiful Spots

The coastline of Muğla is approximately 1480 km.. Muğla, which has the longest coastline in Turkey, has beautiful bays and beaches.. Believe me, if you try to visit all the bays and beaches in Muğla, I think it takes at least 1 month.. Gocek has had its share of this coastal length exceptionally well.. From the islands to the bays, from the beaches to the turquoise waters, Göcek has almost everything about sea tourism. We discovered the beauties of Göcek by taking a Boat Tour. In this article, I will give detailed information about Göcek Bays and Beaches and share the beauties of the blue paradise Göcek with you.

Note: Before I start my article, Göcek Bays and Beaches I want to make 2 distinctions at the point. The first is coves and beaches that can be reached by car the second is coves and beaches that cannot be reached by car, that is, there is no land access. Below is the list, you can plan your holiday accordingly.

Gocek Bays and Beaches You Can Go by Car:

  • D-Marin Blue Point Beach
  • Ayten Bay
  • Osman Ağa Beach
  • Inlice Beach
  • Kille Bay (You go to a certain place by car, then walk)
  • Bedri Rahmi Bay (You go to a certain place by car, then walk)

Gocek Bays and Beaches That Cannot Be Traveled By Car (No Land Access):

  • Göcek Island Bays
  • Yassıca Islands
  • Tersane Island Bays
  • Domuz Island Bays
  • Cleopatra Hamam Bay
  • Aquarium Bay
  • Göbun Bay
  • Yavan Su Bay – Martı Bay
  • Sıralıbük Bay
  • Paradise Bay

Gocek Bays Map

Gocek Bays Map:

  • Blue Point Beach
  • Ayten Bay
  • Osmanağa Bay
  • Inlice Public Beach
  • Göcek Island
  • Yassıca Islands
  • Kille Bay
  • Bedri Rahmi Bay
  • Sıralıbük Bay
  • Hammam Bay
  • Martı Bay
  • Staircase Bay
  • Gobun Bay
  • Pig Island
  • Aquarium Bay
  • Shipyard Bay
  • Gocek Bays and Beaches

    As you can see from the Göcek Bays map, there is 1 bay for every 10 people in Göcek. 🙂 Göcek has a great place in terms of bays and beaches.. Every place of Allah is beautiful, but he has given it here in terms of beauty.. With its natural beauty, untouched bays and turquoise sea, Göcek is among the most preferred routes for blue cruise lovers.

    The 12 Island Boat Tour is very famous in this region.. Anyway, let’s not go further and move on to our Gocek Bays and Beaches list.. Our first destination is Blue Point Beach, which is very close to Göcek Center.

    Blue Point Beach

    Blue Point Beach, a private beach located within D-Marin. The sand of Blue Point Beach was brought from Egypt and it is quite beautiful.. This is the only place in Göcek center where you can swim.. During the pandemic period, the entrance fee of this beach is 400 TL.. You can click this link for her Instagram account.

    Ayten Koyu

    Ayten Bay, which is one of the few alternatives to go by car and swim in Göcek, is a beautiful bay surrounded by pines.. Ayten Bay, where the shade of the pines is a natural umbrella for you, is 10 minutes away from the center of Göcek.

    There is no business in Ayten Bay, whose real name is Poruklu Bay.. No shower and WC facilities.. For WC, you have to go to the gas station in 6-7 minutes.. There is a fountain for clean water in this vicinity.. The sea of ​​Ayten Bay is quite warm and the beach is stony.. You can go down to the shore by car.. The road here is stony for the last 1 km, so it’s better to come carefully..

    Ayten Bay is a very nice place for camping. Although the facilities are limited, there are areas where you can set up your tent if you come with a supply.. We did not detect any problems in terms of security.. There may be a shortage of space in high season.. Thanks to those who come here, the wooded area is unfortunately not very clean because they are insensitive to garbage 🙁 There is no entrance fee.


    Ayten Bay is 10 minutes away from Göcek Center. You can reach by car even if the road is bad.. Let’s take you to this link for the location of Ayten Bay.

    Osman Ağa Bay

    Osman Ağa Bay, which is on the list of places to visit in Göcek, is a very beautiful bay where green and blue meet. Osman Ağa Bay, which we prefer to swim in Göcek, is a quiet and peaceful place.. It is 5 minutes away from Ayten Bay.. Frankly, we liked this place more than Ayten Bay.

    It was probably not too crowded due to the effect of the pandemic period.. Here, too, trees form natural canopy.. The sea temperature of Osman Ağa Bay was very good.. The beach was stony. The sea gets deep after 10-12 meters. There is also a fountain for fresh water here.. There are no establishments, showers or WCs.


    Osman Ağa Bay has no entrance fee.


    Osman Ağa Bay is 15 minutes away from Göcek Center. Even if the road is a bit rough, there is transportation to Osman Ağa Bay, which comes just after Ayten Koyun.. Let’s take you to this link for the location of Osman Ağa Bay.

    Inlice Public Beach and Bay

    Inlice Beach is located 6 km from the center of Göcek. This is a nice alternative to swimming in Göcek.. Inlice beach is open to the public and operated by the municipality.. The entrance fee to İnlice Beach is 15 TL per vehicle. Sunbeds and umbrellas are not included in this price.. Free shower, dressing cabin and wc. Prices at the establishment are quite reasonable.

    There are areas where you can have picnics and barbecues in Inlice Bay.. The sea water temperature of İnlice Beach is ideal, the sea can get deep in places.. Do not swim here as the stones are large on the left side of the beach.. Right side is much better. Mixed sand and gravel on the right side. This is a clean beach with rules.. It is ideal for families with children.


    Inlice Beach entrance fee is 15 TL per vehicle. 2 sunbeds and 1 umbrella cost 30 TL. If you do not want to pay the entrance fee by car, you can follow this location and park your vehicle. 😉


    There is no establishment for camping on İnlice Beach, but there are places where you can set up your own tent.. You can benefit from the management of the municipality for food and beverage.


    For the location of İnlice Beach, which is 6 km from Göcek here you can click.

    As we have finished the bays and beaches close to Göcek center, we can now sail to the bays around Göcek.. Sails foraaaaaa.

    Cleopatra Bath Bay

    The most beautiful boat in our Gocek boat tour and this was one of the most crowded bays in terms of boats.. It is truly a legendary place.. Nature and history intertwined. The reason why it is called Cleopatra Bay is because it is believed that Cleopatra, the last Hellenistic queen of Ancient Egypt, visited here.

    According to the legend; When Cleopatra came here, she had a bath built for bathing.. In fact, the cove was once called Hamam Cove because of the ruins of these baths.. It is believed that the hot water spring coming out of the ruins of the bath is the source of Cleopatra’s beauty and this water is good for skin diseases..

    NOTE: snorkeling is absolutely essential to enjoy ruined coves like this one.

    Kille Bay

    Kille Bay is one of the untouched bays in Göcek. There is a road access here, but the road is quite bad. I guess the reason why he stays a virgin is because his road is bad.. No facility vs..

    Kille Bay is completely covered with pine trees.. If you are coming to Kille Bay, a popular spot for boaters and yachtsmen, by land, do not forget to come prepared for food and drink.

    Bedri Rahmi Bay

    Bedri Rahmi Bay, also known as Taşkaya Bay, has a truly exquisite beauty.. The sheep have a small pier. There is a small fish restaurant in the bay.. This place started to be known as Bedri Rahmi Bay after the painter and writer Bedri Rahmi visited this place and drew a picture on a stone in 1974. made the figure. Although this figure drawn on the rock looks like a fish, you can see that 6 animals are hidden inside.

    You can also see the ancient rock tombs on the slopes of Bedri Rahmi Bay.. A magnificent place with everything, Bedri Rahmi Bay is one of the most popular bays of Göcek.. We definitely recommend you to add this natural wonder bay to your Göcek blue cruise route.

    Aquarium Bay

    Aquaryum Bay, this is a bay between Domuz Island and Tersane Island and has a glassy sea.. Among the bays we went on our boat tour, this was the place with the most fish.. The ruins found here are from an old lighthouse.. Be sure to bring snorkels with you in Aquarium Bay, which is the popular spot of Göcek 12 Island Boat Tours.

    Gocek Island

    Göcek Island, which is the closest island to the center of Göcek, is among the popular stops for yachts and boats.. This is a place where blue and green tango.

    There is a business in Göcek Island, where you can meet your sunbeds, umbrellas and food and beverage needs.. Apart from visiting private yachts or boats, you can also reach the island by sea taxi.

    Yassıca Islands

    Yassıca Islands, which has become the symbol of Göcek 12 Island Tours, consists of many large and small islands.. This is the indispensable point of blue cruise routes.. The Yassıca Islands have a worldwide reputation as there is a natural pool at the tip of the island.

    You can climb to the top of the island to catch the view of the island.. You can also accompany the goats by walking on the island. 🙂

    Shipyard Island


    The biggest island of Göcek, Tersane Island, got its name because it was used as a shipyard during the Ottoman period.. Of course, there is no trace of the shipyard at the moment, but there are ruins.

    There are also the remains of the old Greek settlement on the island, which was emptied after the population exchange. We did not stop here on our boat tour, we passed this place visually.

    Pig Island

    Pig Island is also known as Prince Island. It was called the island of pigs because there were once abundant wild boars on the island.. Domuz Island is also a private property and its owners are the Simav family, the former owners of Hürriyet.

    Göbun Bay

    The entrance of Göbün Bay, which is approximately 2 kilometers from Pig Island, is quite narrow.. Therefore, Göbün Bay has a sheltered beach.. There are rock tombs and ancient ruins in Göbün Bay. History lies in the depths of the sea here.

    If you want to watch the view of Göbün Bay, you can hike up to the summit.. There is a business called Gobun restaurant in Gobun Bay. If you want, you can eat and drink something here.

    Ladder Cove

    Ladder Cove A small bay between two hills just west of Göbün Bay.. There is a small beach behind it and a small path leads to Göbün bay from here.

    You can visit the village above by using the path from the shore.. You can buy local products here.

    Martı Bay

    In this bay, immediately There is a seagull figure carved on the ground by the sea.. That’s why this bay is called Martı Bay.. There is a wooden pier where boats can dock at the cove.

    The name Yavansu comes from the quality of the water coming from the mountain, the cove was named Yavansu because of its taste that only animals can drink.

    Sıralıbük Bay

    Sıralıbuk Bay, a frequent destination for daily boat tours and yachtsmen, is one of the most beautiful bays of Göcek. There is a small restaurant in Sıralıbük Bay, where fresh water and salt water meet.. You can find the location of Sıralıbük Bay with its dark blue waters at this link.

    We have come to the end of my article titled Göcek Bays and Beaches. I hope it was a nice and useful list.. I leave below general the places to swim in Göcek. If you come to Göcek and you have time, definitely take a boat tour or rent a yacht and discover the uniquely beautiful bays of Göcek..

    Places to Swim in Göcek (Beach and Bays)
    – Ayten Bay (Driveable)
    – Osmanağa Bay (Driveable)
    – Blue Point Beach (Available by Car)
    – Inlice Beach (Available by Car)
    – Cleopatra Bay and Bath (Available by Boat)
    – Bedri Rahmi Bay (Available by Boat)
    – Aquarium Bay (Available by Boat)<
    – Göcek Island (Accessible by Boat)
    – Yassıca Islands (Accessible by Boat)
    – Shipyard Island (Accessible by Boat)
    – Domuz Island (Accessible by Boat)

    Gocek and Muğla’ For my other articles about other districts of Turkey, you can check the links below.. Journeys in Musmutlu.

    • Where is Göcek & How to Go to Göcek ?
    • Göcek Places to Visit & Gocek Travel Guide
    • What to Eat in Gocek & Suggestions for Gocek Food and Drink
    • <

    • Where to Stay in Göcek & Hotel Recommendation
    • Göcek Boat Tour Recommendation & Experience

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